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Booh yah!



  • I just ran 13.5 km and I didn't die :P
  • I just ran 13.5 km and I didn't die :P
    Nice! I bought some barefoot shoes and I've been walking around in them to acclimate my musculature. Think tomorrow I hit the gym, and Friday I hit the road.
  • I just ran 13.5 km and I didn't die :P
    Nice! I bought some barefoot shoes and I've been walking around in them to acclimate my musculature. Think tomorrow I hit the gym, and Friday I hit the road.
    Thanks dude!
    I would recommend not to run more than 1 mile when you go to the gym in those shoes. I wanted to get the vibram a while ago but the sale representative told me that it took him at least 4 months before he could actually run his standard mileage (then again, I forgot to ask what was his standard).
    Suffice to say that I wish you good luck and let me know how to they feel :D
  • I run on the balls of my feet in just regular shoes. Take it slow to start out, it's very hard on your calves if you've never done. Push to hard and you will destroy them like I did. It hurt to walk for over a month.
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah, I'm definitely using muscles I never normally use in these shoes. Even my daily walk around campus feels taxing. That's not a bad thing, but I can't run in these yet.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You'll also notice that heel strikes from a fast walk or run are actually a bit painful.
  • Yeah, I caught that pretty fast. I need to build up more plantar fascia. :$
  • I run on the balls of my feet in just regular shoes. Take it slow to start out, it's very hard on your calves if you've never done. Push to hard and you will destroy them like I did. It hurt to walk for over a month.
    At least you were kind of concious about it. I just tried to imitate Rocky when I messed up my legs with my Converse :S
    I was a dumb kid :O
  • edited September 2012
    Decided to apply to PhD programs after spending my gap year working in a microbio lab.

    Academia! Biotech! Algal crude and biogenesis of gaseous methane and ammonia! Abzyme antivirals!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Nice dude, I myself I am thinking about moving from vaccines to biofuels after reading this.
  • Uh huh, that's my SHIT.
  • Decided to apply to PhD programs after spending my gap year working in a microbio lab.

    Academia! Biotech! Algal crude and biogenesis of gaseous methane and ammonia! Abzyme antivirals!
    This is the right approach. Industry can suck it.
    /future unemployed Computer Scientist
  • Decided to apply to PhD programs after spending my gap year working in a microbio lab.

    Academia! Biotech! Algal crude and biogenesis of gaseous methane and ammonia! Abzyme antivirals!
    This is the right approach. Industry can suck it.
    /future unemployed Computer Scientist
    Implying I'm not going to start my own biosynthetics firm and hedge fund on the side. ~_^
  • Had an interview over Google hangout, got a call 10 min later that they want to fly me out to do an in person interview. I may or may not be doing a small happy dance.
  • Happy dances are best dances.
  • Uh huh, that's my SHIT.
    All the girls want to be like this?
  • Penny Arcade's Deck-based Tabletop RPG is going to be based in the Lookouts universe.

    I'll be in my bunk.
  • Penny Arcade's Deck-based Tabletop RPG is going to be based in the Lookouts universe.

    I'll be in my bunk.
    I know that they had a role play game in the works for a while I didn't think that this was it. Still looks pretty awesome even if I dislike deck builders.

  • There's a possum living under the porch across the street. He's not afraid of people and comes over to visit when I make chirping noises, so I named him Gromit. Possums are highly resistant to rabies, so now he's my marsupibro.

    Dave & Gromit: Bros 4 Lyfe
  • So as I've posted about the car accident I was in a month ago, the other driver settled with the insurance company out of court. No worry about extra damages from the other party anymore, HUGE WEIGHT OFF MY SHOULDERS!
  • So, the Oppa Slamjam Style mashup I made for shits and giggles a few nights ago appears to have gone viral... End of day 1, 100 views. Day 2, 1600. Right now (day 3), 16,000 and counting. Hot damn.
  • Best day.

  • There's a computer error and I can use the internet for free on the cruise ship. Yay! Free is a lot cheaper than 65 cents per minute, even if I have to use a rubbish desktop computer rather than my own laptop.
  • I'm under 170 lbs this morning. :D
  • Congrats!
  • Minor booh yah, but my spousal overunit is getting into more serious board gaming now. Part of it was due to her sister (who recently moved about 1 hour away) bringing over Quarriors and Munchkin Quest when she came to visit. After that, I decided to go to the local gaming shop and pick up a copy of Settlers of Catan (one of the better gateway games, IMHO) and she loves it.
  • Pounded out 5 miles with the girlfriend felt really good to put some miles down and the first bit of propper exercise since ruining my shoulder 3 months ago. Looking good all things told.
  • Pounded out 5 miles with the girlfriend
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