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  • edited October 2012
    It's solid. I think the whole "Better ending if you don't kill people" is a bizarre moral high ground for a game who's tagline is "Revenge solves everything," though. It's also too short.
    Hence why I would probably hold that off and save on AppleBloom Tax, X-Com on the other hand looks mighty fine.

    There's that new pokemon too..
    Post edited by lifecircle on
  • Apparently, dishonored is not short if you turn off the objective marker and spend time exploring the levels. If you just rush to the assassination target like it's the only thing to do in the game it'll be too short.
  • Thing is, I collected most of the things and did side-missions. Still only 9 hours.
  • It's solid. I think the whole "Better ending if you don't kill people" is a bizarre moral high ground for a game who's tagline is "Revenge solves everything," though. It's also too short.
    Revenge doesn't necessarily mean kill someone.
  • It's solid. I think the whole "Better ending if you don't kill people" is a bizarre moral high ground for a game who's tagline is "Revenge solves everything," though. It's also too short.
    Revenge doesn't necessarily mean kill someone.
    Revenge surely doesn't mean killing anyone or everyone.

  • For the amount of flexibility and detail crammed into every square foot of Dishonored, 9 hours is fine by me. I could easily see myself playing this game twice.
  • I honestly think that given how many games there are, and how many are coming out, it's just sort of rude to make a game that takes more than like 20 hours to play through. Except Dark Souls
  • I honestly think that given how many games there are, and how many are coming out, it's just sort of rude to make a game that takes more than like 20 hours to play through. Except Dark Souls
    That too. Most games can't hold my attention for more than 20 hours, and even that's pushing it.
  • Especially when it's the kind of game where it takes like 10 hours to get the really cool guns and/or spells or whatever. Just give me that shit immediately and make the game half the length, sheesh. Dark Souls still gettin a pass from me here
  • edited October 2012
    That is one of the things I love about Dishonored. They don't take their time giving you cool toys to play with. So far the whole thing feels completely free of filler.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I would've liked the story to stretch to 15-20 hours, because I will replay some of the missions and go for special stuff. I wonder if replaying the missions individually gives you all the upgrades from the story mode...
  • I am astonished that you could beat the game in 9 hours and get everything. The first (real) mission took me 4 hours. Total game time was 18, according to steam.
  • I didn't get everything, but I got most of the Runes and Bone Charms.
  • I beat hero 30 (both full endings) and going to take a break to get hero 3 and hero 300 (yes Scott you need to play the other mode to get the harder version and new adventure).
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, I also spent a good 5 hours on the first mission. The others have been slightly shorter so far, but even if the game ended after this mission (SPOILERS I've just been poisoned after killing the Lord Regent /SPOILERS) I wouldn't call it short.
    Post edited by Dylan on
  • Black Mesa is really, really cool. I've heard it's unfinished and that makes me sad, but I can see why it took so long to be released. The team clearly put a TON of work into this thing and the labor of love shows big time.
  • Well, it's "unfinished" in the sense that it ends on a cliffhanger and does not include all the levels and story from the game it is based on. However, the stuff that is in there is pretty much "finished" in that it probably won't be improved upon.
  • After about 2 hours of play I'm already up to the point where the human grunts start showing up, so I don't think I've got much left. I'm really amazed by the graphical complexity they've pulled off with the source engine (frosted logos on the glass, the deep, wet looking eyes on the aliens, and lots of little touches) while still allowing the game to run near 60FPS on my i3 laptop with integrated graphics.
  • Oh yeah, Black Mesa. I started. I should finish.
  • I wish they hadn't tried so hard to include the crouch jumping mechanic from HL. I dunno if that's for authenticity, or what, but there's a reason it was dropped in HL2. It's a fucking horrible, annoying mechanic.
  • I wish they hadn't tried so hard to include the crouch jumping mechanic from HL. I dunno if that's for authenticity, or what, but there's a reason it was dropped in HL2. It's a fucking horrible, annoying mechanic.
    You mean the long jump boots or the crouch jump to get on a crate?
  • I wish they hadn't tried so hard to include the crouch jumping mechanic from HL. I dunno if that's for authenticity, or what, but there's a reason it was dropped in HL2. It's a fucking horrible, annoying mechanic.
    You mean the long jump boots or the crouch jump to get on a crate?
    The latter.
  • Apparently I need to print ~200 pages of stuff for a murder mystery game. If this does not work out well I will have a sad.
  • I wish they hadn't tried so hard to include the crouch jumping mechanic from HL. I dunno if that's for authenticity, or what, but there's a reason it was dropped in HL2. It's a fucking horrible, annoying mechanic.
    You mean the long jump boots or the crouch jump to get on a crate?
    The latter.
    That has always been in the HL and Source engines. It's in vanilla HL2, L4D, everything. It's a side effect more than an intentional feature. And despite not caring about realism, it is actually realistic if you think about it.

    When you crouch, you bring your legs and chest closer together, but you use your leg muscles to do this. If you jump in real life, you can then crouch mid-air. But when you do this, your legs go up, your torso does not go down. Your torso simply moves with gravity based on your jump. In the HL engines if you press crouch while in mid-air, your legs go up to meet your torso. This allows you to get on top of things that would otherwise be too tall to get onto with just a jump. Unless the game environments are incredibly boring and controlled, there will always be places where you can get onto something higher by crouch jumping.
  • edited October 2012
    Sure, it's anatomically plausible and maybe realistic, but in terms of gameplay and character control, it's cumbersome, distracting, and frustrating, Especially when it's required as part of a complex, extended jumping puzzle. Creep and save will prevent restarting but if you're doing that, you're playing around the game instead of playing the game.

    GTA IV is a good example of not encumering the player, QWOP style, with the specific mechanics of how the player gets on top of/over obstacles.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Maybe you just aren't use to it. I find it very intuitive and it lets me speed around with ease. I think of it less like jumping and more like a mechanic that imitates my character swinging their legs over an object.

    Also, the platforming in Black Mesa is super easy for realsies.
  • edited October 2012
    When you crouch, you bring your legs and chest closer together, but you use your leg muscles to do this. If you jump in real life, you can then crouch mid-air. But when you do this, your legs go up, your torso does not go down.
    Actually, it does go down. Just not as much as your legs go up.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I was plenty used to it in HL1 which I played on release day. It's just a bad mechanic. If I want to play QWOP I'll go play QWOP. Is the game about athletics? No? It's a sci-fi epic about battling invading aliens in a collapsing high-tech facility? Cool, then don't make me sit and worry about an extra button to control my character's fucking knees during a jump.
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, I think you just suck. I never have a problem with crouch jumping. It's not like rocket jumping. Not even close to QWOP. It just works every time. I obviously can't beat QWOP, but crouch jumping is cake. Face it. You're getting old. Skills degrade. That's what happens.

    If you were going to complain about the long jump, then I could actually see the point as more valid.

    However, I do agree that there really is no reason ever NOT to crouch jump. They could have just made the jump by default be the maximum jump with no real drawback.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • People having problems with three keys at the same time get no sympathy from me, my five foot pedals, seventeen button mouse, and macro keyboard.
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