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  • Sweet, bought around $80 of games in the last couple of weeks.

    Better play through Borderlands again... (at least it's coop)
  • edited July 2012
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Been playing more LoL when I can't participate in a certain beta. I'm beginning to see that some characters are simply overpowered. My list so far is of three in particular which, once the AI starts using, literally become invincible unless all five team members attack at the exact same time when the enemy is alone. Alastair, Malhazan, and Swain are grossly unbalanced.
  • Alastair is a tank, he drops off a lot late game. He wants you to focus him because his ulti mitigates a percentage of damage done to him. He does a good amount of damage early game and is quite strong because of his CC. Just ignore him in fights. Sure he'll knock you up, he's just trying to anger you so that you'll focus him and not on the rest of his teammates.

    Malhzahar is just another AP carry Mage. He is hard to fight 1 v 1 because his skills are useful for comboing together to deal major damage. Get someone with a stun to interrupt his ulti. It's just like any other ap mage really, you don't want to face them solo or you have to outplay them. Get a null mantle if you find yourself getting screwed by him, for some magic resistance.

    Swain, I don't really know. He was considered one of the worst AP mages when I was playing. Never really saw him got played much. Beware of his ult which will regen his health faster than you can hurt him. Try and dodge his stun rune by predicting when it'll be used. Get null mantle if you're getting fucked by magics.

    When I say get a null mantle, see what other items you can get for magic resistance instead. I forget all the ones that exist, but some are useful.

    I'm surprised you haven't called out on the actual bullshit heroes yet.
  • edited July 2012
    Yeah, none of those strike me as overpowered, though it has been a few months since I've played and they might have been changed.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Having played a bit of Malzahar, he is pretty easy to lane with. Dot creeps, hit them, watch disease bounce around till it hopefully tags the enemy hero, repeat. His ults great... but relatively situational.
  • I love having Alistar as a opponent. His headbutt has helped me more often than it has caused trouble. There has been times where I was able to escape bad situation just because enemy Alistar gave me a push.
  • Maybe it's the way the AI uses them. Note that I've only been playing a little while and have yet seen every hero in action.
  • I'm playing the wait for PAX game. 31 days...
  • Maybe it's the way the AI uses them. Note that I've only been playing a little while and have yet seen every hero in action.
    If you are playing against bots are they on beginner or intermediate difficulty? Beginner bots are quite simple and should cause lot of trouble, but in my memory intermediate bots are actually good and can be a trouble.

  • Red Orchestra 2 should not have made it past QC.
  • I've played my one character in Dark Souls for 40 hours so far, and I've killed 7 of the 22 bosses. Im never going to beat this game.
  • I've played my one character in Dark Souls for 40 hours so far, and I've killed 7 of the 22 bosses. Im never going to beat this game.
    Something like 50 or 60 hours played and only two bosses left. I actually might see the end of the game someday soon.

  • Bots don't play like players so the intermediate ones caught me off guard in my first game with them. They are really bad against things like healing though. I didn't know they added a malz bot... I guess that would be one of the easiest bots to script though...
  • Dark Souls is the longest I've spent on a game in the past year and I will definitely be playing it again soon. Especially once the expansion comes out. And yes I will keep telling everyone how much I enjoy this game because it is goddamn awesome. It's basically like Zelda for grown ups in a way.
  • I thought Zelda was Zelda for grown ups.
  • That's just nostalgia.
  • I really think Zelda is a game for kids, not in the sense of it being simplistic but the way it is really well built to capture that child like sense of wonder we lose as we grow up as well as the trials and achievements.
  • Red Orchestra 2 should not have made it past QC.
    What's wrong with it, out of interest?
  • edited August 2012
    I love that goddamn game in theory, but in practice the game is so buggy as to essentially not function, and it honestly seems to get worse over time. At this point, half the time when you boot it up the menu doesn't show, instead just being a green mass of pixels. Try to launch a single-player match, and maybe one in ten times it won't crash on load. Play online, and when it isn't lagging completely out of control, players are randomly dropping out en mass because their game crashed.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I love that goddamn game in theory, but in practice the game is so buggy as to essentially not function, and it honestly seems to get worse over time. At this point, half the time when you boot it up the menu doesn't show, instead just being a green mass of pixels. Try to launch a single-player match, and maybe one in ten times it won't crash on load. Play online, and when it isn't lagging completely out of control, players are randomly dropping out en mass because their game crashed.
    RO2, you mean? I've never had ANY of those problems. Admittedly, I've not played it as much as some, but still, no problems yet.
  • Played and finally beat Super Metroid for the fist time. In NZ, Nintendo had a TINY prescence during the mid 90's. I knew ONE person who had a SNES.

    Awesome game.

    *Slightly* floaty jump was a bit frustrating.

    But I can see why it's loved.
  • Played and finally beat Super Metroid for the fist time. In NZ, Nintendo had a TINY prescence during the mid 90's. I knew ONE person who had a SNES.

    Awesome game.

    *Slightly* floaty jump was a bit frustrating.

    But I can see why it's loved.
    The jump is floaty because there is no grab. You can jump without spinning if you have to. Also, space jump!
  • edited August 2012
    Played and finally beat Super Metroid for the fist time. In NZ, Nintendo had a TINY prescence during the mid 90's. I knew ONE person who had a SNES.

    Awesome game.

    *Slightly* floaty jump was a bit frustrating.

    But I can see why it's loved.
    The jump is floaty because there is no grab. You can jump without spinning if you have to. Also, space jump!
    Yes, non-spin jump is great for precision jumping.

    But what the hell, that space jump is hard as balls to use! Oh, sure, you can traverse a straight line OK, but Super Metroid is like, haha, no you have to jump left off this ledge, bounce off the wall and then space jump to the RIGHT...

    Good times, I don't mind. But was certainly eye opening. Having played Fusion, Zero, the Prime trilogy and even Other M, I found this game the hardest simply due to the controls. Although I will admit that the bosses in Echoes game me a lot of grief.

    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Couple co-op is still in effect in the Mantanona-Minor household. We are currently playing Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7. It's not as good as Years 1-4. Things seem more rushed and not as fleshed out. Overall, it's still enjoyable and amusing for being Potterheads.

    Also Lego Batman 2 is pretty cool. They have actual voice acting of the characters.
  • Oh, one more thing: Super Metroid - your sand?

    FUCK YOU my hand still hurts :/
  • Dumbest/smartest thing I did in Super Metroid was to climb an enormous open area by bomb jumping using my ascii pad. It allowed me to get to some places I really wasn't supposed to be.
  • Dumbest/smartest thing I did in Super Metroid was to climb an enormous open area by bomb jumping using my ascii pad. It allowed me to get to some places I really wasn't supposed to be.
    I should go watch a speed run, now that I have an understanding of the layout. I guess they use sequence breaks?

  • Space jump is very easy to use. Wall jump, not so much.
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