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Booh yah!



  • That is a hell of a lot of milk.
    Coulda made ~3 pounds of cheese with all that milk.

  • That is a hell of a lot of milk.
    Coulda made ~3 pounds of cheese with all that milk.

    That is still a lot of breast cheese.

  • Company is sending me to Austin, Texas for a few days next week. Flying last minute is VERY expensive.
  • School's cancelled for tomorrow!
  • I've been told to report to work on time or else. Love it.
  • I've been told to report to work on time or else. Love it.
    It's almost as if work requires some level of responsibility...
  • I've been told to report to work on time or else. Love it.
    It's almost as if work requires some level of responsibility...
    There's gonna be a blizzard...
  • Whats a blizzard?
  • Whats a blizzard?
    Does 16-22 inches of snow mean anything to you?
  • What's snow?
  • Snow? Blizzard?
    Puh. That shit is lame.
  • That is a hell of a lot of milk.
    Coulda made ~3 pounds of cheese with all that milk.

    That is still a lot of breast cheese.

    Oh, no doubt. You could set up a cheese factory. You know some neckbeard somewhere would pay exorbitant amounts of money for tit cheese.

    I feel as though this is an untapped market.

  • Whats a blizzard?
    Does 16-22 inches of snow mean anything to you?
  • And of course, Murphy's law is in effect, as the blizzard will take place right when my wife and I were planning to tour the maternity ward of the hospital we're planning to deliver our baby at. Fortunately, we were able to reschedule, but it's annoying.
  • That is a hell of a lot of milk.
    Coulda made ~3 pounds of cheese with all that milk.

    That is still a lot of breast cheese.

    Oh, no doubt. You could set up a cheese factory. You know some neckbeard somewhere would pay exorbitant amounts of money for tit cheese.

    I feel as though this is an untapped market.

  • Cut a deal with someone to trade my AR-15 for a Sig 1911 XO. Not a bad deal.
  • I have decided on my new vehicle, the Honda Civic (Base 4 door), I shall be arranging the meeting to fill out all the paperwork.
  • Car was in the shop and they gave me a Toyota Camry. Was worried I would be spoiled by the smooth, quiet ride, but no! Back in the $13k Yaris and it feels warm and comfortable. Screw you expensive cars.
  • I hate the Yaris.
  • Not entirely sure how Camry qualifies as an expensive car. It's pretty low cost considering the size & features. Of course I haven't looked at them for about 5 years... but I got a 5 year old Camry with less than 50k miles on it for under $15k (for everything including registration and whatnot) in 2008. It was pretty much in perfect condition other than being 5 years old.
  • What's snow?
  • Not entirely sure how Camry qualifies as an expensive car. It's pretty low cost considering the size & features. Of course I haven't looked at them for about 5 years... but I got a 5 year old Camry with less than 50k miles on it for under $15k (for everything including registration and whatnot) in 2008. It was pretty much in perfect condition other than being 5 years old.
    Camry is pretty much the generic "family sedan" type of car. You can get it partly pimped out with leather seats and the like, but it's more or less your basic 4 door, cloth upholstered, American-style family sedan for those who want a bit more legroom than you can get with something like the Yaris or even the Corolla. The really fancy sedan from Toyota (before you move up to Lexus) is the Avalon.
  • edited February 2013
    I've been told to report to work on time or else. Love it.
    It's almost as if work requires some level of responsibility...
    There's gonna be a blizzard...
    That's redonkulous.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Got to the first round of interviews for the Ward Fellowship!
  • Got to the first round of interviews for the Ward Fellowship!
  • I hate the Yaris.
    I have never agreed with you more strongly than I do at this moment, this one single instant of pure clarity.

    I test drove a Yaris. Fuck that car.
  • edited February 2013
    I hate the Yaris.
    Fuck that car.
    I haven't driven one, so can either of you expand on the hate?
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • Bad side visibility.
    Terrible rear visibility.
    Cramped console.
    Annoying placement of gauges.
  • My best friend drives a Yaris, it's probably the car I've spent the most time inside the last few years.

    Passenger seat is comfy. I'm set.
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