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  • I need to give dates for everyone on my list. None of them have been hot since the 80s at the latest.
  • edited August 2012
    Going by my admittedly sketchy and incomplete knowledge of this sort of thing in history and world culture, I'm fairly certain that heterosexuality in men is a bullshit cultural construct impressed on us with such vigor that only a small number of us are immune, and hopefully the slow breakdown of so-called traditional values will lead to it's elimination.

    Admittedly I've noticed that cultures that are male binormative have been/are also fiercely misogynistic, even more so than is the norm today. I've joked that Ancient Greek elevation of homosexuality had less to do with actual preference and more to do with hating women so much they were actually repulsed by them.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I think it varied. In Sparta, it probably had more to do with the amount of time they spent with other men as opposed to women due to their militarist state, but I digress.

    You say heterosexuality in men is a myth. Are there truly straight women?
  • I don't know. What with all the oppression through history us dudes haven't really let them figure that out for themselves, have we?
  • edited August 2012
    My sexual interest level in people is pretty low in general, enough that it has created relationship problems for me in the past. I've never really been attracted in that way to a man, and I honestly can barely comprehend what makes me or any other man seem attractive in that way to someone else. It's one of my superpowers/weaknesses. And I happen to be wearing my Fluttershy polo shirt today, no irony lost, and I would guess I'm not hipster over/under-machismo-compensating in some way.

    The real extension of the "everyone is a little bi" philosophy should be that "these things are spectrums, not binaries" and there are people all over the place.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Glad to hear that your life is turning for the better Anrild! There are now officially two Chris-Katie couples on this forum. Seems like a solid combination ^_^
    You say heterosexuality in men is a myth. Are there truly straight women?
    I have yet to befriend a straight, sexually-active woman who has not made out with another girl at some point. Just anecdotal, but it seems to be an good trend.
  • edited August 2012
    Haha thanks knox. Things are really looking up
    And yeah, I hadn't realized there's another Chris-Katie around on the forums, but that's pretty cool.
    It's also funny because my sister's boyfriend's name is Chris. When I called my dad and told him I have a boyfriend now and told my dad his name, my dad cracked up so hard on the phone.

    Also I should point out that Chris and I had a conversation in which we realized that I've made out with more girls than he has and he's made out with more guys than I have.
    Not sure what that says about us.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • I know girls who have not kissed other girls.

    But that's beside the point.
  • The real extension of the "everyone is a little bi" philosophy should be that "these things are spectrums, not binaries" and there are people all over the place.
    The use of the word "spectrum" for this type of thing bugs me because of the direct implication of a 1-D space, but unfortunately I can't think of a better term off the top of my head.
  • Multi-dimensional spectrum?
  • Well, that does get the point across, but it's still an oxymoron.
  • Gradient?
  • That doesn't even make sense.
  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
  • Rym must be crazy from a marijuana.
  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    I'm assuming you're referring to, say, something like image
    I think that's too niche a use of the term "gradient". Also, I don't see what you mean by "three-way continuity".
  • edited August 2012
    That's some time cube right there. Like, I know what he was trying to say, and I know all the individual words. But when you put them together like that...
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?

  • edited August 2012
    A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?
    Don't think so. Made sense to me too.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?
    Don't think so. Made sense to me too.
    Or are all of you high?
  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?
    Don't think so. Made sense to me too.
    Or are all of you high?
    I don't get high, I'm not even good at art, and it made sense to me.

  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?

    I think everyone else is just dumb. ;^)

  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?

    I think everyone else is just dumb. ;^)
    I'm not comfortable with this, they're bargin' in on my territory as the FRCF village idiot.
  • Haha thanks knox. Things are really looking up
    And yeah, I hadn't realized there's another Chris-Katie around on the forums, but that's pretty cool.
    Probably because I haven't mentioned either of our names on here very often. I almost always go by Knox just because Chris is such a common name.
  • I've more than once asked John Linnell to run away with me, but so far that hasn't worked out.
  • I've more than once asked John Linnell to run away with me, but so far that hasn't worked out.
    My heart belongs to Flans.
  • A gradient between three colors provides a two dimensional spectrum of three-way continuity.
    This makes sense to me. Am I also high?

    I think everyone else is just dumb. ;^)
    I'm not comfortable with this, they're bargin' in on my territory as the FRCF village idiot.
    I thought I was the village idiot.
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