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  • Oracle of Seasons doesn't have the same pacing as Oracle of Ages.
    Not quite. While still fun, it is definitely inferior. Although I do really like the Subrosians in Seasons.
  • Oracle of Seasons doesn't have the same pacing as Oracle of Ages.
    Oracle of seasons is more focused on the action while ages focuses on the puzzles and dungeons. Of course I prefer ages.

    I still haven't done the thing where you combine the two games. How exactly does it work? It's been so long.
  • When you beat one, you get a code that you put in the other. Basically, you start the other game with some extra stuff, and the plot's a little different until the end, where an entire extra ending sequence is opened up after beating that game's final boss, and the true final boss(es) of both games is revealed.
  • edited December 2010
    I still haven't done the thing where you combine the two games. How exactly does it work? It's been so long.
    Passwords. Either that or a game link cable if you've got them jacked into a pair of GBC or GBA. Wiki it up if you want the full details, but the TL;DR version is that it basically lets each game serve as the other's sequel as well as generating codes you can take back to the original game to get upgraded items or swap items between games.

    EDIT: Axel beat me to it...
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • So you could just look up the code?
  • So you could just look up the code?
    ...Maybe? I feel like it's different depending on what you do, but...Those should still be online, yeah.
  • Beat the original Fallout. Loved it! In a few months, perhaps I'll get Fallout 2.
  • Oracle of Seasons doesn't have the same pacing as Oracle of Ages.
    I will still buy both of them when they are rereleased on the 3DS Virtual Console.
  • Oh mans. This trailer looks awesome, although it's totally unrealistic. Detroit still a city in 2027?
  • I'm really enjoying "The Witcher" and not just because I usually get an option to sleep with all the people in the game. "Oh, you just rescued me from demon dogs what ever could I do for you?" *cut away* It pays to be the main character in that game.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm really enjoying "The Witcher" and not just because I usually get an option to sleep with all the people in the game. "Oh, you just rescued me from demon dogs what ever could I do for you?" *cut away* It pays to be the main character in that game.
    NSFW reply
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • NSFW reply
    Yea that's pretty much how I feel as well ^_^ If you can't run faster then a witcher you've slept with him.
  • Is the last boss syphilis?
  • Finally beat Goldeneye 007 on Agent. Quite fun actually and the last boss wasn't so much of a cop-out than the original one was.
  • New Golden Sun is just like the old Golden Sun (this is a good thing). My only real complaint was that it made horrible noise whenever text happened, but a quick trip to the menu fixed that right up.
  • Lately I've been playing through Half Life 2 for the first time and trying to get all of the OCDs in World of Goo without looking anything up.
  • i recently installed splinter cell on my machine. its a bit slow but it works. i got past a few levels but have stopped playing till wedensday cause of finals.
  • i recently installed splinter cell on my machine. its a bit slow but it works. i got past a few levels but have stopped playing till wedensday cause of finals.
    The first one? If you're into that, get Chaos Theory; it will blow your mind.
  • Mario Galaxy 2
  • Mario Galaxy 2
    My friend and I were severely let down by this game.
  • Mario Galaxy 2
    My friend and I were severely let down by this game.
    Awe man. :( I was just thinking of restarting this game back up. I'll probably play it anyways. I have like nothing else that I'm interested in console wise.
  • My friend and I were severely let down by this game.
    Why? It's basically the same as the first one, and better in some ways.
  • edited December 2010
    My friend and I were severely let down by this game.
    Why? It's basically the same as the first one, and better in some ways.
    Wasn't such a fan of the first game either, but my friend is. Our main gripe with Galaxy 2 was how disgustingly easy it was. We did the first three or four worlds in like an hour, even with doing most of the extra stages and challenges. The boss fights are super weaksauce, even the final boss only takes three hits to kill. The level design is interesting, but ultimately the biggest challenge that this game presented was occasionally dying due to spinning caused by accidental Wiimote waggling. Just did not dig overall.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • After an eight month hiatus, finally got back into FF13 yesterday. Reached the area "where the game finally gets good." I personally disagree with that whole sentiment, I've enjoyed the majority of the game so far (obviously minus the horrible acting). This is one of those instances where the core gameplay (battle and leveling systems) is so good to me that the flaws don't matter.
  • Wasn't such a fan of the first game either, but my friend is. Our main gripe with Galaxy 2 was how disgustingly easy it was. We did the first three or four worlds in like an hour, even with doing most of the extra stages and challenges. The boss fights are super weaksauce, even the final boss only takes three hits to kill. The level design is interesting, but ultimately the biggest challenge that this game presented was occasionally dying due to spinning caused by accidental Wiimote waggling. Just did not dig overall.
    The game gets super hard eventually, and if you get all 120 stars you unlock the Green Star challenges which are supposedly some of the hardest things ever in gaming.
  • The boss fights are super weaksauce, even the final boss only takes three hits to kill.
    QFT. I know the Mario games aren't really known for having difficult boss fights, but the final boss of SMG2 took me maybe 20 seconds to beat. It was pathetic, even for Mario.

    That said, I loved SMG2 even if it wasn't extraordinarily challenging.
  • edited December 2010
    If level design is enough to hold your interest, then I can understand really enjoying Galazy 2. It just wasn't enough for me.

    [Edit] loltypo. I'm gonna leave it that way.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2010
    Mass Effect 3 was officially announced

    Now I'm super bummed that my ME2 save spontaneously combusted.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Super Meat Boy! =D So much better with Nintendo pads than 360 controller (IMO anyway)!
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