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Booh yah!



  • edited February 2012
    WUB, you going to be in London or Bath area in Mid-June?
    For at least a few days, yeah. I tentatively leave from Heathrow on the 20th, and I'll be staying in London with family until then. If you're in the city around that time, I've got this awesome antique script and libretto shop on Cecil Row that I've gotta show you.
    WUB, is it can be montage time nao plz?
    Once I'm done with the trip, I'll register a Flickr account for all my stuff. I'll have Paris, Madrid, Valladolid, Dublin, London, Newcastle, Amsterdam, Marseilles, Nice, Cannes, Munich, Berlin, Prague, Zurich, Budapest, Bucharest, Copenhagen, and maybe Rome, Florence, and Venice done by the end of this year.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    Ooh, nice. When you're in Rome, you need to check out a certain gelateria. They make imitation food (e.g. pasta, eggs, etc) out of gelato, and it's pretty delicious. I can't remember the name, but I'm trying to find it right now (I hope they haven't gone out of business).

    EDIT: Still looking, but it's a lot like Spaghetti Eis in Budapest. They make a plate of spaghetti (extruded gelato) with strawberry sauce and (I believe) shaved white chocolate:
    EDIT: I think it might be Gelateria Tony, in Monteverde Nuovo.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • WUB, you going to be in London or Bath area in Mid-June?
    For at least a few days, yeah. I tentatively leave from Heathrow on the 20th, and I'll be staying in London with family until then. If you're in the city around that time, I've got this awesome antique script and libretto shop on Cecil Row that I've gotta show you.
    I'm going there on a study abroad, and I think I'm flying in on around the 10th, but we're only staying in London for about five days before we move on to Bath. Also apparently we're mostly sticking with the group while we're in London. My professor doesn't want to risk anyone getting lost, and he's a lot more confident we'll be fine in Bath, so we get a lot more free time there. I think we'll have shopping time in London, but being able to just off and whatever will be really difficult.
    Although antique script shop sounds AWESOME. :| I'd love to suggest that to my professor.
  • Ooh, nice. When you're in Rome, you need to check out a certain gelateria. They make imitation food (e.g. pasta, eggs, etc) out of gelato, and it's pretty delicious. I can't remember the name, but I'm trying to find it right now (I hope they haven't gone out of business).

    EDIT: Still looking, but it's a lot like Spaghetti Eis in Budapest. They make a plate of spaghetti (extruded gelato) with strawberry sauce and (I believe) shaved white chocolate:
    EDIT: I think it might be Gelateria Tony, in Monteverde Nuovo.
    Man, I love it when food is shaped like other food.

    Except when that food is trying too hard, like when turkey is masquerading as ham. That's just sad.

  • BLOM just mentioned on his Tumblr about how he's going to do a minicomic sequel to Lost At Sea. I am excite.
  • BLOM just mentioned on his Tumblr about how he's going to do a minicomic sequel to Lost At Sea. I am excite.
    Oh, that reminds me: today I found an absolutely killer patrol jacket in navy blue with faux fur trim that looks quite like Scott Pilgrim's. There's a 5" embroidered patch from the designer on the right shoulder; I'm going to remove it and replace it with an Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters patch. And then gain the Power of Love.

  • image
    I remember in Germany when I couldn't figure out what "Spaghetti Eis" could be. Of course I had to order it. I'm still not sure if I was disappointed or relieved that it did not taste like spaghetti.

  • image
    I remember in Germany when I couldn't figure out what "Spaghetti Eis" could be. Of course I had to order it. I'm still not sure if I was disappointed or relieved that it did not taste like spaghetti.
    Yeah, this is pretty common here in Berlin.
  • Luke, you keep saying things that make me want to move to Berlin. Is there anything at all wrong with that city?
  • Luke, you keep saying things that make me want to move to Berlin. Is there anything at all wrong with that city?
    Video games are very heavily censored in Germany.
  • Ah, that is a problem.
  • Officially a resident of New York State.

    Also, in and out of White Plains DMV in 1 hour. That shit is streamlined for optimal processing!
  • I'm not sure I consider 1 hour streamlined.
  • Officially a resident of New York State.

    Also, in and out of White Plains DMV in 1 hour. That shit is streamlined for optimal processing!
    Welcome to the Empire.

  • I'm not sure I consider 1 hour streamlined.
    You should have seen the number of people in line in front of me. I was prepared for a 2+ hour wait. I didn't even get past the ribbing on the hat project I brought to knit!

  • I'm not sure I consider 1 hour streamlined.
    At most NYS DMV offices, 2 hours is a typical wait. If you go to the middle of nowhere during off hours, you could get 40 minutes.

    An hour in White Plains? Fucking awesome.

  • Yes, there is a reason I showed up at 8:30 when they opened. (Also, that is when Moe was driving to the train station, so I hitched a ride. It's walking distance from my house, but hey, free ride.) It was actually quite pleasant. The place was HUGE compared to the small, rural NC offices I am used to.
  • So I got a really, really good deal on a new airsoft gun. I just priced out all the various pieces that went into it, new, and they ended up being around $1200. I paid $350, and the only real thing wrong with it is that the exterior (being metal) is weathered after a few years of play.

    Such a good deal. The wiring has been replaced with heavier duty, higher throughput wiring. The connectors are replaced with Deans connectors instead of Tamiya (so it's not bottlenecking there). Not one but two extra massive, expensive mags, reinforced and better internals... plus a decent scope, bipod, battery, and bag.

    The only problem is that the entire thing weighs a large amount, meaning that I'm going to have to start running harder.
  • Last week I purchased my first brand new car
    From 2012-02-26
  • Awesome! Welcome to car ownership. It is a lovely, lovely feeling.
  • Ewwww cube.

    I kid, congrats.
  • I like that car. It's so cute. It's like a chibi SUV.
  • As I recall, those are the Japanese take on the tardis last time I got into one.
  • Chris Gethard responded to one of my tweets. It's the little things.
  • Chris Gethard responded to one of my tweets. It's the little things.
    Nice. Have you been watching more of the show?
  • Yeah, I watched four hours worth the night you told me about it. And I'm going to buy his book. And I'm staying up to watch the episode tonight because I'm homesick and I want to hear how another comedian handles the ladies.
  • And I'm going to buy his book.
    You will love his book. I am about 75% of the way through it.
  • edited March 2012
    From a game I played with some Japanese students here for an English program. How it works: The first person writes a sentence and passes it left. The next person draws a picture from the sentence and folds the sentence back so the next person can't see it and passes it again. The third person writes a sentence from the picture, folds, and so on until you're done. It's like telephone, but with much better failures. Note: apparently, all it takes to caricature me is curly hair and glasses.

    First one stops halfway down the first page.


    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Friend of mine got accepted for a Classics M. Sc. at Oxford.
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