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  • I love Technic. I discovered a few months back, and it's my favorite way to play Minecraft now. I'm planning to setup a Tekkit LAN server for me and my roommates one of these days.
  • I find that it works best for multiplayer. When you have a bunch of people, it accelerates how quickly you can get from wood to nuclear. 10+ means we might have nuclear by the end of the two week session.
  • I will try this Tekkit at some point.
  • edited July 2012
    Has anyone picked up "Great Big War Game"? I'm thinking about it...
    Yeah I have it :) I havent played it at all yet tho, but Great Little War Game was pretty dang good, so I cant imagine its far off. Probably one of the better turn based strategies you could get for your iphone. If you wind up getting it Im down for some multiplayer battles you fucker!
    Post edited by johndis on
  • I never looked into Spelunky before dude just mentioned it here and god damn does it ever look awesome.
  • I've used plenty of Buildcraft with TMI. Could go for some Tekkit.

    Oh, in the video it says it comes with Equivalent Exchange and industrial craft. Wizards vs Scientists!
  • Someone should get a forum Tekkit server going. That sounds amazing.
  • Someone should get a forum Tekkit server going. That sounds amazing.
  • Someone should get a forum Tekkit server going. That sounds amazing.
  • They key to being an awesome person in regex. s/^Someone should/I will/g
  • echo "shit talking" > /forum/posts/Apreche.comment[-1]
  • Or are you simply calling muppet out Luke Crane style? ("You know what you should do?") ;^)
  • If I can figure out how to get a minecraft dedicated server to run acceptably on a G4 Mac and a residential ADSL, I'm all over it. :-)
  • edited July 2012
    If I can figure out how to get a minecraft dedicated server to run acceptably on a G4 Mac and a residential ADSL, I'm all over it. :-)
    Hosting, it is the cheap. Why don't you all pool your money together?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Never looked into leased game hosting before. I'm paying enough for my hobby webhosting as it is. The one time I had a dedicated VPS it turned out to be way too much hassle. I've got saltwater fish, a side business, and a day job. I'd be a HORRIBLY unreliable administrator. :-)

    But I'd pitch in a coupla bucks for the hosting.
  • While I was playing Assassin's Creed, since I've been playing Borderlands, I will be doing the DLC on co-op, but for now I started playing Bioshock. Same makers of Borderlands, so it seems to be a good transition.
  • I'd be willing to pitch in money also.

    Would it be better to just get a standard hosting box somewhere and install Minecraft and Tekkit, or get a dedicated Tekkit host that's set-up already?

    This seems expensive for any decent amount of ram.
  • I'd be willing to pitch in money also.

    Would it be better to just get a standard hosting box somewhere and install Minecraft and Tekkit, or get a dedicated Tekkit host that's set-up already?

    This seems expensive for any decent amount of ram.
    That's actually way cheap. A Linode with 512MB is $20 a month. They're offering 1025MB at $16.
  • I have no idea what amount of RAM is reasonable or desirable to run an OS + server for Tekkit.

    If somebody wants to step up and admin the server, and we can get at least a few players to chip in, my vote would be that the person with admin responsibilities doesn't pay. Being the one responsible to contact customer service, etc is surely worth a share.
  • RymRym
    edited July 2012
    I have 12GB on my main PC. I use almost all of it when editing video. Production systems at my old company had 64GB minimum.

    Both are ludicrous overkill for something like this I'd imagine. ;^)
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Deadly violent crime committed against strangers not themselves involved in a crime is so ludicrously rare that I'd argue there is no reasonable reason to carry a pistol for self-defense against it.
    I agree. Let's find someone to admin the server, and then SHOOT them!
  • edited July 2012
    I feel like we probably need around a gig of ram at least. That's probably a good starting point at least.

    Will it even take that much upkeep to admin the server? I'd be willing to help out with that and chip in also. It's like 5 bucks a month between three people for a gig of ram.

    Also, should we make a new post for this or maybe use the old minecraft one?
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Without the need to store any kind of assets servers shouldn't take up a ton of ram, mostly the array for the terrain.

    You can search Google for people asking the same question and there are usually responses from people who already run servers saying how much they use.
  • I have no idea what amount of RAM is reasonable or desirable to run an OS + server for Tekkit.

    If somebody wants to step up and admin the server, and we can get at least a few players to chip in, my vote would be that the person with admin responsibilities doesn't pay. Being the one responsible to contact customer service, etc is surely worth a share.
    I've actually never adminned a game server, and my interest is piquing. Although I'm sure the responsibility is negligible, lemme do a little research after work before I make the formal commitment, especially if someone wants to use their own box than have us all rent. I'm also fine with fronting the money and contributing.
  • You know... if Tribes Ascend custom servers allow everyone to play with all the unlocks... I could be very tempted to chip-in for such a server.
  • Omnutia and I played some multi-player Driver SF, and it was pretty fun, and things got a bit crazy - Like jumping a ramp truck off a ramp truck, that was in the middle of jumping off a ramp truck.
  • You know... if Tribes Ascend custom servers allow everyone to play with all the unlocks... I could be very tempted to chip-in for such a server.
    Yes, but it will never happen.
  • edited July 2012
    I'm still tempted to get Tribes 2 working in Linux. I contacted the guy who got it working by installing a bunch of VB libraries via Winetricks but he didn't take notes as to what he had installed.

    Might ask him if he's still running it and see what winetricks list-installed comes back with.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Its only like $150 to unlock everything with gold in Tribes.
  • edited July 2012
    Its only like $150 to unlock everything with gold in Tribes.
    For $150 I can almost buy a 3DS. I could buy 15 $10 games. I could buy 150 $1 games. What moron would spend $150 on ONE GAME. Even Eclipse only costs $80, and that gets you a physical object. $150 worth of SQL UPDATE statements. No thanks.
    Post edited by Apreche on
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