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Fail of Your Day



  • A better route is to ignore him, never contract him, and never speak to him again. If he emails/calls you, ignore it with no response. If he approaches you in person, tell him that you're not sure who he is, and that you don't with to speak with him.

    That will cause more rage, while simultaneously removing him.
  • This guy doesn't even seem to warrant a forum post. Just ignore and move on.
  • My dog has a pancreatic infection, never have seen a dog that sad. He should be ok but he's 10 years old, already has a knackered eye and we can't afford the medicine if it goes to cancer (point of reference our friends dogs treatment cost around £4000). Then again aside from that life is pretty peachy.
  • I've been ill since last Wednesday. It's really boring. But this is the first time I've been this ill this long while having Netflix on my iPad, so it's not as bad as it could be.
  • edited February 2015
    A dumb opinion piece. I get that it's just an opinion, but its one of the more misguided opinions I've heard recently. Large swaths of it are just plain wrong.

    One of my comments on it:

    There is no book that keeps you from reading the end if you aren’t "good enough."
    I don’t really agree with this. I mean, a book won’t literally bar you from progressing through it, but if you don’t understand complex words, then you’re not really reading the book. You might see the words but if you don’t understand them then you need to look them up and understand them in the context. As you read more then you are gaining a skill and knowledge of eventually being able to discern meanings of words from the context. That’s why things like Clockwork Orange can work with Nadsat.

    Pressing further, actually being barred from things only applies mostly to Latin based languages. Speaking off the cuff I know that in either Chinese or Japanese once you graduate school it doesn’t guarantee that you can read all pieces of text written in those languages. In fact it only opens a portion of that language to you. The rest is still inaccessible until you learn more and practice with further aspects of the language.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • MATATAT said:

    There is no book that keeps you from reading the end if you aren’t "good enough."
    I don’t really agree with this. I mean, a book won’t literally bar you from progressing through it, but if you don’t understand complex words, then you’re not really reading the book. You might see the words but if you don’t understand them then you need to look them up and understand them in the context. As you read more then you are gaining a skill and knowledge of eventually being able to discern meanings of words from the context. That’s why things like Clockwork Orange can work with Nadsat.

    Pressing further, actually being barred from things only applies mostly to Latin based languages. Speaking off the cuff I know that in either Chinese or Japanese once you graduate school it doesn’t guarantee that you can read all pieces of text written in those languages. In fact it only opens a portion of that language to you. The rest is still inaccessible until you learn more and practice with further aspects of the language.

    Novels actually have a huge barrier to entry, but it's one that we as a culture work really hard to bridge. There's a very specific set of skills involved in parsing authors like Dickens or Bronte. You need to be able to organize your thoughts and compartmentalize information in a way that takes years of training and practice to do. We don't consider it a barrier to entry simply because of it's institutionalization in our school systems, but it's there and can be prohibitive, if an individual has certain cognitive habits. I can't read Faulkner or Chaucer, but anyone with 2 gigs of RAM and an elementary school reading level can play Papers, Please.

    Also, saying that one medium is better than another is stupid. Everything has strengths and weaknesses that do or don't fit the story being told. If there was one medium that was better than all the others, we'd all be using that always.
  • Second monitor blew. I'm pretty sure it's a capacitor, but I'm not entirely sure until I pull it open to check.
  • Churba said:

    Second monitor blew. I'm pretty sure it's a capacitor, but I'm not entirely sure until I pull it open to check.

    I know those feels, hopefully it won't be one which needs to be ordered from a shady site that costs a few hundred.
  • sK0pe said:

    Churba said:

    Second monitor blew. I'm pretty sure it's a capacitor, but I'm not entirely sure until I pull it open to check.

    I know those feels, hopefully it won't be one which needs to be ordered from a shady site that costs a few hundred.
    Oh fuck no, I'm pretty sure I know those symptoms - there's not much else that'll go wrong where it's gonna flicker and squeal, other than a capacitor on the way out. Really, the two worst parts are that my backup display - an only BenQ FP937s - doesn't match my primary display or the display it's subbing in for, so it's a little annoying(no big problem, though) and that it'll cost a bit of cash to fix, and I hate unexpected expenses.
  • My father (a chef) made me a sandwich.
    It consisted of 2 pieces of white bread, 1 slice of cheese and some ham.
  • Lol, a minimalist I see.
  • I take it it wasn't made of Artisan bread, serrano ham and some fancy french cheese? I guess if he's busy cheffing all day he doesn't want to chef when he gets home.
  • sK0pe said:

    My father (a chef) made me a sandwich.
    It consisted of 2 pieces of white bread, 1 slice of cheese and some ham.

    This may surprise you, but chefs don't generally like to cook when they're not at work.
  • sK0pe said:

    My father (a chef) made me a sandwich.
    It consisted of 2 pieces of white bread, 1 slice of cheese and some ham.

    This may surprise you, but chefs don't generally like to cook when they're not at work.
    Much like carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc... Or as one mason I know likes to say, "I can't afford to hire myself."
  • edited February 2015

    sK0pe said:

    My father (a chef) made me a sandwich.
    It consisted of 2 pieces of white bread, 1 slice of cheese and some ham.

    This may surprise you, but chefs don't generally like to cook when they're not at work.
    I know since my Dad seems to live on the plainest of foods but when he goes all out he really goes all out.

    It still surprises me from day to day.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • I don't know why, but for some reason I read that the first time as "My dad seems to live on the planet of foods."
  • You ain't the only one.
  • Three car have gone off the road into our yard today.
  • Steven Universe fans are making "Gemsonas". It's exactly what it sounds like. This fandom is accelerating through the stages of fandoms faster than I anticipated.
  • Lets hope it doesn't get to "otherkin" or "mediakin" levels.
  • What the hell is other kin? I had a conversation with one of my brothers friend who is an other kin. I had to walk away, felt like an old man.
  • He thinks he's actually a wolf/fox, and possibly Naruto. Literally.
  • Amp said:

    What the hell is other kin? I had a conversation with one of my brothers friend who is an other kin. I had to walk away, felt like an old man.

    Don't feel like an old man, he's weird. He believes he is in fact some animal trapped in a human body.
  • AmpAmp
    edited February 2015
    Yep Im done. I can handle pretty much anything that the internet throws at me but that is a bridge to far.

    Edit; I mean how does someone even get to that point?
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited February 2015
    Generally they seem to be the type who aren't transgender, gay, mentally ill, disabled (not that those are the same thing) or anything that would set them apart and make them feel special, so they have to make shit up. Multiple systems is even worse, and seems to go hand in hand with otherkin, wherein they believe they have other imaginary friends living in their heads. Not only are they making shit up to get attention, but they seem to envy those with schitzophrenia/Multiple Personality disorder which are real tragic illnesses and not some game you play on Tumblr to feel special.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Bought a new set of tri-ply Calphalon cookware at Bed Bath and Beyond. Because I spent so much I got a free bonus pan... Made of aluminum... Which is not compatible with my induction stove top... Which is why I bought the tri-ply.
  • I was always dubious of induction tops specifically because much of my cookware is incompatible with them.
  • I have a 3qt pan and a wok that are stainless with a high iron content. I used the pot to boil some water today, it boils fast. Changing the heat setting is immediate as with gas. When I was all done the cook top was warm but not burning hot.

    I have been warned that cheaper pans can hum on an induction coil.

    When I get home I will season the frying pans properly.
  • Rym said:

    He thinks he's actually a wolf/fox, and possibly Naruto. Literally.

    Or an angel, demon, dragon, celestial body, etc. I've spent way too much time on r/TumblrInAction.

    Any time on r/TumblrInAction is too much time.
  • edited February 2015
    I haven't been to TumblrinAction for a long time. I remember when it was progressives having a laugh people who had well and truly gone off the deep end. Nowdays, it's basically the home of MRAs, Bio-troofs mean wimmins is weak, dumb and hysterical, some right-wing/libertarian/ancaps, and all the people who hate and fear women enough to be in gamergate, but don't like video games that much.

    While Kotakuinaction is the home of Gamergate, TiA has become the representative and mascot for Reddit's general anti-progressive, anti-feminist right-wing stance.
    Post edited by Churba on
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