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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Even though I'm 3 years behind on video games, I found out I'll be receiving Epic Yarn as a Christmas present, so looks like that will be jumping the queue, causing me to dust off the Wii.
  • What's the cutest yarn kirby transformation?

    I vote for submarine kirby.
    Dolphin. Not only is it adorable, but it's incredibly fun to play as.
  • I know I was complaining before about the wicked bug in Puzzle Agents. Well, the bug does not appear on my HTPC, and it runs with perfect smoothness at 1080p. Damn good.
  • After a two-week absence I'm back at Super Meat Boy. I've completed all of the dark world stages up through Hell, and worked through a few Rapture ones so far. So close to completely beating dark world that I can taste it, but I can't imagine how crazy those last few stages are going to be.
  • I'm playing Recettear. I seem to have not managed to make even the first payment (story of my life I'm afraid).
  • edited December 2010
    I'm playing Recettear. I seem to have not managed to make even the first payment (story of my life I'm afraid).
    That's good. Lose and start over with all your goodies. The second time around is when you try not sucking.

    I made it past the first strata in Etrian Odyssey 3! These games are so much easier when you're not going about it wrong.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I made it past the first strata in Etrian Odyssey 3! These games are so much easier when you're not going about it wrong.
    I wish there was a version of Etrian Odyssey that was all maps and mazes without the monsters. Then maybe I would play it again.
  • I made it past the first strata in Etrian Odyssey 3! These games are so much easier when you're not going about it wrong.
    I wish there was a version of Etrian Odyssey that was all maps and mazes without the monsters. Then maybe I would play it again.
    Farmers have a no random encounter skill. You'd hit a wall once you got to the level boss, but you could get your mazeing on for a few floors.
  • Why do rock pokemon have Mud Sport? It's not like electricity affects them anyway.
  • Why do rock pokemon have Mud Sport? It's not like electricity affects them anyway.
    Actually, rock pokemon aren't immune to electricity. Ground pokemon are. A lot of rock pokemon just happen to also be ground as well.
  • Why do rock pokemon have Mud Sport? It's not like electricity affects them anyway.
    Actually, rock pokemon aren't immune to electricity. Ground pokemon are. A lot of rock pokemon just happen to also be ground as well.
    Still makes no sense to have a move that reduces the effectiveness of an attack type you're immune to.
  • LittleBigPlanet is a game that is so up my alley that it's terrifying. My only problem is he floatiness of some items, which has made some platforming sections a little frustrating.
  • edited December 2010
    Still makes no sense to have a move that reduces the effectiveness of an attack typeyou're immune to.
    If you're fighting a Lightning/"Something" Pokemon, you could use your Rock/Ground one to Mud Sport and then swap out to one that's strong against the "Something" type. LOL DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS

    Now that I realize Mud Sport goes away when you swap, I agree, that's ridiculous.

    EDIT: From the Bulbapedia:

    "Many Pokémon which are part Ground Type can learn it (mud sport) through level up, despite being immune from Electric attacks anyways. This is most likely for double battles, which were introduced in the same Generation."
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • edited December 2010
    It appears, recently, Source games have added in raw input, which takes input directly from the mouse driver instead of going via Windows. Feels good.
    Added support for raw mouse input. Raw input reads directly from the mouse, bypassing Windows control panel mouse settings. This addresses issues with high DPI mice, and provides for a more reliable controller experience at various resolutions.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Epic Mickey is pretty fun, but I'm not too far into it yet. I still haven't tried any of my other new games yet, though. I put in ModNation Racers and updated it, but no one wanted to play it with me. I had a sadness.
  • edited December 2010
    Day of Defeat: My thoughts while playing.

    1) Woo! Got to the point, killed a few guys and I'm still alive, now we just need to cap-- guys? Guys?!
    1b) Doesn't anyone know how to follow a charge?
    1c) Or cover another player?

    2) Who's stolen the machine gun this time?
    2b) We need it to cover the advance and you're using it to squat a point?
    2c) Why would you make just one player on the team that important?

    In short, we've come a long way since then, most pubs haven't.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Beat Super Meat Boy! Whoooo! Now to beat all the shift-key-levels and warp zones and shit.
  • edited December 2010
    Yo dog, I heard you like fish.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Why do rock pokemon have Mud Sport? It's not like electricity affects them anyway.
    I have a Psyduck named RKelly who uses Water Sport.
  • ModNation Racers is Mario Kart, but everything is customizable.
  • Don't ever use water or mud sport. Those moves are total garbage.
  • I'm really enjoying Epic Mickey, but the camera is sometimes problematic.
  • Somehow spent most of the day playing Fallout: New Vegas. It was a nice contrast playing a game in a desert while there was a blizzard going on.
  • Shank is a fun game where you shoot and stab the shit out of every living thing that is not your character.
  • Super Meat Boy. OMFG.
  • Sonic Colors is pretty fucking good.
  • Risen. Combat in that game is a bitch.
  • Black Ops with Local + Online Multiplayer. It's really awesome, and I love picking up other people's upgraded guns when I kill them.
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