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Our New Puppies!

edited November 2008 in Everything Else
We brought our two dachshund puppies home on Saturday. The darker one is the female, the lighter one is the male. As you can see, they are adorable! They are spunky, cuddly, and too brave for their own good. ^_^ We have narrowed down our name choices to two options and we would love to hear your votes.
Option #1: Bowie (for the boy) and Lennox (for the girl) - taken from our favorite androgynous musicians from the UK David Bowie and Annie Lennox (not only are they great musicians, but they each have a "geek connection" David Bowie was in Labyrinth and Annie Lennox wrote an ending theme for one of the Lord of the Ring movies)
Option #2: Malcolm a/k/a Mal (for the boy) and Zoë (for the girl) - taken from the Firefly characters Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds and First Officer Zoe Washburne
We were also toying with the names Cnaiur and Esmi based on characters from the Prince of Nothing series, but it was our least favorite of the three options.
Pictures and better video will follow tomorrow.


  • So cute! I vote for Option 1. David Bowie is the man.
  • Option 1.

    Good luck with the dogs. Personally I think keeping animals in the home is a bit medieval, but whatever floats your boat.
  • Option 2 all the way! Did you guys have a puppy shower?
  • Option 1.

    Good luck with the dogs. Personally I think keeping animals in the home is a bit medieval, but whatever floats your boat.
    I suppose that makes my parents barbarians as they currently have seven dogs.
  • What the fuck happened to the "Cnaiur, Breaker of Horses and Men, Most Violent of All Puppies" option? I was really looking forward to that.

    Oh, never mind, I read the rest of the post.

    I'm still voting for Cnaiur, though.
  • Scott and Ramona?
    I'll cast a vote for option 2 otherwise. They look so cute.
  • Scott and Ramona?
    I'll cast a vote for option 2 otherwise. They look so cute.
    Adam and I do not like Scott Pilgrim that much. We don't hate it. It is cute, but we aren't avid fans.
  • Option 2. Firefly ftw.
  • I'm jealous. Congrats and I'm going w/ Viga and Andrew. Firefly > Bowie.
  • Option 2. Then they can meet James and Lisa's Wash.
  • Yeah option 2. Although I would second the Scott and Ramona one too.
  • Option #1. What kind of evil person would deny their pet the right of being named "Bowie" instead of an inferior name?
  • Option #1, definitely.
  • I vote for Option 2. Also, why isn't there a forum poll so the votes can be quantified without hard work?
  • Option #2. It might be geekier, but they're just better names.
  • Please re-vote using the poll. Thanks!
  • I say Malcolm and Lennox personally, but that's disregarding the connection between the two sets of names.
  • Ooooh, they are both so cuuuute! I can't wait to meet them on game weekend. As for names, I vote Bowie and Lennox.
  • BUMP
    We need to name them A.S.A.P.
  • BUMPWe need to name them A.S.A.P.
    It's 5:30 AM on the West Coast. I'm only at the computer this early in the morning because I'm working overtime. Give it at least half the day before the other forumites respond.

    However, make sure to name them Mal & Zoe. ^_~
  • BUMPWe need to name them A.S.A.P.
    It's 5:30 AM on the West Coast. I'm only at the computer this early in the morning because I'm working overtime. Give it at least half the day before the other forumites respond.

    However, make sure to name them Mal & Zoe. ^_~
    I will, it was just half way down the page and it was already early in the day. I didn't want to loose it to the no-man's land of the second page.
  • ......
    edited November 2008
    I just returned from shopping! I went with option 2. This because I think Zoë is a far better name than Lennox. Using last names to name your pet is silly if you ask me.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Isn't Lennox as a given name normaly male? Like Lennox Lewis?
  • Isn't Lennox as a given name normaly male? Like Lennox Lewis?
    So is River, but I plan to name my daughter River. I have such a common name - it has taught med to like uncommon names.
  • So is River, but I plan to name my daughter River. I have such a common name - it has taught med to like uncommon names.
    Maelbogia is a fine name.
  • edited November 2008
    Cute things our puppies have done:

    - Gone from being afraid of a step in our new place to taking flying leaps (and often foolishly dangerous ones) on and off our bed.
    - Go racing through the house chasing each other and slamming into walls only to ricochet off and do it over and over again. It sort of sounds like skeeteryskeeteryskeereryskeeteryTHUD.
    - Stand on their training pads and pee or poo off the edge. (They try so hard, but they're also long...)
    - The boy has decided if it can go near his mouth, it must be chewed. If it can be chewed, it must be ragdolled. If it can be chewed and ragdolled, then it is obviously good to swallow. Said progression will also end in doggie-barf since said items are usually cardboard and fuzz from their doggie beds, but he still doesn't seem to realize this after bargling at least once.
    - The girl has figured out that if she runs at the step up into our kitchen area ahead of her brother, leaps up on it, and whirls around to face him, he'll skid head-first into the step instead of jumping up resulting in a satisfying whump.
    - If either one is in our lap, the other will climb over or under in order to be in the lap as well.
    - While watching TV last night, both pups in my lap, they noticed our collective reflection in the window across from where were sitting. They then started growling and barking, even after I took them right up to it so they could see and then moved away where they couldn't see the window anymore.
    - The boy will bark and be all tough if he sees a person-shaped shadow on a wall outside, but not at people.
    - If the boy attempts to hump the girl, we'll stop him. Later, the girl will sneak attack and beat the hell out of him.
    - They love to chase Kate and I around if we run in the house, but occasionally try to go between our legs when we're doing anything, resulting in an accidentally punted puppy. They don't seem to mind though.
    EDIT: Oh yeah, the girl will pause mid-lick sometimes while she's licking our hands or faces. She'll sort of go *licklicklickli-* pause with tongue out and on my hand.....*icklicklick*.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Your puppies are awesome and hilarious.
  • @Mr. MacRoss, never had a dog or cat as pet before? All of that is basic behaviour, and will tire after a while. Note, I'm jaded concerning this kind of pet behaviour.
  • RymRym
    edited November 2008
    All of that is basic behaviour, and will tire after a while.
    As a lifelong dog owner, I can say that I have never tired of puppy antics.
    Post edited by Rym on
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