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  • So, there is a deal in Best Buy for this week (Buy 2 get 1 free). I have a $30 coupon from my Reward Points, what games should I get?
  • I just finished Little Big Planet on the PSP. It's not 100% complete, but going back shouldn't be a chore. I really love it. I was really surprised by how much I liked it. The one thing I didn't like, though, was that it was perhaps a bit short. I guess all that's left now is for try out some community levels.
  • So, there is a deal in Best Buy for this week (Buy 2 get 1 free). I have a $30 coupon from my Reward Points, what games should I get?
    Amazon is also running a buy 2 get 1 free game deal as well right now.
  • So, there is a deal in Best Buy for this week (Buy 2 get 1 free). I have a $30 coupon from my Reward Points, what games should I get?
    Little Big Planet 2.
  • Angry Birds is really fun.
  • Amnesia, Dawn of War II, Empire: Total War, and I've just now gone back to Red Faction: Guerrilla. Never has mindless destruction been so enjoyable.
  • Never has mindless destruction been so enjoyable.
    Sir, I take offense at that statement.
  • Silent Bomber was better.
  • Silent Bomber was better.
    Better than Island Asshole 2, or Mars asshole? You best be trollin', son.
  • Your only interaction with anything in that game was to blow it up.
  • LittleBigPlanet 2 is absolutely radiant.
  • Your only interaction with anything in that game was to blow it up.
    You're going to have to be more specific about which game you are speaking of.
  • Never has mindless destruction been so enjoyable.
    Sir, I take offense at that statement.
    I played the demo of JC2 and found the controls to be abhorrent. Sticky, unresponsive controls overrule grappling hooks any day of the week. Plus, again judging by the demo, far more can be blow'd up in RF:G than in JC2 which was limited to light structure destruction and vehicle destruction.
    Do correct me if I'm wrong or if the demo was grossly inaccurate of what the real game offered.
  • Do correct me if I'm wrong or if the demo was grossly inaccurate of what the real game offered.
    It's hard to say - I played both, and while I can say that the controls were vastly improved for the full game - mostly based on complaints about the demo's controls - however, I can't say I had the same problems that you had, only that I didn't find that personally with the full game. The controls felt quite responsive and and not sticky at all, but they could have been just that little bit faster, they were, on the whole, quite good.

    Disclaimer - I Played the 360 version, not the PC version. I don't know what version you played.
  • I think I'm going to take a break from video games for a while and do more drawing. I look at the pile of games I've got stacked up (Including Fallout 3 still.) and there's nothing really appealing to me.
  • I really like the idea of Little Big Planet, and by extension really LOVE the idea of Little Big Planet 2. I enjoy the idea of a community building their own levels, designing their own characters, heck even designing their own game play. I like Sackboy, and all his cute sack outfits, his whole sack world, and I like Stephen Fry's voice over. However, I'm just not too keen on the actual game itself. I think I enjoy watching videos of stuff people made in game rather than actually playing the game itself. Not a really big fan of the floaty physics and the Z-axis movement. It got boring for me fast when I bought it and started playing single player. If the LBP series could manage to make the game itself more compelling to play, and had a bit more interaction other than jumping and pushing/pulling things I'd probably be more interested.
  • NFS Hot Pursuit is like IRL Mario Kart. You can drive a Bugatti Veyron and deploy spike strips and EMPs to get your enemies out of the way. I really like it; I only wish I had the peddles/wheel/stick shift setup for USB. Maybe one day.

    I am still too frightened to play Amnesia for more than 15 minutes.
  • edited January 2011
    I am still too frightened to play Amnesia for more than 15 minutes.
    I watched it on Youtube, narrated by a British girl who called everything in the game "Mister [something]." For example, the weird looking enemies with the gaping mouths were "Mr. Face." There's a dude later in the game that she calls "Mr. Tall." It was quaint, charming, and hilarious.

    I do kinda want to get the game, to play it in a quiet, dark room, just to get the full experience.

    EDIT: Also, my suspension of disbelief for the whole "you can't fight back" thing was totally pierced when I first saw a crowbar. Gordon Freeman would've fucked that place up.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited January 2011
    I watched it on Youtube, narrated by a British girl who called everything in the game "Mister [something]." For example, the weird looking enemies with the gaping mouths were "Mr. Face." There's a dude later in the game that she calls "Mr. Tall." It was quaint, charming, and hilarious.
    I watched the LPs she did of the Penumbra games and she continued stuck with that. The enemies were "Mr. Torch" and "Mr. Penis".

    EDIT: You don't want their combat until they fix it. The fighting in Penumbra is shit.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited January 2011
    I do kinda want to get the game, to play it in a quiet, dark room, just to get the full experience.
    I live in a single apartment, so everything is that much more frightening.

    Also, I was on a Mumble server with friends while I was playing, and I heard a voice. So then this happened:

    Me: "Did one of you guys just say something?"
    Friend 1: "Nope."
    Friend 2: "Not to you guys, but my mic could have picked it up. What was it?"
    Me: "Uh, 'Oh god, it's all gone, everything is gone?'"
    Friend 1: "..."
    Friend 2: "...not me... [silence]"
    Me: "Godfuckingdammit."
    EDIT: You don't want their combat until they fix it. The fighting in Penumbra is shit.
    No fighting in Amnesia. Everything will just kill the shit out of you anyway, so all you can do is run.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I still maintain that Gordon Freeman would walk into that house, grab a crowbar, and ram it straight into Mr. Face's, well, face. I think Daniel is just a giant simpering pussy.
  • Lugia Get! On to the Final Four!
  • I got WarioWare D.I.Y. for DS as a birthday present over the summer. It sat on the shelf unopened until I busted it out on the plane ride two days ago. All I can say so far is that it does not suck yet. Don't know of it will ever top GC WarioWare because that has great 4-player, but it seems like the best single player mobile version when compared to the past offerings. Also, heard on an indie gaming podcast a few months back that Nintendo was hiring a lot of the best names in indie game development to make their own WarioWare stage packs and put them in the Wii download are. The whole catch to D.I.Y. is that is has a level creator (that is very reminiscent of Mario Paint for extra points). You can do a DS to Wii connection and download these extra level packs that other people have made, so there is some appeal to knowing that good designers have gone and made some for me to check out.
  • I played Settlers Online Word today with a friend. I now cannot wait to play with my friends next weekend.
  • Currently in the beginning of a Zelda marathon, in which I play all the console Zelda games (excluding CD-I of course) from Twilight Princess back to the original. All I got so say for the moment is that I forgot how good Twilight Princess is. Granted it is easier than what I'm used to, but the boss battles in this game are off the wall
  • Could someone relay to Jason that his steam account is sending Spam?
  • Europa Universalis III is a wonderful grand strategy game that provides the multiplayer strategy that Civ V didn't deliver.
  • Europa Universalis III is a wonderful grand strategy game that provides the multiplayer strategy that Civ V didn't deliver.
  • Europa Universalis III is a wonderful grand strategy game that provides the multiplayer strategy that Civ V didn't deliver.
    The game (EUIII: Complete) and the other expansion (Heir to the throne) is a total of $6 on steam right now until the 27th.
  • edited January 2011
    The game (EUIII: Complete) and the other expansion (Heir to the throne) is a total of $6 on steam right now until the 27th.
    I think that's because they're hawking Europa Universalis III: Divine Wind for $20.

    EDIT: I just realized that EU3 Complete isn't complete because it doesn't include Heir to the Throne or Divine Wind. WTF people.
    Post edited by Apreche on
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