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  • Back to playing Trials HD since the released the new level packs. Got golds in everything now outside the new extreme levels. Man I both hate and love this game in equal measures
  • Way too much stuff to do inRed Dead Redemption(playing it on PS3). It's easy to get immersed and just ride your horse and do side missions forever. This type of sensory overload is why I never really got into any of theGTAgames, but for some reason it doesn't bother me inRed Dead. Maybe because John Marston is so chill. Like me :-p
    I'm trying to change my life away from being a murdering son of a bitch, and I'll murder every son of a bitch in the southern united states and mexico to do it! OOOH! LOOK, Wild sage.
    I can't wait until we can have a western games where firing a gun is actually an "OH SNAP" moment like it is in western films. Bioware, GET ON THAT SHIT.
  • edited January 2011
    I can't wait until we can have a western games where firing a gun is actually an "OH SNAP" moment like it is in western films. Bioware, GET ON THAT SHIT.
      I wrote a blog article recently which covers something that could be done to make killing doods more meaningful by way of making your enemies have a sense of self preservation.

      The zombie-with-a-gun AI problem is something we really need to get past.
      Post edited by Omnutia on
    • edited January 2011
      I wrotea blog articlerecently which covers something that could be done to make killing doods more meaningful by way of making your enemies have a sense of self preservation.
      I remember you linking me to this post. It's really well done.

      Anyway, I've been playing Zork on my kindle by way of PortableQuest.

      It's not that fun on the kindle, due mostly to the web browser not understanding that if you're in a text field of a form, if you press the enter key, it should submit the form. It's not even really that it doesn't understand it, it's that its not understanding of it is inconsistent. I wouldn't mind if function just didn't work. I'd be like, "Hey it doesn't work, it doesn't work". At least at that point I could decide if I wanted to put in the effort of clicking once down and twice left to hit the submit button on the page every time I wanted to send a command.

      But the fact that it does work, but sometimes it doesn't, really bothers me. Now I'm stuck with this choice that is dependent on a sort of bothered-ness fill gauge. As in "Okay, at this moment, is having to wonder if my command will be sent, and possibly having to re-send it worth playing Zork?"

      I WANT to play Zork. It's a game thats been on my list forever, but there HAS to be a better way to play it portably.
      Post edited by Victor Frost on
    • So apparently 90% of BFBC2 players don't take any time to consider the tactical situation and instead just run in the direction that kind of makes sense judging by where the bullets are coming from. Last night I was carrying my team along a Rush map, and we managed to make it to the very last bomb site. There's a convenient little embankment there for the defending team to camp on, and nobody on my team seemed to comprehend this. They just ran straight into the meat grinder every time. The game ended when I, in the space of about fifteen seconds, fired smoke to cover my approach, flanked the entrenched enemy, killed three or four dudes, dropped ammo for myself (to get more smoke), fired a smoke grenade between me and the bomb site, and on the bomb site, killed another dude, and then planted the bomb just before dying. I cheered quietly, as everyone else in my house was asleep, and hoped that my team would back my efforts up. They didn't. We lost.

      I finished that game with 45000 points and twenty pins, including "best player". Fucking idiots.
    • edited January 2011
      So apparently 90% of BFBC2 players don't take any time to consider the tactical situation and instead just run in the direction that kind of makes sense judging by where the bullets are coming from. Last night I was carrying my team along a Rush map, and we managed to make it to the very last bomb site. There's a convenient little embankment there for the defending team to camp on, and nobody on my team seemed to comprehend this. They just ran straight into the meat grinder every time. The game ended when I, in the space of about fifteen seconds, fired smoke to cover my approach, flanked the entrenched enemy, killed three or four dudes, dropped ammo for myself (to get more smoke), fired a smoke grenade between me and the bomb site, and on the bomb site, killed another dude, and then planted the bomb just before dying. I cheered quietly, as everyone else in my house was asleep, and hoped that my team would back my efforts up. They didn't. We lost.

      I finished that game with 45000 points and twenty pins, including "best player". Fucking idiots.
      It's still better than BF2, where the entire game could hinge on getting a good commander. Two evenly matched teams, but if one team has a bad commander, and the other a good one, they're going to lose horribly. It's not like the Commander can force anyone else to do anything, but the extra support he can provide will make or break a game.

      EDIT - for those who haven't played it, all you can do is drop Arty, Deploy a UAV over an area, Do a satellite scan to show all enemy positions for a few seconds, Drop a light vehicle, and lay a supply drop, which heals, repairs, and re-arms players and vehicles, but much slower than a player whose class can do that already. The commander can do this anywhere on the map. They can also mark enemies and points of interest, set waypoints, and voice both individual players, squads, or the entire team. Buuut, they can't move, see, or hear clearly when in the commander interface, and are little more than sitting ducks for the enemy team - who can do all the same things.
      Post edited by Churba on
    • I finished Golden Sun: Dark Dawn today. While it wasn't very difficult (at least, until the final boss, who brought a massive spike of difficulty with it) I have to say it's easily my favorite RPG of 2010. It's very fun, and I loved the setting and characters and all the nods to the original two games.
    • Toki Tori is such an amazing game, it now has a level editor too.
    • I got a psp right before Christmas, and since then I've been trying all kinds of games. I'd almost given up on it until I found Phantasy Star Portable 2, and I've been addicted to it since then.

      Games I'm playing:

      Phantasy Star Portable
      Halo: Reach
      Assassin's creed 2
      Persona 3 portable (found it right after psp2)
    • Played Black Ops through the single player campaign. Pretty unimpressive. Not bad, but nothing special. The story is a bit convoluted, and I don't like the jumping around in one guys flashbacks. The zombie mode at the end is amusing, but I'd rather play Left 4 Dead.
      Dawn of War II is a ton of fun. I like the mechanics of using a small number of squads who improve and level as they get more experience, and I like the challenge of trying to balance completing a mission speedily with keeping your precious units alive.
    • So I now only have a 1.6GHz single core running Ubuntu, so it's SNES era games, visual novels (Might give Narcissu another go or Broken Girls) or DS games.
    • Dawn of War II is a ton of fun. I like the mechanics of using a small number of squads who improve and level as they get more experience, and I like the challenge of trying to balance completing a mission speedily with keeping your precious units alive.
      I'm pumped for the Orkz expansion so I can get my Waagh on. Also, I hear tell that proper equipping and use of the Dreadnought for the Marines can be a big gamebreaker.
    • I got a psp right before Christmas, and since then I've been trying all kinds of games. I'd almost given up on it until I found Phantasy Star Portable 2, and I've been addicted to it since then.
      I just got a PSP myself. Would you recommend this game?

      As for me, I've been playing Ys Seven, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Little Big Planet. Mostly I've been playing Little Big Planet. I was quite surprised by how much I liked it (I got on sale just to see what it was like). I haven't tried my hand at making a level yet, though.
    • Dawn of War II is a ton of fun. I like the mechanics of using a small number of squads who improve and level as they get more experience, and I like the challenge of trying to balance completing a mission speedily with keeping your precious units alive.
      I'm pumped for the Orkz expansion so I can get my Waagh on. Also, I hear tell that proper equipping and use of the Dreadnought for the Marines can be a big gamebreaker.
      If you use the units with any intelligence, the game can get really easy with the dreadnaught and your assault marines changing into terminator armor. It's STILL fun to mow down hoards of enemies with your squads though.
    • I just started Brutal Legend. So far, it's a decent story hampered by sloppy game controls. It's trying to blend an RTS with an Action game. Noble attempt but it falls short. The visuals and sound track are AMAZING. I just wish they have an option to just listen to that. It's worth the 10$ I paid.
    • I just startedBrutal Legend.
      I wanted that game to be so much better.
    • I just startedBrutal Legend.
      I wanted that game to be so much better.
      You'd like it anyways. Get it for cheap and play through on easy.
    • On a whim I thought my girlfriend would find Brütal Legend hilarious so I threw it on the ps3 for her to play. Mind you she doesn't play console games, or games period, but she is into heavy metal and I thought it would be entertaining.

      We get to difficulty selection and she goes to brütal so fast I couldn't even say anything.

      me: "Why did you put it on brütal??!?"
      her: "Really? You expect me to play a game with umlauts in the title on anything else?"

      I am torn between shedding man tears and fearing for her sanity.
    • edited January 2011
      You'd like it anyways. Get it for cheap and play through on easy.
      No, I actually played it when George was visiting once. It was cool for a bit, but lost its novelty very quickly.

      I know, I know. Me, of all people, disliking Brutal Legend? It's a sad state of affairs.

      I am torn between shedding man tears and fearing for her sanity.
      Put a ring on that!
      Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
    • Sadly, it probably sold better than Psychonauts.
    • Play Zombies & Pterodactyls 20XX over the weekend for a review. It was actually a very fun game. Felt like sidescrolling combat ala Smash Bros but with the combat of an FPS. A little easy to find the overpowered strategies and doesn't have a very high skill cap, but enjoyable nonetheless, and much deeper than what I expected for a $1 game.

      Also, hit some awesome point of getting shit done over the weekend. No major responsibilities, house sparkling clean & organized, and all of my writing already done for the week, so I was able to make progress in Dead Space. This has been the game in my 360 disc drive since the summer and has been sitting shamefully unplayed for many months now. Into chapter 6 so hopefully I can get through it this week.
    • Dariu Twin: Oh shit! It's a giant robot shark, in space, and it shoots shark missiles!
    • Dariu Twin: Oh shit! It's a giant robot shark, in space, and it shoots shark missiles!
      Try G Darius for PSX.
    • Played that quite a bit, good multiplayer and the addition of being able to capture enemies for attacks was cool.
    • I caved in and bought a Kinect. Also bought Dance Central and have been shaking my bum. I'm having a lot of fun and sweating a bit.
    • Dragon Quest IX is awesome, if only for the multiplayer aspect of bringing your friend into your world. My friend has 160+ hours logged since Christmas, and he brought us in and we went Metal King Slime hunting. The jump from Lv. 10 to 42 was crazy.

      Oh, and Jump Ultimate Stars is still really cool, though I should have acquired a Spanish version, cause I would have been able to make more heads or tails of words. My Japanese is crazy rusty, and this is only frustrating me.
    • I got Final Fantasy IX off of the PSN. I love being able to play FFIX on the toilet. CHILDHOOD DREAM COMPLETE.
    • I got Final Fantasy IX off of the PSN. I love being able to play FFIX on the toilet. CHILDHOOD DREAM COMPLETE.
      Son, I am pride.
    • I was actually thinking about getting a PSP recently. PSX emulation and the few good PSP games would be worth it.
    • I was actually thinking about getting a PSP recently. PSX emulation and the few good PSP games would be worth it.
      Me too. Almost entirely to play NIS games when I get right down to it.
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