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  • I tend to run infiltrator or Heavy assault(Dat HMG), but I'll whip out the MAX suit sometimes too. Flash is my most used vehicle, but the lightning isn't too bad either.
    I'm not really into vehicles, I use the basic buggy to get around, but for a fight I have two working legs and a gun on my hands.

  • I've lately gotten more into Planetside 2 too. After I went combat medic things somehow clicked on my head and I started doing better on the game. Big part of it is probably the fact that as a medic I can feel useful even when I'm not very good a killing dudes, but I also have capability to kill if I need to. Also I've started to get the picture how attacking bases work so I'm not just running around at random.
    I tend to run infiltrator or Heavy assault(Dat HMG), but I'll whip out the MAX suit sometimes too. Flash is my most used vehicle, but the lightning isn't too bad either.

    I am seriously bad at everything except inadvertent hilarity, so I concentrate on that. I'm okay in a Reaver too, except that I haven't gotten a single kill in it. I do manage to not crash it though.
  • I know that me and ROE are New Coalition on thebes, as is nine, and I'm pretty sure that yosho will be too, but creating new characters is easy enough.
    Alright, I made a new dude, Vhdblood9999, on New Coalition.

  • So my college crew likes to do a lot of retro LANs and I have been turned onto Alien vs Predator 2 from like 2001. That shit is hot fire, and Alien Life cycle mode is probably one of the better games that I have played period. All of the classes are balanced pretty well in that Marvel vs Capcom way in which everyone is broken is some way so it turns out to be fair. I would say you guys show give this a look if you can get your hands on a copy.
    You are not mistaken, AvP2 is a fantastic game!

    2001-ish was my heyday of free time: late high school. The N64 and Gameboy Color were in their death throes, and I had no interest in Sony, so it was all Dreamcast and PC for a short while there. I regret not getting more into PC FPS (no Counterstrike, Tribes in their heyday). Blizzard titles dominated 80% of my time, but I fondly remember one crazy summer of AvP2.

  • edited October 2012
    Too right, people need to be educated on the DISK!! (But seriously, Predator disk is op)
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • Had some struggles, but that was a good run at planetside 2. Kept using the teleport like an asshole - Step out, kill some dudes hiding in cover that the teleporter let me flank, step back three paces when they took notice, wait a few seconds, step out again, wreck more face, repeat. It got pretty crazy, but held the base by the skin of our teeth, it worked out pretty well.
  • I'm sort of sad that non of the guys that play here seem to rock the Terran Republic but that is a fleeting feeling at best. Planetside 2 is where it's at as far as games go right now.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm sort of sad that non of the guys that play here seem to rock the Terran Republic but that is a fleeting feeling at best. Planetside 2 is where it's at as far as games go right now.
    I've been tempted to make a terran character, because I see terrans working together effectively in squads and being pretty good(as in, usually holding no less than half the continent at any given time), whereas NC have a tenancy to run around like chooks with their heads off, and teamwork be fucked.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I've been tempted to make a terran character, because I see terrans working together effectively in squads and being pretty good(as in, usually holding no less than half the continent at any given time), whereas NC have a tenancy to run around like chooks with their heads off, and teamwork be fucked.
    Maybe that's just grass is greener on the other side thing? Teamwork comes from players and I see no reason why one side would have more team playing types.

    I should maybe make secondary and tertiary characters on other servers so I could try the other factions too.

  • I see no reason why one side would have more team playing types.
    There's no telling, but it is actually pretty interesting seeing how faction and server populations develop and what the deciding factors are for who ends up where.
  • I played some Descent 1,2,3 because of that Interplay deal. I already legally owned them all, but these from are actually playable immediately on my modern PC.

    Descent 3 is kinda glitchy, OpenGL actually works better than Direct3D. Descent 1 is so old I'm surprised it was playable at that resolution. Descent 2 is still perfect. Works great on modern PCs with DOSBox.

    What's funny is that back in the day when these games came out, I didn't understand using a mouse and keyboard simultaneously to control a 3D game. I used all keyboard. Descent was hard just by the sheer difficulty of the bad control scheme. I assumed that without a flightstick and throttle there was no way to make it easy to control, and I never did buy those sticks.

    Nowadays I understand mouselook, so I configured the controls properly. OMG this makes the game a zillion times fun. If you are having trouble learning fpses, improving fps skill, getting over motion sickness, etc. I HIGHLY recommend buying Descent 2 from and playing it. Still amazing after all these years.
  • I played Descent with a joystick, Descent 2 with a mouse and keyboard. The only FPS games I played keyboard only were Duke Nukem 3D and DOOM.

    Descent 2 is the best of the series, in my opinion. I didn't like the visuals in Descent 3 at all, even when they were new they looked dated and awful.
  • edited October 2012
    I remember planting myself in a Costco for 2 hours and playing Descent w/ flightstick on one of their demo PCs. Was definitely a fun time but never owned Descent or a stick myself.

    Put Bit.Trip Runner to bed last night. Holy fucking hell that second to last level (3-11) was beyond tedious. It actually marred my opinion of the game as a whole, and I'm not sure I could recommend Runner to people anymore considering the ever-present sea of great games, knowing they will have to wade through the bullshit that is level 3-11.

    I'm weird and keep a spreadsheet of games I own, games to play, and games I've beaten. Just popped it open and came to a realization: Outside of finishing Dead Space (which took 2 1/2 years b/c I stopped playing it when I got part-time side jobs as a writer) and Mario Party 9, I've played ZERO console games this year. 9 Steam games and 5 DS/3DS games. Plenty of iOS too.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Fucking PS2. I think my favorite thing to do in any game that has vehicles that can have multiple people in them is act as gunner. This comes from the days when I had a shit computer and couldn't pilot well because of lag and low FPS, so I would become useful by gunning on Galaxies and whatnot.

    HOWEVER. The New Conglomerate's standard secondary weapons (the 20mm cannon) just seems like shit to me. It can do some decent work against vehicles, especially lighter ones like the Lightning, but against infantry it is just terrible. The ROF is too low to reliably hit fast moving infantry and the clip is too small to sustain fire for too long.

    Also, it seems like the Lightning's 75mm cannon (the standard one) is utter crap too. It does very little damage against armor, and doesn't seem to fare much better against infantry.

    Is it just me? Am I terrible at video games?
  • I generally prefer gunning. It's less responsibility, more explodey goodness.
  • I think it actually originally comes from having terrible ping playing on WW2 combat games. Like Warbirds.
  • Air Warrior 2
  • Air Warrior 2
    Yes, that. That is what I was remembering from AOL. God, I loved that game even though I was terrible at it.
  • I played it on GEnie. I was OK in a Corsair or a Spitfire but I really preferred to gun on one of the bombers. I could never figure out how to hit a bombing target but I kicked ass as a tail gunner.
  • Yeah, the NC has shit for weapons in the air, the Vanu in particular just walk all over them. Also, those flight controls are FUCKED.
  • Finally got New Vegas working on my computer. Yep, I still love Fallout.
  • Nine, while I respect your decision to go the Locutus route, you have the perfect opportunity to fully utilize an actual Star Trek character name. "Seven of Nine". Also Borg, but with expanded chestal regions.
  • I'm actually still Greg. If you read the Random Comments thread, all will become clear. And the only episodes of TNG I've actually seen was the beginning of that arc (randomly watching reruns when I was about eight -- that was a scary night) so I wouldn't of picked up on that.
  • I'm all sorts of confused, but I'll play along.
  • edited October 2012
    In Saint's Row 3, when you run over a car with a tank, the car actually deforms realistically and the portion you drove over is left flattened against the road while the rest warps more or less how you'd expect a real car to warp while being driven over by a tank and the glass explodes out of the windows. The tank doesn't even bump up a little, it just goes right over.

    It's strangely cathartic just driving around in a fucking tank. I'm at level like, 35 or something, so I can basically turn off most of the consequences once I'm done going totally apeshit on the city. What a great game this is.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I enjoyed Saints Row 3 quite a lot, but I have hard time believing that I would play it much more now that I got done with the main story.

  • I enjoyed Saints Row 3 quite a lot, but I have hard time believing that I would play it much more now that I got done with the main story.
    Yeah, I've played a bit of multiplayer, and I played through the DLC when I bought it, but I've not really done much with it since I finished the main story.

  • Right now I'm super addicted to Xcom: Enemy Unknown
  • I enjoyed Saints Row 3 quite a lot, but I have hard time believing that I would play it much more now that I got done with the main story.
    Yeah, I've played a bit of multiplayer, and I played through the DLC when I bought it, but I've not really done much with it since I finished the main story.

    I use it much the same way as I use Just Cause 2. I haven't finished the main story in either one yet, though.
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