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Games you really wanted to be good



  • Both Mario Kart Wii and Galaxy were steps back for the series. Kart was more fun, and had a lot more strategy involved in it in Double Dash, and it was a whole lot more fun to play co-op with your friends. It felt mostly like a nicer looking version of Kart 64, and it could have been so much better.

    My problem with Galaxy is that its Mario 64 with gravity physics. Again its not really an improvement at all to the series, and it really could have been.
    So your complaint is that they took steps forward, but not forward enough? I think you expected too much. Galaxy is a great game, and Mario Kart Wii is the best Kart yet. Double Dash was good, but the two-per-kart thing was gimmicky and didn't really add to the game all that much.
  • My complaint is that they took a step forward graphically, but that's it, and graphics alone are not a real step forward unless they actually allow for new gameplay.

    DD's two-per-kart felt gimmicky to begin with but it allowed for a lot of depth in terms of strategy and tactics, especially when you are playing co-op or 2v2.

    Galaxy was Mario 64 with one more feature, but somehow because of the level design it always felt somehow less then the other games, and I didn't find it to be fun at all. It felt more like a Mario game knock-off then a Mario game.
  • DD's two-per-kart felt gimmicky to begin with but it allowed for a lot of depth in terms of strategy and tactics
    Are you kidding? The non-driving player only had two "strategies:" play in the obviously optimal way, or play poorly and sabotage the driver. So long as the 2nd player was competent, the driver was all that mattered. Driving was also the only part that was fun: I tired immediately of generating "blue sparks."
  • No the only strategy in Double Dash was to choose Toad/Toadette and Baby Mario/Luigi in the Toad Racer and rape everyone with their overpowered special items if you suck at the game.
  • The strategy that I remember was using Waluigi for the weapons player, especially if you were going to be in first place much of the race since the bomb special was one of the few specials that you could both get while in first but was also useful while ahead of everyone else.

    Anyway I can only speak to my experience with the game in which I had fun playing with my friends in DD co-op.
  • Mario Kart Wii is the best Kart yet.
    You best be trolling.
  • edited March 2009
    Mario Kart Wii is the best Kart yet.
    You best be trolling.
    Mario Kart: Super Circuit is the best Mario Kart. If you don't think so, then race me in it. It's the only Mario Kart where skill matters more than luck. I will win every time because I am god of that game.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Why not just play F-Zero or similar?
  • edited March 2009
    Mario Kart Wii is the best Kart yet.
    You best be trolling.
    Mario Kart: Super Circuit is the best Mario Kart. If you don't think so, then race me in it. It's the only Mario Kart where skill matters more than luck. I will win every time because I am god of that game.
    OK, I forgot about that one. THAT'S the best Kart yet.

    Dkong: Name a better Kart game, unless you were referring to Super Circuit.

    EDIT: F-Zero GX is HARD AS BALLS. Fuck that game. I love it, but fuck that game.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on

  • Galaxy was Mario 64 with one more feature, but somehow because of the level design it always felt somehow less then the other games, and I didn't find it to be fun at all. It felt more like a Mario game knock-off then a Mario game.
    wow, so your placing Sunshine higher then Galaxy...
  • edited March 2009
    Mario Kart: Super Circuit is the best Mario Kart. If you don't think so, then race me in it. It's the only Mario Kart where skill matters more than luck. I will win every time because I am god of that game.
    I don't think so, but I don't think I should race you in it. I'd just get owned. That game does really take some serious skill. I haven't played that in a long time and I get raped if I start it up again. I can boot up almost any other kart game and be ok.
    Dkong: Name a better Kart game, unless you were referring to Super Circuit.
    64 is probably my all time favorite. No blue sparks here, so possibly just as much of a skill based game. Both had bullshit items (and the blue shell sucked in 64, so it wasn't nearly as cheap as the flying versions), so don't even bring that up. Super Circuit is up there, though. It's tough for me to list my favorite Mario Kart games in order.
    EDIT: F-Zero GX is HARD AS BALLS. Fuck that game. I love it, but fuck that game.
    Play some of the 2d ones...
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • God Hand is a really frustrating game for me.
  • God Hand is a really frustrating game for me.
    That is made up for by the fact that it's hilarious.
  • 64 is probably my all time favorite. No blue sparks here, so possibly just as much of a skill based game. Both had bullshit items (and the blue shell sucked in 64, so it wasn't nearly as cheap as the flying versions)
    You're right, there was no blue spark bullshit, but this game did two things wrong. One, it introduced the blue shell, which is a bullshit item no matter what version you're playing (except for Super Circuit, where you can outrun it by driving perfectly). Secondly, the AI in 64 LITERALLY cheated. They would get an arbitrary speed boost to catch up to you if you were too far ahead.

    I grew up on F-Zero on the SNES. That was a great game, but GX is far more difficult. I haven't played any of the GBA ones, but quite frankly, I don't need to. GX is as much challenge as I need in an F-Zero game.
  • Secondly, the AI in 64 LITERALLY cheated. They would get an arbitrary speed boost to catch up to you if you were too far ahead.
    For me, this ruined 64. IIRC it was impossible to have a race without the AI in it. If it was possible to race just with four people, it would have been fine that the AI cheated because you could still beat it. It would have just made the 1-player game suck.

    Also, 64 had a few broken tracks. I'm fine with secret shortcuts in Mario Kart. That's part of what it's all about. the DS and Wii versions actually do a really good job with this. They have plenty of hidden shortcuts, but they aren't easy. Just knowing about them isn't enough to win. You also have to have skills and/ or a mushroom, to use them to your advantage. Some of the broken tracks in Mario 64, like the Wario one, had obviously broken ways to jump over the walls. Early 3d games at their finest.
  • Some shortcuts in Super Circuit are pretty cheap. Sky Garden comes to mind. Barely anyone does that cloud hopping trick, and you don't need any items to pull it off, but it gets you way ahead.
  • Some shortcuts in Super Circuit are pretty cheap. Sky Garden comes to mind. Barely anyone does that cloud hopping trick, and you don't need any items to pull it off, but it gets you way ahead.
    It's easy, I do it every single lap.
  • I grew up on F-Zero on the SNES. That was a great game, but GX is far more difficult. I haven't played any of the GBA ones, but quite frankly, I don't need to. GX is as much challenge as I need in an F-Zero game.
    F-Zero X for the N64 is actually a good middle ground. It's challenging but not balls-busting, and it comes with a death race mode in which you make other people's machines explode to win. The only drawback is that there's no custom machine creation mode, but if all you're concerned about is results in GX, then you could just max out all the parts.
  • Devil May Cry 2.
  • Devil May Cry 2.
    Umm, isn't that supposed to be the best one in the series?
  • Devil May Cry 2.
    Umm, isn't that supposed to be the best one in the series?
    What is Devil May Cry 2? I've never heard of it. It doesn't exist. Why don't you play something like DMC3 or DMC1 or something other than this non-existing game.
  • That bad, huh?
  • I must be mistaken.
  • Mario Power Tennis Wii Edition.
  • Bioshock.

    Not really a bad game, but it couldn't live up to the hype. Somehow this happens quite often.
  • Mario Power Tennis Wii Edition.
    Not that I have played it but isn't it the original with a new control scheme. How can it be bad?
  • Devil May Cry 2.
    I second that. For me it goes DMC 1 > DMC 3 > DMC 4. I liked DMC 4 though.
  • I know a lot of people who like Zelda side-questing more than the dungeons, to the point that they find doing the dungeons painful.
    I could say straight up that I'm one of those people, but I kinda like dungeons as long as they are creative and well designed. Anyone who does a repeat of the Water Temple should be executed as that was utter fucking torture.
  • Also, didn't BS Zelda have new dungeons come over the satellite?
    While technically that's correct, you're pretty far off. Alttp BS was basically "okay, here is 1/4 of the world and a dungeon to explore for this week. Here is another quarter of dungeons and the world to explore the next week, and so on and so on.
  • Anyone who does a repeat of the Water Temple should be executed as that was utter fucking torture.
    Everyone hates the water temple.
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