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New Years Resolutions



  • This coming year I'm going to learn French, as it's something I've wanted to do for a long time but again have never had an actual plan to do it. So, to that end I'm coming up with a 1-year plan to learn French. It probably won't take that long in actuality, but I think being fluent in it by next January would be a good goal.
    Or you could learn a useful language, like Mandarin or Spanish. One of my resolutions is to learn Arabic, the Rosetta Stone for which I was given for Christmas.
    Do you have a DS? There is also My French Coach. It's nothing great, but a nice refresher/quizzer. You can have my copy if you want.
    I don't even like Penny Arcade, but I love this comic.
  • Muzzy
    I remember seeing these on Nickelodeon.
  • Muzzy
    I remember seeing these on Nickelodeon.
    I must have seen that commercial hundreds of time sin my life.
  • Make babies. :P
    Yeah! Babies EVERYWHERE!!!

    Fo reals though, for me it is get a job first.

  • This coming year I'm going to learn French, as it's something I've wanted to do for a long time but again have never had an actual plan to do it. So, to that end I'm coming up with a 1-year plan to learn French. It probably won't take that long in actuality, but I think being fluent in it by next January would be a good goal.
    Or you could learn a useful language, like Mandarin or Spanish. One of my resolutions is to learn Arabic, the Rosetta Stone for which I was given for Christmas.
    I see the point you're trying to make, but it is a useful language to me considering my wife speaks it, we vacation in France a lot, and one of our end goals is to move to France so speaking the language is a plus. So it will be quite useful to me. Thanks for your opinion, though.

  • Make babies. :P
    Yeah! Babies EVERYWHERE!!!

    Fo reals though, for me it is get a job first.

    Y'know, maybe we should just try the Welfare Queen thing. I mean, it works for 47% of the country, right?

  • Make babies. :P
    Yeah! Babies EVERYWHERE!!!

    Fo reals though, for me it is get a job first.
    Y'know, maybe we should just try the Welfare Queen thing. I mean, it works for 47% of the country, right?
    We don't qualify because of your income, remember?

  • Oh riiiiiiiiiiight.

    Well, each kid is a potential tax deduction. That's sort of like income.

    I see no flaws in this plan.
  • Adopt the kids at age 14 or so, so then you can get them all to have jobs. Tax deduction for having the kid, plus whatever income they can bring in from The Mill.
  • Adopt the kids at age 14 or so, so then you can get them all to have jobs. Tax deduction for having the kid, plus whatever income they can bring in from The Mill.
    And that's why the Russians wont let us adopt their kids anymore.

  • My resolution is to make my roommates watch Gurren Lagann.

    If I can enhance their lives even slightly with it, my work will be complete.
  • I don't know if this is really a resolution or not, but I have some goals.
    1. Bring video production rate up to at least 4 videos per month.
    2. Start an hour long music podcast where I curate the best of creative commons licensed music. The catch? Do it live on youtube a la a real radio show. Maybe once a month, maybe every two weeks.
    3. Be more awesome than people think I am.
  • edited December 2012
    1. Finish editing and publish Hardboiled.
    2. Finish game project.
    3. Draw, write and 3d model at least an hour a day each.
    4. Make some goddamn money.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited December 2012
    3. Be more awesome than people think I am.
    Good luck on that one, it is a rather tall order.
    Post edited by canine224 on

  • 2. Start an hour long music podcast where I curate the best of creative commons licensed music. The catch? Do it live on youtube a la a real radio show. Maybe once a month, maybe every two weeks.
    If you're willing to have guests, I'd jump in. Sounds awesome.

  • I'm not concerned about losing weight, but I definitely wouldn't mind staying somewhat in shape. I started working out over the summer, and it's quite nice not having noodles for arms. :D
  • You guys would qualify if you have ENOUGH babies, I think I was looking at Section 8 a few days ago (due to rental stuff) and a family of 8 can make like 45k and get assisted housing :-p.
  • By this time next year I will be out of my parents house and performing live music on the regular.
  • 1680x1050

    Also, not be a shitbag is my main goal.
  • 3. Be more awesome than people think I am.
    Good luck on that one, it is a rather tall order.
    You have no idea.
    At Anime Expo, after my panel, these girls come up to me and ask for hugs. Later on in the convention they glomp me. Literally; they sneak up on me and glomp me. I didn't think people actually did that until it happened to me.
    At Equestria LA some guy comes up to me and asks for my autograph. He's all, "I'm such a fan! Your songs are awesome and your tumblr is awesome and..."
    Outside I'm like, "Oh, uh, yeah *sign* Have a great convention" but inside I'm all, "Da fuq?"

    People think I'm awesome and I'm not entirely sure why.
  • People think I'm awesome and I'm not entirely sure why.
    Inevitably, the answer is always: you are doing something that they want to or would like to do, but don't.
  • Previously I've made resolutions and plans and goals at the start of the year. My resolution for 2012 was to make fewer goals and plans, and just work on what I wanted.

    The result? I was pretty much as productive and creative as previous years. Less focused, of course, but I had a lot of fun. Fiction writing has taken a big hit, though non-fiction writing is on the up and up. I've worked way more on my current show, rather than future hypothetical shows, and the improvement is noticeable. Photography and podcasting have been ticking along nicely, though I didn't get round to producing season 2 of Luke's Creative Podcast.

    Music has worked out great, with some proper shows and good performances. I've written a number of one-off songs, plus an entire musical/concept album. I didn't get round to recording the music, but I'll do it next month.

    I've yet to think of a resolution for next year.
  • edited December 2012
    This is brilliant: 52 resolutions. One per week.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • This is brilliant: 52 resolutions. One per week.
    WHOA, I'm so doing this.
  • This is brilliant: 52 resolutions. One per week.
    WHOA, I'm so doing this.
    I would also be all about doing this, if I could actually come up with 52 things to do.
  • I am down for drinking rain water.
  • I am down for drinking rain water.
    Depending on where you live, it's quite pleasant.

  • As long as you filter that shit.
  • As long as you filter that shit.
    Oh yeah, I forgot you live in the land of air that you can cut with a knife. Or, blend, chill, and use as a desert topping for that horrible creature thing from Fern Gully.

  • That thing scared me to death as a kid.
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