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Booh yah!



  • I became a dad yesterday.

  • Thanks, everyone. It was a boy and his name is Daniel Luis Arruda.
  • That's a strong name. I hope people don't mispronounce the middle name, though.
  • Is it Lew-is or Loo-ees?
  • Is it Lew-is or Loo-ees?
    Lew-is is acceptable if you're speaking English. Otherwise it's more like Loo-eejsh.
  • Congratulations man. My songs be sung in his honor and the blood of his enemies flow into the earth.
  • Awwww, I wish the blood of MY enemies would flow into the earth.
  • Awwww, I wish the blood of MY enemies would flow into the earth.
    That can be arranged. Also, I can give you a discount if you're willing to settle for splashed on concrete or tile, and washed away with a garden hose.
  • Today was such a nice day in Virginia that I just finished a nice run of 12.2 km.
    I am not gonna lie, it feels pretty good.
  • Awwww, I wish the blood of MY enemies would flow into the earth.
    That can be arranged. Also, I can give you a discount if you're willing to settle for splashed on concrete or tile, and washed away with a garden hose.
    You can start with the American Chemistry Council. That'll keep you busy for a while. I am not particular about the type of ground. Do you take Visa?

  • Awwww, I wish the blood of MY enemies would flow into the earth.
    That can be arranged. Also, I can give you a discount if you're willing to settle for splashed on concrete or tile, and washed away with a garden hose.
    You can start with the American Chemistry Council. That'll keep you busy for a while. I am not particular about the type of ground. Do you take Visa?
    Anything but Bitcoins, and I do give group discounts.
  • Using my name (Victor Frost) as my username on a brony minecraft server, another user was getting upset because they thought I was impersonating... me. ^_~
  • Shut up, imposter.
  • This morning I received a job offer! It would be a fairly significant raise, and I'd no longer be bathing people/lifting 400 lb patients/up to my elbows in excrement. It will be a nice office nursing job and I'll actually have weekends and holidays off! This, for me, is the definition of BOO-YAH!
    Although a downside is that it will be more sedentary, so it's time to adjust activity levels and diet to compensate for this.
    My husband also got a call back for an interview for a job he really wants, so keeping our fingers crossed!
  • I tied against my friend in double battles last night in Pokémon B2/W2. Very close matches, but we both walked away 2-2 (since I had to eat dinner). Considering I was nowhere near his level a year ago, this makes me quite happy.
  • I tied against my friend in double battles last night in Pokémon B2/W2. Very close matches, but we both walked away 2-2 (since I had to eat dinner). Considering I was nowhere near his level a year ago, this makes me quite happy.
    We will have to battle eventually! *shakes fist*
  • I opened my laptop to replace the DVD drive with an extra internal hard drive. My MacBook Pro now has a 256gb SDD and a 1tb HDD. Awesome!


    The weirdest thing is now, for the first time in three years since I bought it, my laptop makes a noise while running, even with the fans not running audibly. I'm not used to hearing a spinning disk any more, or at least not inside my laptop.

    Also this is the first time I've opened up my laptop in three years. Holy shit, a lot of dust came out of there! Hopefully it'll run cooler now.
  • An old High School associate who I was on the Chess team with just gifted me X-com just because, haven't talked to him in 15 years. And now he's ruined my life with X-com :-p
  • 10k in 52:25 min.
    Fastest 10k to date :D
  • I know where to find and how to select good fish now!
    I also know how to cook it.
    I will never go hungry again!
  • That is some attractive food right there.
  • I find the trick with fish is to touch it as little as possible during cooking. Also, a properly heated and greased pan and a room-temperature piece of fish will go a long way to preventing sticking.
  • image

    Gun that shoots ninja stars!
  • edited March 2013
    Potentially, every gun can be augmented with electricity, and we also have guns that shoot lightning either in a spray or beam form. You can even light that lightning on fire if you want. I dunno about incendiary mammaries, though.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • It needs to shoot lightning as well.
  • edited March 2013
    With limited C# knowledge I got the basic MonoGame project (Window filled with Teal.) working and worked out how to get it committed locally and then published to Github all inside Visual Studio 2012.

    Had I had an Ubuntu install, this would all just be text files and command prompts, but the VS tools are nice.

    Odd framework, Monogame; Started as an OSS version of XNA but with XNA shut down, it's kinda growing into a way of making cross-compilable games.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Finally recording tonight with Ser Paul Chapman of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast about Stargate, the movie only.

    I'm excited, but a bit nervous because the questions some of the fans are asking are very involved and require some reading.

    I'll be ready!
  • edited April 2013
    I found my very first algebra book.
    It is pretty awesome!
    Good times guys, good times.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • And so the meme "textbook or eurogame" was started
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