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  • Good ideas. I'll be playing more this afternoon after work, probably headsetting it up and dying repeatedly for the glory of the Conglomerate.

    Also I think I just need to read up a lot more on things. I was pressing buttons and not having a clue as to what they did.
  • Good ideas. I'll be playing more this afternoon after work, probably headsetting it up and dying repeatedly for the glory of the Conglomerate.

    Also I think I just need to read up a lot more on things. I was pressing buttons and not having a clue as to what they did.
    Read a few guides, watched some videos. Now I am ready to kick some Vanu and TR ass. But seriously, why would anyone go for Vanu or TR? The music for NC is just too good.
  • Good ideas. I'll be playing more this afternoon after work, probably headsetting it up and dying repeatedly for the glory of the Conglomerate.

    Also I think I just need to read up a lot more on things. I was pressing buttons and not having a clue as to what they did.
    Read a few guides, watched some videos. Now I am ready to kick some Vanu and TR ass. But seriously, why would anyone go for Vanu or TR? The music for NC is just too good.
    That is EXACTLY why I picked them. First mob, oh yeah, not bad. Last mob, the terrans, eh, it's okay. Click on the NC, fucking badass guitar track, shit yeah, I'm in.

  • Good ideas. I'll be playing more this afternoon after work, probably headsetting it up and dying repeatedly for the glory of the Conglomerate.

    Also I think I just need to read up a lot more on things. I was pressing buttons and not having a clue as to what they did.
    Read a few guides, watched some videos. Now I am ready to kick some Vanu and TR ass. But seriously, why would anyone go for Vanu or TR? The music for NC is just too good.
    That is EXACTLY why I picked them. First mob, oh yeah, not bad. Last mob, the terrans, eh, it's okay. Click on the NC, fucking badass guitar track, shit yeah, I'm in.
    Exactly the same. Plus the armor looks bad ass. All scarred and second hand.

  • edited October 2012
    Exactly the same. Plus the armor looks bad ass. All scarred and second hand.
    Hell yeah. And all their guns sound meaty as hell, and their vehicles are appropriately bodgey.

    Also, my current favorite tactic - Go infiltrator, Cruise behind their lines to a base that's unoccupied, but close to the front. Hack EVERYTHING in the base, every terminal, turret, and everything else I can, crippling the base. If possible, set overload on a generator, then run up to a nearby turret, and shoot at anyone that comes nearby.

    I once turned a battle singlehandedly that way. Snuck in, hacked all their aircraft stations and ground stations, removing their main source of armor and air support, then slipped away, hacked an equipment station, changed over to the MAX exoskeleton, and started just wrecking shit all over. With their supply line broken, my team shattered their defensive line, and took the base. Just imagine what I could have done with a coordinated squad backing me up.

    See, this is what I mean by Unconventional Warfare - Mostly because it seems the accepted wisdom is to just get a bunch of people on opposite teams throwing themselves into a meat grinder, usually around three or so chokepoints close together between bases, and gaining ground inch by inch by inch.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Doing my livestream for Extra Life right now. To see what I'm current playing, just watch the link for now!

  • What server are you guys on? I got into the beta the other night, and managed to kick a moderate amount of ass in a TR squad. I don't know anything about the mechanics, though, so I was pretty confused.
  • Finally playing FTL. Damn, that is a good game. Can't quite get anywhere with it though. No one will be surprised to hear that my crew is named Daria, Jane, and Trent, and the ship is called The Tank.
  • Jeez. Those Vanu snipers. One hit kills. Every time.
  • Oh mans, infiltrator. I drop-podded into an enemy helipad with two Max's and a sniper. Immediately cloaked, circle strafed, and took all three of them out before they know what hit them. Just de-cloak, fire, then cloak and strafe. Oh mans, that was awesome.
  • So my college crew likes to do a lot of retro LANs and I have been turned onto Alien vs Predator 2 from like 2001. That shit is hot fire, and Alien Life cycle mode is probably one of the better games that I have played period. All of the classes are balanced pretty well in that Marvel vs Capcom way in which everyone is broken is some way so it turns out to be fair. I would say you guys show give this a look if you can get your hands on a copy.
  • edited October 2012
    So my college crew likes to do a lot of retro LANs and I have been turned onto Alien vs Predator 2 from like 2001. That shit is hot fire, and Alien Life cycle mode is probably one of the better games that I have played period. All of the classes are balanced pretty well in that Marvel vs Capcom way in which everyone is broken is some way so it turns out to be fair. I would say you guys show give this a look if you can get your hands on a copy.

    Get off my lawn.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • What server are you guys on? I got into the beta the other night, and managed to kick a moderate amount of ass in a TR squad. I don't know anything about the mechanics, though, so I was pretty confused.
    I'd tell you, but the game keeps crashing on launch for me. If it stops, I'll tell you.

  • What server are you guys on? I got into the beta the other night, and managed to kick a moderate amount of ass in a TR squad. I don't know anything about the mechanics, though, so I was pretty confused.
    I'm playing confederate on Thebes, US west. You can add me as a friend on the social tab with my usual pseudonym.

  • Thebes, US West.
  • edited October 2012
    Happy Wars for 360.
    It's free.
    It's online.
    It's mindless, adorable, and violent.
    IT'S FREE.

    Oh, I'm playing PS2 on the US East, the server that starts with 'L', as the NC. Relentless1 is my handle.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited October 2012
    Happy Wars for 360.
    It's free.
    It's online.
    It's mindless, adorable, and violent.
    IT'S FREE.

    Oh, I'm playing PS2 on the US East, the server that starts with 'L', as the NC. Relentless1 is my handle.
    I was gonna make a character over there, too. It'll have to be something that just relates to my usual name, though, since you can't use the same character name twice. Which is bollocks, I mean, we're a stream of endless, identical soldiers made via energy-matter conversion who never truly die, but two dudes named John, that's just impossible.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm Yoshokatana on US East, and I'll make a character on US West, right when the game stops crashing with "GameError.DefaultMessage."
  • I'm Yoshokatana on US East, and I'll make a character on US West, right when the game stops crashing with "GameError.DefaultMessage."
    Yeah, I get those a bit on and off.

  • Planetside 2 just seems to lend itself to epic moments.

    Joined on with a squad, and we were getting pushed back by a tank line. Formed a plan, laid it out real quick. Squad leader and I both went infiltrator, and snuck around the side of the tank line, got behind them, to a nearby base they owned, that they were not generally coming from. He laid down a spawn beacon, rest of the squad spawned in on the beacon, while I hacked an equipment terminal. Everyone outfits themselves appropriately again, I slip forward, hack another equipment terminal, and hack two ground vehicle stations, before slipping on some heavy armor. The entire squad spawns a tank each, we form up in a chevron, and go charging over the hill, smash their slowly advancing tank-and-engineer line from behind, mop up their advance with the rest of the nearby team, who rush forward while we turn around, before we swarm the base, taking it neatly, before immediately pushing over into the next base and taking it almost as rapidly.

    I'm starting to get real fond of this game.
  • I have yet to do any real teamwork on that game, although what's funny is that my airsoft experience is actually improving my survivability in the game. Effective use of cover, knowing how to move tactically.. it actually helps. Weird.

    I did have a lot of fun defending the Crown though. I drop-podded directly onto a lightning, and took it out with my flaming corpse. That was exciting.

    So, so many bugs though. From the Chinese Sorcerers being able to teleport willy-nilly (read: rubber-banding), to anti-air being a scoche too effective, to anti-armor being a bit too ineffective... it just doesn't feel balanced quite right yet. Makes sense for a beta, though.
  • So, so many bugs though. From the Chinese Sorcerers being able to teleport willy-nilly (read: rubber-banding), to anti-air being a scoche too effective, to anti-armor being a bit too ineffective... it just doesn't feel balanced quite right yet. Makes sense for a beta, though.
    Yeah, I've been getting some use out of the Heavy Assault, and that rocket launcher is useless for anything but infantry or a tank that's already well fucked up and trying to get away.
    I have yet to do any real teamwork on that game, although what's funny is that my airsoft experience is actually improving my survivability in the game. Effective use of cover, knowing how to move tactically.. it actually helps. Weird.

    I did have a lot of fun defending the Crown though. I drop-podded directly onto a lightning, and took it out with my flaming corpse. That was exciting.
    I think it was just that time that I lucked into a good squad. I've had other times, where my squad was just a shower of cunts, were not at all helpful, and just refused any attempt at planning or tactics that wasn't "omg shoot the guy with red triangles noob."

    Most of the time, I just work solo, and float between different battlegroups.

    I should be playing later on tonight, though, most likely on Thebes, if anyone wants to join me. Just send me a message either in-game on via whatever other service you like.

  • Word. If I see you on when I get home we'll play around some. I think I've been playing the game correctly, too. I put every cert point I have into speed for the Lightning. Thing is blazing fast and gets MAD AIR.

    Also, my goal for this evening is to squish a sniper with a drop pod.
  • Closed beta? Either way, you're welcome to join me, as is everyone else, if you have an account.
  • edited October 2012
    If anyone wants a Planetside 2 key, I got one by asking their Twitter a few times when I saw them giving other people keys. Only took me like 30 minutes.

    So I'm now on Thebes, as Vhdblood. What faction are you guys? I picked Vanu. We can't play together unless we're on the same faction right?
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited October 2012
    If anyone wants a Planetside 2 key, I got one by asking their Twitter a few times when I saw them giving other people keys. Only took me like 30 minutes.

    So I'm now on Thebes, as Vhdblood. What faction are you guys? I picked Vanu. We can't play together unless we're on the same faction right?
    I know that me and ROE are New Coalition on thebes, as is nine, and I'm pretty sure that yosho will be too, but creating new characters is easy enough.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I've lately gotten more into Planetside 2 too. After I went combat medic things somehow clicked on my head and I started doing better on the game. Big part of it is probably the fact that as a medic I can feel useful even when I'm not very good a killing dudes, but I also have capability to kill if I need to. Also I've started to get the picture how attacking bases work so I'm not just running around at random.
  • I've lately gotten more into Planetside 2 too. After I went combat medic things somehow clicked on my head and I started doing better on the game. Big part of it is probably the fact that as a medic I can feel useful even when I'm not very good a killing dudes, but I also have capability to kill if I need to. Also I've started to get the picture how attacking bases work so I'm not just running around at random.
    I tend to run infiltrator or Heavy assault(Dat HMG), but I'll whip out the MAX suit sometimes too. Flash is my most used vehicle, but the lightning isn't too bad either.

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