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Our New Puppies!



  • When my youngest dogs were puppies, we got one of those small blue plastic kid pools for the training pads. The dogs quickly learned to climb in when they had to go. This way if they missed the pads there was no problem. Once they were used to the pool, we slowly moved it next to the door. After that, it was pretty easy to train them to go outside. I do not know if your pups would be tall enough to climb in the pool, but if you can find one that is short enough it may help.

    I currently have 6 dogs in the house. The oldest one is named Temporary. I love unusual names. After I named Temp, my wife decided she would get to name the other dogs. So we also have Rio, Rocket, Snoopy, And Ivan. Our 6th dog is a foster and came with the name Kisses.
    They actually make the pads 9 times out of ten or go when we walk them. That is a good idea with the pool. If they start having a major problem I will probably use it.
  • My dog decided that the puppy pads were an awesome toy, rather then a place to go.
  • My dog decided that the puppy pads were an awesome toy, rather then a place to go.
    If they aren't laid our flat, then Malcolm will play with them, other than that, he pees and poops on them. After he does his business on them, he attempts to fold the pad up on itself to cover the emission.
  • My dog decided that the puppy pads were an awesome toy, rather then a place to go.
    If they aren't laid our flat, then Malcolm will play with them, other than that, he pees and poops on them. After he does his business on them, he attempts to fold the pad up on itself to cover the emission.
    I thought he was doing it just to be polite.
  • I like Bowie and Zoa. >.<
  • Also, I want to have a Sheltie in the worst way. Too bad my boyfriend sucks...
    Why is that? My boyfriend sucks because he has cats. Dogs > Cats imo, however I like how cats are lower maintenance. I just miss playful tail-wagging puppies/dogs.
    Some dogs are good with cats. For example, my dad's ex has two english mastiffs and one day they found two kitten in the back yard. It was so cute the dogs were giving them tung baths and the cats were trying to feed of the dogs.
  • Honestly, as much as I want dogs, I'm not home enough to really care for them. A couple of birds are probably my best bet until I'm independently wealthy.
    That's the big pitfall of having a puppy. Most of them need a lot of attention, especially in the young years; even as they age, you still need to pay a lot of attention to them.

    Especially goldens. Those little bastards are attention whores.
    Are they ever. I had a seriously emotionally damaged Golden, and he was even worse than most.
    Of course, Golden puppies are probably the cutest things there are. Period. So all that attention-whoring is worth it.
    English mastiffs are ten times cuter. : P
  • Amihan, That could have been one post.
  • Triple post.
    I feel like pouring bleach down your throat and eye sockets. Fix this stupidity, also in the other thread.
    Sheesh. Sorry. It wont happen again. Like I said on the other thread, I am new at this. This is actually the first forum that I've ever participated in.
  • edited April 2009
    This is Grace, my sister's English bulldog puppy.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Aww. It's so cute. It has that adorable apathetic look.
  • This is Grace, my sister's English bulldog puppy.
    Oh my god. That is probably the third or fourth cutest puppy I've ever seen.
  • Have you ever seen a stuffed beef roast that's tied with string?

    That's exactly what she looks like. All fat and lumpy and full of adorable.
  • @ Amihan - Don't worry about Nine threatening with bleach. He's surly sometimes. Be careful, he bites.
  • Sheesh. Sorry. It won't happen again. Like I said on the other thread, I am new at this. This is actually the first forum that I've ever participated in.
    So fucking what? Those are excuses as to why it (might have) happened, not reasons for you not to fix your mistakes. Put your money where your mouth is and fix it. Use your brain and use this forum and make it appear as if you didn't triple post at all, ever, and keep your mouth shut. If you aren't going to do that, at least shut up.
  • edited April 2009
    Amihan, this is normal Nineless behavior so trying to pick the meaning out from the shit-storm can take a while to get used to. If you'd like, I could provide a translation.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • So fucking what? Those are excuses as to why it (might have) happened, not reasons for you not to fix your mistakes. Put your money where your mouth is and fix it. Use your brain and use this forum and make it appear as if you didn't triple post at all, ever, and keep your mouth shut. If you aren't going to do that, at least shut up.
    Fuck off, cunt.
  • *Gives Nineless this puppy to soothe his bad mood*
  • So fucking what? Those are excuses as to why it (might have) happened, not reasons for you not to fix your mistakes. Put your money where your mouth is and fix it. Use your brain and use this forum and make it appear as if you didn't triple post at all, ever, and keep your mouth shut. If you aren't going to do that, at least shut up.
    Fuck off, cunt.
  • edited April 2009
    Viga, don't! If his blood pressure drops too low he'll implode and take us with him!
    Plus, that's an ugly puppy.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Plus, that's an ugly puppy.
    That puppy is adorable, shut up.
  • Plus, that's an ugly puppy.
    That puppy is adorable, shut up.
    No, this is a cute puppy.
  • ......
    edited April 2009
    So fucking what? Those are excuses as to why it (might have) happened, not reasons for you not to fix your mistakes. Put your money where your mouth is and fix it. Use your brain and use this forum and make it appear as if you didn't triple post at all, ever, and keep your mouth shut. If you aren't going to do that, at least shut up.
    Fuck off, cunt.
    What for? For calling someone on the fact that they just go "Oh sorry." and stare forward rather dumbly instead of them just going "Oh shit, yes I made a mistake, let me fix that." and then fixing it in the fucking one minute it takes? You even could've just moderated this topic and ended this bullshit, mister moderator. If I have to fuck off, so do you. Or, if you'd rather stay a moderator, perhaps stab out your own eyes? Perhaps that will help your judgement as it does for lady Justice.

    Make sure you lrn 2 spull kthxbai -- Red text left by mister moderator.
    Post edited by ... on
  • What for? For calling someone on the fact that they just go "Oh sorry." and stare forward rather dumbly instead of them just going "Oh shit, yes I made a mistake, let me fix that." and then fixing it in the fucking one minute it takes? You even could've just moderated this topic and ended this bullshit, mister moderator. If I have to fuck off, so do you. Or, if you'd rather stay a moderator, perhaps stab out your own eyes? Perhaps that will help your judgement as it does for lady Justice.
  • edited April 2009
    What for? For calling someone on the fact that they just go "Oh sorry." and stare forward rather dumbly instead of them just going "Oh shit, yes I made a mistake, let me fix that."
    First of all, who the fuck cares if they triple post? It's not like it's going to ruin your day. Oh noes, you have to see their avatar three times.
    You even could've just moderated this topic and ended this bullshit, mister moderator.
    Maybe if you weren't fucking retarded, you would know that I only have the power to edit posts, not merge or delete posts. Honestly, you are the only person who was bothered by his triple post. I'm not going to waste my time copy and pasting his post to condense it just so you don't get your panties in a bundle.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Plus, that's an ugly puppy.
    That puppy is adorable, shut up.
    No, this is a cute puppy.
    That puppy is fail. I trump it with these!
  • Aw shit! Too much cute in this thread!

    Maybe we should merge this with the puppies thread. lol.
  • Maybe if you weren't fucking retarded, you would know that I only have the power to edit posts, not merge or delete posts.
    Who said you had to merge, or delete posts, mister moderator? I know you can only edit posts, but you do not need anything more than just that ability, mister moderator. Why, it sounds like you are even more retarded than I am if you haven't even used your intelligence for something so simple, mister moderator. Good luck with this rocket science, mister moderator.
  • So fucking what? Those are excuses as to why it (might have) happened, not reasons for you not to fix your mistakes. Put your money where your mouth is and fix it. Use your brain and use this forum and make it appear as if you didn't triple post at all, ever, and keep your mouth shut. If you aren't going to do that, at least shut up.
    Fuck off, cunt.
    Truer words have not been said.
  • The only winning move is not to play.
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