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Booh yah!



  • An awesome girl told me yesterday that I am the Flans to her Linnell. Yep, I think I'll be keeping her around.
  • An awesome girl told me yesterday that I am the Flans to her Linnell.
    That's adorable.
  • An awesome girl told me yesterday that I am the Flans to her Linnell. Yep, I think I'll be keeping her around.
    Tell her she's the Howard Moon to your Vince Noir.

    Y'know, because it's kind of the same and also they've kissed a few times.

  • She is a Mighty Boosh fan, so perhaps I will.
  • My band's first album just got mastered this weekend. Nothing like hearing the final product and getting stoked for putting it out there for people to listen to.
  • An awesome girl told me yesterday that I am the Flans to her Linnell. Yep, I think I'll be keeping her around.

  • Finished week 2 of C25K today.
  • Having two agents fight over you in a pitch contest and have that fight result in a 150 page request for my manuscript. This comes on the heels of nothing but form rejections for the past three months.

    I also got a full request for my manuscript last week as well. It only takes one yes!!

    That makes me go something like this:


    And also a lot of this:

  • Woah! Congrats! I was super excited when you told me what you were writing. I can't wait to read your book!
  • Thanks, hun. Who knows? It may actually one day be in print!!
  • I actually remembered today is the day that the curry place near me gives away coupons! And then I discover they're celebrating opening a second location, so they're giving away 5 topping coupons instead of one. YEEEAAAHHH!
  • In Physics class today, a joke about hangnan came up and the teacher asked for a 10 letter word. Everyone was impressed when I said "atmosphere" almost immediately. They don't know 'bout my cement-feathered bird.
  • In Physics class today, a joke about hangnan came up and the teacher asked for a 10 letter word. Everyone was impressed when I said "atmosphere" almost immediately. They don't know 'bout my cement-feathered bird.
    Fuck what they heard.
  • edited March 2012
    Ordered new graphics card! Kind of a sign of how much my life has improved. It's still not so good but above the worth living zone.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Got Bs on both my papers I submitted right before Spring Break

    And I spent a good 4 hours on my last assignment, just editing over and fixing one of my old papers right now. Really think I fixed a lot of my consistent problems, usually with transitions and explaining my points. Feeling good, sending this paper.
  • edited March 2012
    Got my financial aid info from RIT. In addition to the $17,000 a year in scholarships I already had, they're offering an $8,000 grant, $5,500 in loans, and $2,400 in work study. Thus should bring my costs down to about $13,500 a year (plus loans). RIT bumped up on my list a little.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • What other schools are you looking at?
  • Got my financial aid info from RIT. In addition to the $17,000 a year in scholarships I already had, they're offering an $8,000 grant, $5,500 in loans, and $2,400 in work study. Thus should bring my costs down to about $13,500 a year (plus loans). RIT bumped up on my list a little.
    That's how mine went. If you can get the scholarships and grants up enough, RIT is almost definitely worth it.
  • Got my financial aid info from RIT. In addition to the $17,000 a year in scholarships I already had, they're offering an $8,000 grant, $5,500 in loans, and $2,400 in work study. Thus should bring my costs down to about $13,500 a year (plus loans). RIT bumped up on my list a little.
    That's how mine went. If you can get the scholarships and grants up enough, RIT is almost definitely worth it.
    Yeah, once you get good housing and meal-plan options, you can make it even more affordable.
    Speaking of which, I just got into Perkins Green housing. Random roommates, but it should help me get more affordable pricing.

  • What other schools are you looking at?
    WPI and Purdue are the other two contenders right now.
  • I'd say you're shooting too low, but it's a bit late for that now.
  • So $54,000 in loans for an undergraduate degree?

    That can't be worth it.
  • edited March 2012
    So $54,000 in loans for an undergraduate degree?

    That can't be worth it.
    That's pretty much what I have. But it'll be worth it.
    I'd say you're shooting too low, but it's a bit late for that now.
    Justin, the Ivy League is great, except for the part where they don't give merit scholarships. Some of us need those to survive.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited March 2012
    Sounds about right for undergrad, if you've got parents who will cover most of it.
    I'll probably owe my parents about $100k when I graduate, that price isn't bad at all.
    For the record, I'm going to Columbia University, and it is oh so fucking worth it.
    Justin, the Ivy League is great, except for the part where they don't give merit scholarships. Some of us need those to survive.
    Their need-based scholarships, however, are the best anywhere. I'm one of the only people on the forums who wouldn't qualify to be going to an Ivy on mostly aid.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited March 2012
    $54k for an undergrad seems alright for an out of state college. Cheap, actually.

    Wait, is this the part where we get embroiled in a discussion about the merits of a university education?

    I'LL START! They're mostly day cares for people who aren't ready for real life! Most non-technical degrees ARE worthless!

    ...I am still far too lazy to use green text.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I'd say you're shooting too low, but it's a bit late for that now.
    My test scores are good, but my grades kinda suck. I've pretty much been pulling an 85 average every quarter.
  • That's suck? Call me when you would be failing two classes were it not for overly generous teachers.
  • edited March 2012
    So $54,000 in loans for an undergraduate degree?

    That can't be worth it.
    If you can get away with only Federal loans, you can enroll in income-based repayment to limit your monthly payments to 15% or less of your discretionary income. After 25 years, there's a forgiveness provision. So even if your degree doesn't land you a high-paying cushy job, it could still be worth taking out the loans.

    Guess whose student loan debt is 100% Federal? :D

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Man, American schools. Why nickel and dime your students to death, when you can just put them into debt for half their lives?
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