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Booh yah!



  • edited February 2013
    School Boo-Yahs:

    -Got my senior year schedule fully worked out. Once I get an internship in the fall, I'll be able to graduate. :D
    -An opinion article I submitted to the school newspaper is getting published tomorrow. Sent two copies, and the main copy editor/opinion editor really enjoyed it: (I get extra credit for this too)
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited February 2013
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Got the DMZ properly setup on our firewall. Everything on that switch is now completely separated from the internal LAN.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2013
    Just a few moments ago, I made my big speech that I prepared for in my speechmaking class. It also happened to be the day that I forgot to bring my notes and I initially panicked. However, I just dealt with this setback and made my speech off the cuff. The speech was about how public education kills creativity (inspired a lot by the famous speech of the same name made by Ken Robinson at TED, but I did my own research and used my own words). Everyone was really into it and they had their attention on me the whole time. They then gave me a minute-long standing ovation after I finished. Best of all, people went up to me and complimented me in the hall after class got out saying how they really liked my speech and appreciated what I said.

    I feel like a rock star right now.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Had a great time at Emerald City Comicon. Met so many artists, especially Yuko and Ananth. Finally got more panda sketches. Unfortunately my wallet begs to differ.

    I will try to post pics later.
  • I ran my first marathon of the year and I wasn't that tired afterwards :P
  • Started my co-op today, things are going well. :)
  • Started actually learning Ruby formally yesterday afternoon. It's going well. It's my first real programming language since college (when I had 2 classes in VB my freshman year), so this is interesting. I'm enjoying it.
  • Started actually learning Ruby formally yesterday afternoon. It's going well. It's my first real programming language since college (when I had 2 classes in VB my freshman year), so this is interesting. I'm enjoying it.
    Ruby is an interesting language. From what little I dabbled in it, it kinda reminded me of what would happen if Perl and Python got married and had a kid. Some of the Rubyisms are a bit too Perlish for my taste, but there is some neat stuff done in it.
  • I don't know what those words mean, friend. What is a "Perlish"? Also, all I know about Python is that it is apparently easy to learn and Google uses it.
  • I don't know what those words mean, friend. What is a "Perlish"? Also, all I know about Python is that it is apparently easy to learn and Google uses it.
    "Perlish" means "like Perl," as in the Perl programming language. I suppose I could've been more clear by writing it "Perl-ish," though.

    Python is quite easy to learn, fully object-oriented, pretty powerful, and yes, Google users it. So does Scott where he's working now, apparently. It's also my go-to scripting language. I have roughly a half dozen Python scripts I wrote to manage panels and related crap for Anime Boston, as well as a few here at work for various tests, simulations, and whatnot.
  • Sorry, I meant that I don't know enough about Perl to be able to understand what makes something "Perl-ish".
  • edited March 2013
    Sorry, I meant that I don't know enough about Perl to be able to understand what makes something "Perl-ish".
    I would like to extend the definition of "Perl-ish" to also include any movie containing Ron Perlman, with the level of "Perl-ishness" determined by the importance of his part in the movie

    For Example:
    Alien Resurrection: A little Perl-ish
    Season of the witch: Very Perl-ish
    Mutant Chronicles: Dangerously Perl-ish

    Edit: Yes, I am aware that I could have picked good movies to use as examples. I decided not to. Make of that what you will.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • I would like to further extend the definition to include movies which have a number of characteristics in common with movies containing Ron Perlman in a prominent role.

    I would like to further extend the definition to include things that look like pearls but actually aren't. See "fool's gold."
  • Sorry, I meant that I don't know enough about Perl to be able to understand what makes something "Perl-ish".
    Ah... that's okay... The Perl-like things in Ruby are just how they sometimes use punctuation for various funky things instead of simply using language keywords and the like to do the same thing.
  • I went to Codecademy and started to learn how to code. I like so far :P
  • Finally got a college job after months of searching. It's a delivery job, but that means I get paid to drive around and listen to music, which is one of my favorite things to do anyway. If I work my ass off, I'll have the money I need for a router and a circular saw in a few weeks, which puts me on the right path to have my workshop outfitted before I graduate.
  • Got my teeth fixed and ordered every issue of te MLP comic available.
  • RymRym
    edited March 2013
    I'm either really lucky or really smart.

    (My stock investments for the last 500 days).
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Amazon, Google, Toyota made the big money.

    Hasbro made heavy dividends, but only recently turned from a small unrealized loss to a moderate gain.

    Take Two Interactive has been all over the place.

    I'm considering hedging Google with Apple. I'm also considering pulling entirely out of the market and awaiting the next dip to buy back in.
  • I'm wondering about buying in on 3D printing while it's young. There was a lot of hype coming out of CES that caused the leading companies to become way overpriced, although it does seem that they are all cooling off now. Still, I worry that since it's still so many years away from mainstream, that the real money maker in that area will not be one of today's established leaders.

    My current portfolio is more fail rather than boo-yah because I recently cashed out a few stocks that had I had doubled, leaving me with an equal balance of moderate winners and a few bad luck picks. Tesla Motors was a ball-hair away from my caveman investment theory of "double or nothing," and might be getting back there now that the bad press washed over, so that's the only one I'm really watching every day.
  • I'm either really lucky or really smart.

    (My stock investments for the last 500 days).
    If it's the stock market it's incredibly lucky :-p

  • I have never been more proud of Rand Paul than I am for his filibuster last night.
  • Only worthwhile thing he's done in his life.
  • edited March 2013
    I have never been more proud of Rand Paul than I am for his filibuster last night.
    Why? His entire filibuster was essentially Ask Question > get correct and reasonable legal response and legal justification > ramble like a crazy person about something nobody ever actually said for 13 fucking hours, achieving literally nothing. He literally asked Eric Holder "How can the US government justify such a thing?" and Eric Holder answer the question exactly correctly, and that answer is what Rand was wanking on about.

    It's a load of complete fucking bullshit, and Rand Paul is a fucking moron. It wasn't about filibustering or blocking anything, it was about Rand Paul doing what he does every time - Talking bullshit about everyone else, while pretending they said or did all this crazy shit that was never said or never happened.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • In his defense, the justifications are all bullshit. He may not exactly be a shrewd operator who deliberately and respectably held up some seriously onerous shit, but at least that was the unplanned side effect.
  • edited March 2013
    In his defense, the justifications are all bullshit. He may not exactly be a shrewd operator who deliberately and respectably held up some seriously onerous shit, but at least that was the unplanned side effect.
    The justification is "If you join an enemy force, we're going to treat you exactly as such, as is dictated to be perfectly acceptable by international law."

    What the fuck do you want them to do, politely ask to check passports before getting into a firefight? Use satellite photography to check their birth certificate before loosing a hellfire missile? Oh no, we can't shoot that guy who is actively trying to kill us, he's a US citizen, we must take him in for trial? Christ, even cops don't have that kind of restriction, and unlike the US military, they actually DO have the power to arrest people. The Military - barring MPs - don't. Sure, they can take Prisoners, but that's entirely different to an arrest or detaining someone for trial.

    Guess what - Your US citizenship doesn't mean jack shit in a warzone if you've joined on with the opposing force. You're an enemy combatant first, and a US - or whatever else - citizen second. That's the nature of war, and if people can't deal with that, I suggest they don't go to war in the first place.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sorry, but that's a little disingenuous. The "enemy force" is not a nation, it's this nebulous non-organization with little or no hierarchy and there's little or no standard for proof of membership.

    Unilateral, covert assassinations via drones in sovereign territory without a declaration of war is a little more complicated than you're making it out to be.

    There's no sane way to justify the way we're conducting ourselves, and when drones start taking out American targets, we won't have any moral high ground to stand on while we yell about it.
  • Is it okay to send a drone to take out Cobra Commander if he is a US citizen? That's basically the question here.
  • That may be the aspect most are focused on right now, but there are lots more questions than that.
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