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  • It's kinda buggy too. Sometimes CPUs just won't take their turn and you have to quit your game and reenter it.
  • I put a little elbow grease into my Championship II score on 5min mode. Got a significant improvement, to around 1.1mil.

    Then I decided to turn it off and try out Luftrausers. A+. This game delivered hard. It's Asteroids 2.0 with an awesome dogfighting theme and customizeable ships.
  • yea, Luftrauser and Quakelive on Steam are now my go to play 5 or 10 minutes games when I only have a bit of time to play something.
  • It took me almost 3 hours, but I finally took down one of those godforsaken blimps.
  • Started on CE DX+ as well, have gotten S ranks on most of the Championship II categories. Scott's scores seem to have disappeared, or at least I can't see them.
  • Started on CE DX+ as well, have gotten S ranks on most of the Championship II categories. Scott's scores seem to have disappeared, or at least I can't see them.

    uh oh, let me load it up.
  • I am currently playing my super fun multiplayer space game!
  • Try to model the bizarre momentum that leads to an Itano circus.
  • I've been addicted to Pokemon X for 4 months now. With Smash Bros on the horizon and Tomodachi Life actually being fun, I will be lost in those for a long time.
  • I am currently playing my super fun multiplayer space game!

    This looks super fun. Why? Mainly because it looks FAST. Most space shooters just have you flying around in empty space with some lightbox backgrounds. All those crazy particles look great.
  • I finally pulled the trigger on NES Remix 2. Held off b/c it came out so closely to the first one, and I figured I could take a break and wait for a sale.

    It's good! The games are, on the whole, more enjoyable than the original NES Remix. Including the Nintendo World Championship cartridge ROM, and "Super Luigi Bros," which is a right-to-left scrolling version of Mario 1 w/ Luigi's high jump, is icing on the cake.
  • I am currently playing my super fun multiplayer space game!

    This looks super fun. Why? Mainly because it looks FAST. Most space shooters just have you flying around in empty space with some lightbox backgrounds. All those crazy particles look great.
    The reason it looks so fast is that unlike all those other spess games, it's fully newtonian, so you don't have a top speed. You just keep accelerating as long as you hold spacebar down, and you can build up some mad speed. You also die in one hit, but getting that that hit is really hard.
  • I'm currently playing Magicmaker which is a stupid little platforming game where you make magic spells to blow shit up. It's surprisingly difficult.
  • Apreche said:

    Started on CE DX+ as well, have gotten S ranks on most of the Championship II categories. Scott's scores seem to have disappeared, or at least I can't see them.

    uh oh, let me load it up.
    Seems like with all the new players my overall rank moved down to 91. Looks like I have to do Ghost Combo, which is my weakest mode.
  • All those crazy particles look great.


  • Lol. They are straight-up just placeholder pixels. Eventually the effect will be much more subtle.

    They serve a very important purpose; it's difficult to tell relative motion without them, because you don't move like a plane. You can turn and fire your booster sideways and you'll still be going the direction you were going.

    The best bit is when you turn around to engage somebody chasing you and the particles start going the other way as their bullets approach. It feels so fucking cool.
  • That's exactly what I meant. Other space shooters I've played often feel lacking in that way. Not all, but many.
  • What is the name of the shooter?
  • What is the name of the shooter?

    It's called Freefall Arena, and it's still a work in progress, but it's going quite quickly. We started it earlier this month and it's most of the way there already.
  • Because I apparently don't waste enough time in my life already, I started playing Minecraft.
    Any tips for noobs would be appreciated.
  • chaosof99 said:

    Because I apparently don't waste enough time in my life already, I started playing Minecraft.
    Any tips for noobs would be appreciated.

    Set an alarm when you start playing else you will find that your day will vanish.
  • edited October 2014
    So I started with my house, hewn into a mountain. Getting around to having a decent setup, a couple of wheat fields supplying me, and getting some stuff together. Getting around to corralling a couple of cows and sheep into a farmstead. Finally get the sheep in, futz around a bit with the fence, suddenly a creeper out of nowhere almost blows me and all my livestock to bits. Barely escaped, quickly repaired the fence and thankfully the animals didn't get hurt either.

    Also, I'm having a terrible time finding Iron ore. Anyway, better luck tomorrow I guess.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Friend and I download Smash Bros. at midnight. It's pretty great. I can't tell how hardcore it is, but it's a lot of fun.
  • Ikatono said:

    Friend and I download Smash Bros. at midnight. It's pretty great. I can't tell how hardcore it is, but it's a lot of fun.

    Should be there when I get home tonight. Is it worth streaming it with a camera pointed at my 3DS on a table?
  • Mine is coming in the mail today, so excited, though I am at a wedding tonight soooo.
  • Cremlian said:

    Mine is coming in the mail today, so excited, though I am at a wedding tonight soooo.

    Same only s/wedding/Netrunner
  • Cremlian said:

    Mine is coming in the mail today, so excited, though I am at a wedding tonight soooo.

    I'm flying to a wedding tonight too. Then we have the other wedding next weekend.

  • Contrary to some internet rumblings, I'm very much enjoying Smash Bros. for 3DS. Lots of content to offer. The less-than ergonomic design of the normal 3DS doesn't seem to make it conducive for longer play, so I may invest in a grip. Otherwise, it's good for 30 minute to an hour play sessions. The Wii U version will likely be better for my intensely long several hour sessions. I still enjoy having the 3DS version now, though.
  • Axel said:

    Contrary to some internet rumblings, I'm very much enjoying Smash Bros. for 3DS.

    It's been pretty well received among game sites, where are there Internet grumblings?
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