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  • Arkham Asylum. Why didn't I pick this game up sooner?
  • Arkham Asylum. Why didn't I pick this game up sooner?
    Probably because you listened to Scott Rubin who played the Demo and judged it to be bad.
  • Probably because you listened to Scott Rubin who played the Demo and judged it to be bad.
    I could definitely tell from the demo that it's the kind of game all you punk kids will love. But it's not good in the same category as other 3D beat 'em up games like Bayonetta and No More Heroes.
  • Arkham Asylum. Why didn't I pick this game up sooner?
    Ignore Scott Rubin. I am loving this game.

    There is a bit at the beginning where it is very enclosed, to the point of nearly being a rail shooter. Once it teaches you the basics and lets you start optioning new moves, it's pretty amazing. I love me some batarangs.
  • edited December 2010
    you listened to Scott Rubin
    There's your first mistake right there.
    I could definitely tell from the demo that it's the kind of game all you punk kids will love. But it's not good in the same category as other 3D beat 'em up games like Bayonetta and No More Heroes.
    That might be because it's not a beat 'em up, Scott. You only played the demo, which was mostly focused on beating dudes up and taking them from stealth, showing off a few gadgets already seen or expected. The actual game is several times longer, has several more gameplay mechanics, and fits them all into a plot and a much larger area to use them in, and mostly focuses on solving puzzles and stealthing about, rather than "Run to area > punch everyone to death > run to area > punch everything to death > run to area > Punch something really big to death > FMV > Load Screen > Punch everything in the area to death" kinda progression that you see in Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry Starring a British woman in a jumpsuit.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yeah...looks real fun.
  • I could definitely tell from the demo that it's the kind of game all you punk kids will love. But it's not good in the same category as other 3D beat 'em up games like Bayonetta and No More Heroes.
    That might be because it's not a beat 'em up, Scott.
    This is true, if anything it's closest to a stealth action game. A better comparison would be to like Assassin's Creed then to Bayonetta.
  • Probably because you listened to Scott Rubin who played the Demo and judged it to be bad.
    I could definitely tell from the demo that it's the kind of game all you punk kids will love. But it's not good in the same category as other 3D beat 'em up games like Bayonetta and No More Heroes.
    Really? The game has more in common with the Tenchu Stealth Assassin series then anything you just compared it to.

    Yeah, I don't listen to Scott when it comes to gaming. I was just busy with Dragon Age or SSF4 when this first came out. Then, I forgot about it until I saw the collectors edition for 40$. The box is alright, the Batarang is a let down, and I plan on using the leather cover for the artbook on my own note pad.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah...looks real fun.
    Amazing - Combat, when you set the game on easy, is easy. I'm Fucking astounded.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Arkham Asylum. Why didn't I pick this game up sooner?
    Ignore Scott Rubin. I am loving this game.
    This. Scott's opinion on this one is flawed. There's more to Batman: AA than the beat-em-up combat a la DMC or Bayonetta. You're the goddamn Batman, you play like the goddamn Batman. You're sneaky. You set up traps for the bad guys. You freak them out and take them down. The number of sequences where you have to take on more than one or two bad guys in direct group combat are few and far between. Sure, you can go charging into an area full of bad guys and try to button-mash your way out of it, but if you do you'll end up getting creamed. The comparison to Assassin's Creed is a good one for the stealth action. I'd equate a lot of the game as being similar to Metroid as well, what with the exploration, puzzle solving, and hidden items.
  • Arkham Asylum. Why didn't I pick this game up sooner?
    Jeremy picked it up over the weekend on sale. It's not bad to listen/watch as he plays.

    I enjoy the fact that they are using Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill as the voice actors. I really don't care for the 3D models of the characters. I'd rather have more of the cartoon versions that I'm used to from B:TAS, but it doesn't really matter.

    Some of the lines that Joker says over the loud speaker are amusing.
  • Again you people fail to examine a game beyond the surface level. Mechanically speaking Batman: AA, Bayonetta, No More Heros, etc. are all simple pattern recognition and response games. It's the same as Infinity Blade on iOS, if you've played that. Actually, it's the same as DDR or any other rhythm game.

    I haven't played any Assassin's creed, but if you're talking about stealth action, Batman: AA is no Metal Gear, which I actually think is a terrible stealth game. It's certainly no Thief, which is the only good stealth game.

    As for similarity to Metroid, yeah it is similar to Metroid: Other M in many many ways. Other M is the worst game with the word Metroid on it besides Hunters. Metroid Pinball is better.
  • edited December 2010
    Again you people fail to examine a game beyond the surface level.
    Says the guy who only played the 45 minute demo, and didn't play the full 10-to-12 hour game.
    Mechanically speaking Batman: AA, Bayonetta, No More Heros, etc. are all simple pattern recognition and response games. It's the same as Infinity Blade on iOS, if you've played that. Actually, it's the same as DDR or any other rhythm game.
    That's great, but you haven't played the actual game, only a structured demo built to show off some the gameplay mechanics involved in the game.
    I haven't played any Assassin's creed
    You haven't played Arkham Asylum either, but you're still content to give your "Informed" opinion.
    Batman: AA is no Metal Gear
    It isn't trying to be, why should it be?
    It's certainly no Thief, which is the only good stealth game.
    It isn't trying to be, and I don't see why should it try to be a game that's fundamentally different to what they wanted it to be, let alone fundamentally different to how the character as shown in any media related to the character. Again, highlighting that you don't actually know anything about the game other than the controls and a few gimmicks thrown into the demo.
    As for similarity to Metroid, yeah it is similar to Metroid: Other M in many many ways.
    How would you know? You haven't played the game.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Again you people fail to examine a game beyond the surface level.
    Says the guy who only played the 45 minute demo, and didn't play the full 10-to-12 hour game.
  • GaoGaiGar.
    Anime from 97 - A perfect analogue to video games from 2009, a different type of product, in a different medium, from a different country and culture, from a full 12 years later.
  • GaoGaiGar.
    Anime from 97 - A perfect analogue to video games from 2009, a different type of product, in a different medium, from a different country and culture, from a full 12 years later.
    The point about GaoGaiGar is that everyone says it's great, but it doesn't get great until later. It takes many many episodes before it gets good. Compare that to other shows which are good the whole way through. So if the Batman get "gets good" later on, and suddenly becomes a different game, it still sucks compared to games that are good from the get go.
  • Again you people fail to examine a game beyond the surface level. Mechanically speaking Batman: AA, Bayonetta, No More Heros, etc. are all simple pattern recognition and response games. It's the same as Infinity Blade on iOS, if you've played that. Actually, it's the same as DDR or any other rhythm game.
    Here's some news for you. It's 2010 (And soon it's 2011). These days games can be and are more than just the bottonmost level of mechanics. Where in the DDR is the part where I watch as the last enemy in the room freaks out and jumps his own shadow, where I then slowly descend behind him walk with him a while and then scare him and puch him so that he will shit bricks till next week.

    You go play on your couple of different games with their own completely unique gameplay mechanics. I go to enjoy thrilling interactive narrative, combined with fluent and fun gameplay, spiced with interesting setting and characters.
  • I enjoy the fact that they are using Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill as the voice actors. I really don't care for the 3D models of the characters. I'd rather have more of the cartoon versions that I'm used to from B:TAS, but it doesn't really matter.
    The voice acting is amazing in this game. I do like the models though. It gives a level of grit to the game that I enjoy. Cartoon rendering would make it almost comical, and I think the game would loose something.

    Did anyone else play the Tenchu Stealth games? I hope I'm not alone here.
  • Did anyone else play the Tenchu Stealth games? I hope I'm not alone here.
    I played the hell out of the first one on the PS1. I loved every minute of that game despite sometimes cursing at my uncanny ability to get spotted by the one last guard I hadn't taken out and wrecking the perfect record I had going on the mission.
  • Here's some news for you. It's 2010 (And soon it's 2011). These days games can be and are more than just the bottonmost level of mechanics. Where in the DDR is the part where I watch as the last enemy in the room freaks out and jumps his own shadow, where I then slowly descend behind him walk with him a while and then scare him and puch him so that he will shit bricks till next week.
    We've had this discussion before. Are you new here?
  • The voice acting is amazing in this game. I do like the models though. It gives a level of grit to the game that I enjoy. Cartoon rendering would make it almost comical, and I think the game would loose something.
    Yeah and I understand and can appreciate that as well. I was mostly turned off by the model for Harley Quinn, but then again I'm not a dude so it makes some sense the way she looks.
  • edited December 2010
    So if the Batman get "gets good" later on, and suddenly becomes a different game, it still sucks compared to games that are good from the get go.
    Except, Nobody is saying it "Gets Good" later on. People are saying it they think that its good, and I'm saying that you've not actually played the game, only a demo, constructed to show off some of the gameplay mechanics in the game.
    The closest we've had to that is Jason noting it essentially has a tutorial level, to which I'll add, is even shorter than the demo you played, and spends the time giving you an introduction to the game-world, navigating it, and a fair bit of story alongside.

    Scott, let me remind you AGAIN - You haven't played the game, you've only played a demonstration of some of the mechanics which are present in the game. You were before, and currently are, absolutely talking out of your arse.
    Here's some news for you. It's 2010 (And soon it's 2011). These days games can be and are more than just the bottonmost level of mechanics. Where in the DDR is the part where I watch as the last enemy in the room freaks out and jumps his own shadow, where I then slowly descend behind him walk with him a while and then scare him and push him so that he will shit bricks till next week.

    You go play on your couple of different games with their own completely unique gameplay mechanics. I go to enjoy thrilling interactive narrative, combined with fluent and fun gameplay, spiced with interesting setting and characters.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Interactive novels are not games.
  • edited December 2010
    Man it's so awesome how after I beat Super Meat boy my company promoted me to an executive. I knew hours of platforming fun would allow me the skills necessary to climb the corporate ladder so fast. I'm so glad my ability to hold the run button and hit jump at specific times has helped me so much in real world activities. And it's fun too. (I work at a salt and lava company)

    It was also cool how I used my quake skills when I was over in Afghanistan. Those rocket jumps came really in handy.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I was mostly turned off by the model for Harley Quinn, but then again I'm not a dude so it makes some sense the way she looks.
    I'd honestly say that Harley was the one character in the game that disappointed me. Yeah, the model was a bit off, but I could forgive that given that the game was supposed to be a bit grittier than the cartoons. What really bugged me was her voice acting. It sounded like she was just phoning it in.
  • Man it's so awesome how after I beat Super Meat boy my company promoted me to an executive. I knew hours of platforming fun would allow me the skills necessary to climb the corporate ladder so fast. I'm so glad my ability to hold the run button and hit jump at specific times has helped me so much in real world activity. And it's fun too. (I work at a salt and lava company)

    It was also cool how I used my quake skills when I was over in Afghanistan. Those rocket jumps came really in handy.
    Wow, that's pretty great. My increased finger strength let me master the art of hokuto no finger. I can touch people so hard they explode. I don't even need a whole fist.
  • edited December 2010
    Wow, that's pretty great. My increased finger strength let me master the art of hokuto no finger. I can touch people so hard they explode. I don't even need a whole fist.
    Hey I didn't even get into "What happened in my real life after I watched Fist of the North star"... How did you think I got the job in the first place (at the Salt and Lava factory).
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Wow, that's pretty great. My increased finger strength let me master the art of hokuto no finger. I can touch people so hard they explode. I don't even need a whole fist.
    None of us doubted that you've great strength of fingers and wrist. We just doubt you have it on both your right AND your left sides.
  • Wow, that's pretty great. My increased finger strength let me master the art of hokuto no finger. I can touch people so hard they explode. I don't even need a whole fist.
    You know... I applied this same principal to develop WyWy's Sexy-jutsu... Think about it :>~
  • Andrew and I have been arguing over the definition of "game" for the last 40 minutes. And I'm getting paid for it.
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