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Fail of Your Day



  • BLM decries library's anti-racism policy as racist after they were barred from holding their meeting there because BLM barred Caucasians from attending. I think the best quote is, as rather than just open their meetings to all comers, BLM announced, "Due to White Supremacy in our local government, this week's BLM General Body meeting location has been changed."
  • Churba said:

    So, after everything is said and done, the computer I bought off a friend is extremely underpowered and if I want to play anything that came out from 2014 onward I need to gut it and upgrade... basically everything.

    On the upside, at least you can spread the cost out over time, rather than taking the hit all at once. And some of those parts are probably still useful.
    Yeah, post specs.
  • My dog is extremely ill. She's off to the emergency vet right now, but realistically she's been quite ill since before Christmas, recently had a severe kidney infection. It doesn't look too great.
  • edited February 2016
    Churba said:

    My dog is extremely ill. She's off to the emergency vet right now, but realistically she's been quite ill since before Christmas, recently had a severe kidney infection. It doesn't look too great.

    I know those feels from both sides of the consulting table.
    Hope she ends up being a simple and treatable case.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • sK0pe said:

    Churba said:

    My dog is extremely ill. She's off to the emergency vet right now, but realistically she's been quite ill since before Christmas, recently had a severe kidney infection. It doesn't look too great.

    I know those feels from both sides of the consulting table. Hope she ends up being a simple and treatable case.
    Don't know at this point. She's in the veterinary hospital overnight right now, they're doing blood work and all the usuals while keeping an eye on her.

    More than a little annoyed - I've been saying we should take her to a proper vet for quite some time, but instead it was determined that it's just her back being sore and the pain putting her off her tucker, so they proscribed acupuncture and pointless Chinese herbal nonsense pills for, to quote the bottle, "Expelling wind-damp to disperse painful obstruction(bi), activate the blood and dispel stasis, tonify the liver(gan) and kidney(shen)". Finally got her on some antibiotics for the kidney infection, finished the full course recently, but she was clearly still ill - but no, back to square one of "Well, she finished the antibiotics, must just be her back."
  • Next you're gonna tell me the vet wants to balance her humors.
  • Next you're gonna tell me the vet wants to balance her humors.

    Actually they probably should have done that. Bloody creature tells the filthiest jokes, she needs to level it out with some more normal materiel.
  • Ten centimeter mass in her abdomen, and a tumor on her spleen. The latter has a slow bleed. Surgery is not an option, and will only give her a few months. I have to take everyone to the hospital now, to say goodbye and give her some comfort.
  • Sorry for your loss, and Godspeed to your dog.
  • That's a little misleading. The website was hacked, and a few of the download links were changed to provide .isos with some malicious code added.
  • Churba said:

    Ten centimeter mass in her abdomen, and a tumor on her spleen. The latter has a slow bleed. Surgery is not an option, and will only give her a few months. I have to take everyone to the hospital now, to say goodbye and give her some comfort.

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  • Sorry for your loss, and Godspeed to your dog.

    Greg said:

    I'm sorry for your loss.

    Thanks guys. Got to spend some time with her before they floated her off on a cloud of methadone. No pain, no troubles, nothing like that. Managed to hold it together enough that she cheered up and wasn't sad, scared, or feeling sorry for herself. It was all real peaceful and calm, she could hardly have asked for better. It was the best option of a bunch of bad options.
  • Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    Churba said:

    My dog is extremely ill. She's off to the emergency vet right now, but realistically she's been quite ill since before Christmas, recently had a severe kidney infection. It doesn't look too great.

    I know those feels from both sides of the consulting table. Hope she ends up being a simple and treatable case.
    Don't know at this point. She's in the veterinary hospital overnight right now, they're doing blood work and all the usuals while keeping an eye on her.

    More than a little annoyed - I've been saying we should take her to a proper vet for quite some time, but instead it was determined that it's just her back being sore and the pain putting her off her tucker, so they proscribed acupuncture and pointless Chinese herbal nonsense pills for, to quote the bottle, "Expelling wind-damp to disperse painful obstruction(bi), activate the blood and dispel stasis, tonify the liver(gan) and kidney(shen)". Finally got her on some antibiotics for the kidney infection, finished the full course recently, but she was clearly still ill - but no, back to square one of "Well, she finished the antibiotics, must just be her back."
    If this was a Veterinary surgeon who didn't recommend imaging or antibiotics after no response to initial signs in the first 7 days of treatment, I would highly recommend reporting this Vet to the Veterinary Surgeons Board of Queensland. You will likely be prompted to try and work it out with the Vet clinic in writing.

    If the patient was over 7 years old with no change in diet in the history and no antibiotics or imaging work up strongly recommended it's just fucking negligence. Using alternative therapies on most Veterinary cases as primary treatments is a recipe for failure. I haven't had one case got to "alternative medicine" and not come back to me worse for wear or simply for euthanasia.

    Their argument to not be stripped of their license will be that the patient most likely had a haemangiosarcoma where all you can do is a palliative removal of the spleen and wait for the tumour to come back somewhere else in a few months (as it is very aggressive).

    The counter to that argument is that they simply did not diagnose an issue which a 4th year vet student should be able to do via physical exam or do any imaging which would have revealed it immediately. Leaving the patient with no improvement, palliation or offer of euthanasia and instead letting the patient continue with degrading symptoms, nausea and generalised abdominal pain (an earlier euthanasia would have been more appropriate with opiate pain relief).

    Your description is quite infuriating, especially the "back pain" not being linked to the GI problems, back pain itself is hardly ever present in 4 legged animals, it is 90% always an abdominal issue and is even in textbooks and exam questions.

    One of the main reasons I left the profession, clinics prefer to keep idiots on staff who will accept the income of a nurse and bosses who do not want to value experienced Veterinarians. Often you'll get immature or self entitled Vets who straight up lie to you so that they don't look bad or less knowledgeable because hardly anyone makes complaints to the board. As a non practitioner, accompanying my Mum's cats to local Vets and pretending to not be in the know I've filed 2 complaints which had 1 Vet fired and 1 clinic put on notice just through me recognising small mistakes and major mistakes which people lay people may gloss over or not feel the need to report (but were legally very serious).

    Memories of her will make you feel like shit for quite a while but the same ones will make you feel happy later on.
  • edited February 2016
    sK0pe said:

    Memories of her will make you feel like shit for quite a while but the same ones will make you feel happy later on.

    Thanks man, I'm cool. I miss her, it hurts, but I'm okay. Death isn't new, and I knew I'd outlive her, even if she got real old for a dog - People always say things like "I should have played with her more, I should have taken them for more walks, I should have pet her more", so instead of waiting until it's too late for anything but wishes, just always did when I had the opportunity. I know I gave her the best run I could, no regrets, we were good mates even if she was a rotten shit sometimes.

    I already know there's no point beating myself up for not doing more to ensure she was alright when her medical care was not in my control - I didn't even choose the vet. I pushed, I made my opinion known, and by the time they took it, it would have been too late - a ten by ten mass doesn't show up in six weeks, after all. That's okay - it's not their fault, they didn't know better. I can't hold it against them, they should have listened, but they did what they thought was the right thing to do even if it wasn't, and that's all that can be asked.

    I feel sorry for the vet, too. Yeah, it's part of the job, we all know, but she was clearly pretty broke up about it, poor thing.
    sK0pe said:

    If the patient was over 7 years old with no change in diet in the history and no antibiotics or imaging work up strongly recommended it's just fucking negligence.

    I won't lay out the detail of the case here, but I was considering it based on things you've said in the past - I'm not sure you entirely realize how much vehemence you speak with when you've mentioned negligent vets. In fact, I've been considering it for some time - I mean, fucking acupuncture and non-veterinary herbal medicine for animals? Either they're fobbing us off, which is fucking unacceptable, or they're incompetent, which is worse. I'll speak to you further about it, maybe in a little time - I'm okay, but that doesn't mean I want to rip the scab off quite yet.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Like Ringo Starr before me, I've got blisters on me fingers. Unlike Ringo, it is on account of my fingers being unaccustomed to bass strings, rather than drum sticks. I tried to just power through it, because that worked when my guitar callouses were forming, but the bass strings fuck them up too much.
  • Daikun said:

    Anti-violent video game politician has been arrested for gun trafficking and working with the Chinese Mafia.

    Also, look what he's holding in his hand in the picture. How fitting...

    Wow! This was a couple of years ago when I posted this. My, how time flies...

    Anyway, now he's serving five years.
  • I have a coworker who is crazy. He is all obsessed with getting the "maximum nutritional value" out of the things that he eats. Last week he bought an organic steak, and ate pieces of it RAW (uncooked), because he believed that cooking it eliminates some of the nutritional value.

    This week he has gone all-in on raw milk. I made an effort to explain that it's a bad idea, but his main argument is that if the farm is clean and kept in good condition, and the cows are grass-fed and treated humanely, then the risk of infection and bacteria are reduced to a negligible level. He refuses to accept the CDC or FDA website information on it, because he says the government has a vested interest in ensuring that the masses don't discover this incredible thing.

    Is there another, non-government resource I could point him to? I swear I saw a fantastic video that spelled out the raw milk dangers very well (possibly from something like the Daily Show or Penn and Teller's Bullshit?), but I can't find it now. It essentially was about some experts proving to raw-milkers that it's no good, and they all insisted they would keep drinking it because "they just have this feeling that it's better", or something like that.

    I know that trying to convince the crazies that they are crazy is a fool's errand, but now I just want to find this stuff more for my own further edification.
  • That person is beyond hope. I highly doubt any source would not be treated with the same conspiratorial skepticism...
  • "Here's a medicine. It is quite effective. This other medicine might be slightly more effective according to some, but there is also a better chance it has poison in it. Which do you drink?"
  • RymRym
    edited March 2016
    UncleUlty said:

    He refuses to accept the CDC or FDA website information on it, because he says the government has a vested interest in ensuring that the masses don't discover this incredible thing.

    Harp on that point.

    1. How could the government run such a vast conspiracy of fake food poisoning data?
    2. What is the end goal of said conspiracy?

    Make him answer on what "vested interest" the governments of all industrialized nations on Earth have in hiding this "fact" that raw milk is better for you, and that cooking food is bad.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • UncleUlty said:

    I have a coworker who is crazy. He is all obsessed with getting the "maximum nutritional value" out of the things that he eats. Last week he bought an organic steak, and ate pieces of it RAW (uncooked), because he believed that cooking it eliminates some of the nutritional value.

    This week he has gone all-in on raw milk. I made an effort to explain that it's a bad idea, but his main argument is that if the farm is clean and kept in good condition, and the cows are grass-fed and treated humanely, then the risk of infection and bacteria are reduced to a negligible level. He refuses to accept the CDC or FDA website information on it, because he says the government has a vested interest in ensuring that the masses don't discover this incredible thing.

    Is there another, non-government resource I could point him to? I swear I saw a fantastic video that spelled out the raw milk dangers very well (possibly from something like the Daily Show or Penn and Teller's Bullshit?), but I can't find it now. It essentially was about some experts proving to raw-milkers that it's no good, and they all insisted they would keep drinking it because "they just have this feeling that it's better", or something like that.

    I know that trying to convince the crazies that they are crazy is a fool's errand, but now I just want to find this stuff more for my own further edification.

    So, this shit is literally my job.

    And in the 11 years I've been doing this job, and spreading information, and discussing, and advocating, and educating, the problem has only become worse.

    The more information we put out and the more evidence we gather, the more entrenched the pro-raw movement becomes, and the more momentum it gains.

    I officially gave up about 2 years ago. I can no longer engage with people who do not want to listen to evidence and legitimate experts.

    So, in my professional opinion - let it go. They're completely wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  • Thanks guys. I figured that 'he's beyond help' was the answer here.

    He brings up wrong opinions regarding things like this all the time, and while I know that he's wrong and this stuff is bad, I just don't have any of the facts or resources at hand to back it up, so I felt inadequately prepared to deflect his points.
    Rym said:

    Make him answer on what "vested interest" the governments of all industrialized nations on Earth have in hiding this "fact" that raw milk is better for you, and that cooking food is bad.

    His argument here is that in order to mass-produce food products, the agriculture industry has to sacrifice quality, humane living conditions for animals, and cut various other corners all around. And he thinks that if people are aware of the health benefits of certain things, then mass producing poor quality food products won't be viable anymore. Quality must go up, therefore price must also go up, to the point where it isn't accessible to the lower classes. And since raw milk has a very short shelf-life, it would be drastically more expensive to keep fresh milk in stores.

    His biggest rallying point has been that the government is using pretty much every resource they have available to keep citizens dependent on their services. He also won't buy health insurance because he believes that most medicine is specifically designed to perpetuate the use of more medicine.

    (Though to be fair, he spent many years living in Russia, where some of his paranoia about the government may actually be true.)
  • Where he's coming from isn't necessarily crazy, as there definitely are some inhumane living conditions for animals and other things in large scale farming that aren't so great. That doesn't mean organic non-gmo whatever products are automatically more nutritional.

    The problem with the whole "big pharma" conspiracy is that even if you can argue that in some cases they might have more of an incentive to treat symptoms rather than cure illnesses, its not like they need to keep us sick in the first place. They aren't going to run out of customers any time soon. Even if they did cure many deadly diseases, people are going to keep getting sick for the foreseeable future.
  • So immediately after getting my 12 string back from its pick up installation I start in to work on my next release and learn that the pick up on my six string isn't working. Don't know if it's the pickup itself or the wiring, but either will require it to go to the shop because that guitar is too fancy for me to risk opening it up myself.
  • So, this shit is literally my job.

    Do you know if, in addition to the oft mentioned bad effects of raw milk, it also make farts smell worse? I knew a guy that got real into "natural" things, and there were definite spikes in his odor after that.
  • Ruffas said:

    So, this shit is literally my job.

    Do you know if, in addition to the oft mentioned bad effects of raw milk, it also make farts smell worse? I knew a guy that got real into "natural" things, including drinking raw milk, and there were definite spikes in his odor after that.
  • I mean, medicine is sort of designed to perpetuate its use - because it makes you live longer so you can get sick again.
  • I mean, medicine is sort of designed to perpetuate its use - because it makes you live longer so you can get sick again.

    Pretty much. If the conspiracy is to keep the cure to cancer secret to make money off the ineffective treatments, its pretty dumb not to just sell them cure and then continue to make money off of them.
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