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Booh yah!



  • edited February 2012
    I like either dehydrated marshmallows, or ridic gourmet marshmallows in my hot cocoa. Either a small raft of little space-food delights, or a giant, creamy crown of off-pink rosewater-and-vanilla-flavored foam. There can be no in-between.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Cocoa marshmallows. I've made them before.

    Of course, I've been thinking about making coffee marshmallows for a while. Maybe I'll give that a go.
  • edited February 2012
    The countdown has begun.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Have you decided whether or not to pull a Half-Baked?
  • As the days approach closer and closer, my urge to do so increases. I do know that there are certain individuals (mainly upper management) that I will NEVER consider doing that too.

    However, there are several coworkers that I will more than likely just speak my mind and tell them that I am happy that I will no longer be working with them.

    The receptionist who is now "Effie Trinket" to me, I just want to tell her she's a waste of space, but I think she may have transferred because she so incompetent that no one on this floor wants to deal with her anymore.
  • However, there are several coworkers that I will more than likely just speak my mind and tell them that I am happy that I will no longer be working with them.

    The receptionist who is now "Effie Trinket" to me, I just want to tell her she's a waste of space, but I think she may have transferred because she so incompetent that no one on this floor wants to deal with her anymore.
    Since you never know when you might meet her again, I wouldn't. Burning bridges needlessly doesn't get you anything.
  • I understand the burning bridges part. That aids me in my constant restraint of keeping my mouth shut, however for certain individuals, I have no problem with nuking these bridges into oblivion. I will never need anything from them and if I did, there would easily be another person that can assist me with any future job functions that I will need to accomplish.

    It's funny because people who have burned their bridges with me, are now trying to be friendly to me so I can say good things about them to my mother, who is the Section Chief of a service line, and recommend them to be transferred to her department.

    Makes me laugh.
  • Our house no longer smells of smoke. Hooray. ^_^
    We found two of the main places it was coming in and closed them off. Additionally, my landlord was understanding; he installed air filters to all vents, started smoking outside or in front of open windows (and claims he is going to quit), and is going to install insulation between his ceiling and our floors where it was lacking.

    I am so happy we won't have to move.
  • Good landlord.
  • Yay! I always like it when stories like this end with everyone getting along.
  • I finally decided to get a new car after the exhaust of my current one shit the bed, so now I own a 99' Corolla. Only conceivable down side is that I have to relearn how to drive because I don't know how to drive stick shift.
  • edited February 2012
    I finally decided to get a new car after the exhaust of my current one shit the bed, so now I own a 99' Corolla. Only conceivable down side is that I have to relearn how to drive because I don't know how to drive stick shift.
    All you have to get used to is learning how to get the car moving, after that it is a piece of cake. Shifting is no problem but I had a problem for a while with first and stalled out all the time before I got the hang of it.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I finally decided to get a new car after the exhaust of my current one shit the bed, so now I own a 99' Corolla. Only conceivable down side is that I have to relearn how to drive because I don't know how to drive stick shift.
    Piece of piss, mate, you'll get used to it quite quick. Remember to use your ears, rather than relying on your tacho - changing gears by ear is a hell of a lot easier, once you get the hang of it, and that way, you're also not boned when you're driving a manual vehicle that doesn't have a tacho.

  • I've never even thought about using a tacho for changing gears, even when I've driven a car with one. The sound and feel of the car is the way to go.

    Once I had a car with a broken clutch that I was going to get rid of, but still had a few long journeys to make before scrapping. I learned a lot about gears and changing them driving a manual car with no clutch! Starting moving in first gear without a clutch takes a special technique that I'm sure I didn't invent first, but I've yet to hear or read about anyone else who did the same thing. Fun times!
  • I've never even thought about using a tacho for changing gears, even when I've driven a car with one. The sound and feel of the car is the way to go.
    True dat. Back when I learned, I was instructed about the tacho, at which point on it to change gears, and then told to immediately forget about using it because you're just being told in case the driving tester asks you the question at some point.
    Once I had a car with a broken clutch that I was going to get rid of, but still had a few long journeys to make before scrapping. I learned a lot about gears and changing them driving a manual car with no clutch! Starting moving in first gear without a clutch takes a special technique that I'm sure I didn't invent first, but I've yet to hear or read about anyone else who did the same thing. Fun times!
    I'm interested to hear about this technique, it may be informative.

  • I had a small Fiat. When I stopped at a traffic light, putting it into first gear with the engine running would immediately stall it. So I'd turn the engine off with the key. Then I'd put it into first gear. When the traffic light turned green, I'd start the engine with the key, and the starter motor was powerful enough to both start the engine AND push the car forward. Once I had forward momentum, I could change up and down through the gears by matching engine speed exactly to car speed.

    I drove about 1,000 miles with no clutch, including a trip from Newcastle to Norfolk and back (a long drive in the UK) as well as commuting for a few weeks. In the same period someone broke into the car, ruining the drivers side door. Then I took the car to a wreckers yard and abandoned it.
  • Although this will mean nothing to pretty much all of you.
    Leeds Rhinos are World Champions after beating Manly Sea Eagles 26-12
  • Although this will mean nothing to pretty much all of you.
    Leeds Rhinos are World Champions after beating Manly Sea Eagles 26-12
    Not quite all of us. Fuck the Eagles, carn the rhinos!

  • Once again for the first time, I am no longer stock human, instead having used technology to modify my appearance.

    Well, I put a hole in my left ear and a shiny bauble through the hole. That counts, though.
  • You wear glasses, don't you? That's using technology to modify your abilities, but it still means you're not stock human.
  • Just scammed a guy on Eve for 300M of his ISK and about 4B worth of ships.
  • Just scammed a guy on Eve for 300M of his ISK and about 4B worth of ships.
    If I decide to play EVE, would you front me some capital and ships so that we can form a criminal organization?

  • edited February 2012
    Just scammed a guy on Eve for 300M of his ISK and about 4B worth of ships.
    If I decide to play EVE, would you front me some capital and ships so that we can form a criminal organization?

    I do not know enough about EVE to know if this is accurate, but could I join your organization if I decided to start playing as well?

    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Just scammed a guy on Eve for 300M of his ISK and about 4B worth of ships.
    If I decide to play EVE, would you front me some capital and ships so that we can form a criminal organization?

    I'm already IN one, its called Goonswarm Federation. Feels Good doesn't cover the :smug: I am.
  • I don't even play EVE and I know about Goonswarm. Goddamn, I bow to your mighty griefsmanship. The takedown of that Titan a while back was so awesome.
  • I don't even play EVE and I know about Goonswarm. Goddamn, I bow to your mighty griefsmanship. The takedown of that Titan a while back was so awesome.
    Join SomethingAwful, be a good poster there for a bit, then apply to GoonWaffe in-game and you too can own this look of satisfaction.
  • Don't play EVE. Don't. It sounds cool, and the stories are awesome, but playing the game is like shoving a rod down your penis.
  • edited February 2012
    Don't play EVE. Don't. It sounds cool, and the stories are awesome, but playing the game is like shoving a rod down your penis.
    Immensely painful for most, but orgasmic in its relief for those with a urethral stricture (or perhaps a sounding fetish)?

    EDIT: Typing that and even considering that act has left me with that weird sympathetic pain feeling in my crotch, like when you see someone get kicked in the balls really hard (guys, you likely know what I am talking about). Dammit, Andrew.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I don't play Eve because that game is designed for me on every level and if I started playing I'd never stop. The three-day trial was so far up my alley it was vaguely uncomfortable.
  • Don't play EVE. Don't. It sounds cool, and the stories are awesome, but playing the game is like shoving a rod down your penis.
    Not to mention griefers like me and Goonswarm. Some people take the game way to seriously, and that's where we come in to liberate them of everything they hold dear.

    Good lord pubbies are stupid.
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