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  • Super Meat Boy! =D So much better with Nintendo pads than 360 controller (IMO anyway)!
    I picked this up a long time ago and SMB got plenty of use with it. SNES PC port
  • edited December 2010
    I picked this up a long time ago and SMB got plenty of use with it.SNES PC port
    I didn't have the game before a couple of days ago =P Tried the demo on 360, didn't like it 'cause of the dpad. When I got it for PC I used Nintendo controllers since day one. Started with NES, then SNES, and now I'm playing with Wii Classic Controller Pro.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • I picked this up a long time ago and SMB got plenty of use with it.SNES PC port
    After some browsing, I found this N64 to USB port which looks like it may support rumble in the future. I ain't going to let this become another addaptoid. Ordering one as soon as I can.
  • I picked this up a long time ago and SMB got plenty of use with it.SNES PC port
    After some browsing, I foundthis N64 to USB portwhich looks like it may support rumble in the future. I ain't going to let this become another addaptoid. Ordering one as soon as I can.
    The site is awesome and I ordered plenty from them in the past I highly give my thumbs up to the guy and encourage all others to do so as well.
  • My SNES adapter has both SNES and Mega Drive in =3
    That N64 controller one I want so bad. But I don't need it, and my 64 controllers are pretty close to falling apart, and they're hard to come by, so I dunno if I should to buy it. I see "new" ones listed on Rakuten, but I don't trust that... =P
  • Monday Night Combat on Steam. What's all this about then? I might get it to fill the TF2 hole, because it's cheap and because FC:LAPD was a pretty good idea for a multiplayer game.
  • I own MNC on Xbox. It's way more basic than the current iteration of TF2 for certain, and filled the void nicely for me. I don't regret buying it.
  • I'm looking forward to MNC on PC, and have been hoping it would make the transition at some point. It seems to solve a lot of the issues TF2 now has in terms of balance between players, since its set up like CS where your power-ups are reset at the start of each round.

    Hopefully they add larger game modes, since I think its currently like 4v4 or 5v5, because of how console multiplayer works.
  • Larger game modes would be tricky because the levels are relatively small. Also with too many players, it becomes almost impossible to win, or every game would end in the relatively sucky sudden-death. You'll see what I mean when you play it.
  • Larger game modes would be tricky because the levels are relatively small. Also with too many players, it becomes almost impossible to win, or every game would end in the relatively sucky sudden-death. You'll see what I mean when you play it.
    I used the term game modes specifically to refer to the fact that the way the game is currently played would not work well for games with more people. They need new maps that are larger, and game types like CTF or control point which are better suited to larger groups.
  • Oh god I've been buying so many games lately, but Monday Night Combat looks so good! Are enough people here buying it so I'll have people to play with?
  • November/December have been Sonic month for me. Started off with Sonic the Hedgehog 4, I wrote a review of that previously on this tread somewhere. Long story short: despite being a perfectly competent Sonic game with gorgeous graphics, good feeling controls, and great presentation, it fails to add anything fresh to the series. The game just feels like a series of rehashed concepts put together into a single 2 hour game. I won't be buying the next two episodes when they are released, unless there is a sale or something.

    Looking to satisfy my thirst for 2D hedgehog based platforming, I picked up Sonic Classic Collection for the DS. Figured I couldn't go wrong with portable versions of games I've played before and loved. While the games are the same, the collection itself lacks polish, and suffers from frame rate issues that made the experience less enjoyable than I expected.

    Having played some Sonic Colors at E3, and hearing some positive buzz about it on the internets, I decided to prepare myself by wrapping up the other 3D Sonic game in my collection: Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360.) I had received this as a gift a couple of Christmases ago, played it for about a month, and then stopped. I couldn't quite remember why. My guess was the ever growing flow of new games being released probably had something to do with it.

    So I boot up my save file from two years ago and proceed to play the early stages again to refresh myself on the controls, and it felt good. I thought to myself: "why did I ever stop playing this? This is awesome." The music, graphics, animations, and sense of speed made the game really enjoyable and really feel like you are playing the Sonic version of Super Mario Galaxy. I couldn't wait to go and complete the rest of the game.
    Then I got to my first werehog section in over 2 years, and quickly remembered why I stopped playing: repetitive battles, horrid level design, shitty camera angles, and levels that last 20 minutes, that upon losing all your lives sends you all the way back out to the title screen. I had lied to myself saying that the werehog stages are not THAT bad, but they are. Enemies that knock you down, and as you're getting back up knock you down again. And then the cycle continues until you're dead, or fall off a cliff or something. Jumping from narrow ledge to narrow ledge without ever really knowing which ledges are meant to be walked on, and which ones are not, and a battle system that really comes down to mashing whatever buttons you feel like. Finally it comes down to a boss fight where you are forced into a slow battle playing as an annoying sidekick character that is littered with unskippable little cutscenes, and plenty of obstacles that can easily kill you and send all the way back to the beginning.
    Once the story mode was over, I went back and played the Sonic sections, ensuring myself that despite flaws in those sections as well, they are what made the game enjoyable.

    About a week of rest later, I opened the Sonic Colors (Wii) box that was in my possession, and played around with the Sonic hat that came as a preorder bonus by placing it on my girlfriend's head. I heard good things, and I was not disappointed. As soon as you hit "Start" you are immediately playing one of the best Sonic games since Sonic 2. The game is fast paced like in other 3D games, and the camera is pulled out enough so you can actually see what's coming ahead of you instead being blindsided by a random object or enemy. It sports some of the most beautiful and colorful graphics I've seen on the Wii. The game for most part sticks to a 2D side scrolling view, and thus feels tighter than any post 2000 Sonic game. The controls have been tweaked so you're not accidentally boosting when you mean to double jump and then die.
    The levels are huge and have multiple pathways that are opened through powers obtained by collecting Wisps, an alien species whose purpose of living is to be power ups. The powers are fun to use and mix up the game play. The level design is the best it's been for years, except for a couple of cheap spots in the final level, I didn't feel like I died due to a random glitch. The worlds themselves and the art direction are really well thought, and set the mood for the game very well. The score contains many orchestrated pieces that provide ambiance, and sometimes get you pumped for the action.
    My real complaint about Sonic Colors is that it is a bit on the easy side, and thus feels short. I completed it in about a week, which is quite fast for me considering my schedule. Also, this game feels like it would've been better served if it was on an Xbox 360 or PS3, the jaggedyness of the low res video are a shame, like a thumbprint on a fine piece of art. This game is definitely worth playing since it combines old school game play as you remember it with enough polish that this actually feels like a "modern" game.

    Sonic 4: OK, but disappointing due to it's rehashedness and shortness. Shouldn't have been called Sonic 4
    Sonic Classic Collection: Frame rate issues big down what should've been an easy port.
    Sonic Unleashed: A 3D Sonic game weighed down by stupid decisions.
    Sonic Colors: Classic gameplay with fresh new concepts . If you own a Wii go out and get this. This should've been called Sonic 4

    As a palette cleanser I have started Red Dead Redemption. Totally different game from the ones above :-p
  • edited December 2010
    Amnesia is amazing. It's a little cliche, and the voice acting is a little off, but those problems are minor compared to it's great horror and atmosphere.

    Edit: It looks like günter beat me to it 12 pages ago.
    Amnesia: The Dark Descent is so good. Every way I can think of to praise this game seems painfully hyperbolic when I actually write it down. You should probably play it.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Been playing a couple of games over the course of a few days.

    TMNT - Reshelled: Alright game. Nowhere near as good as TMNT 4 on the SNES, but a good remake. The 3D environment does make Michelangelo and Raphael on par with Leonardo and Donatello. However, it lacks the number of stages and the fact that there are no invincibility states when you get knocked down makes shit annoying too. I'm glad I got it at a great discount, but it can still be fun.

    Shatter: This game could be epic, but it just fails somewhat because of bad programming. I got it during the Steam Treasure Hunt sale, and while I love many things about it, I'm really frustrated on the circle levels and how the ball can break, even when it hits the paddle. Breakout is one of my favorite games, I love the concept, but it just lacks some execution.

    Soulcaster: Man, I love Xbox Indie Games. Very fun, almost like an active/mobile tower defense game. But it can get pretty challenging, within the boxed in/indoor levels.

    Epic Dungeon: If you own an Xbox, buy this game. Probably gonna be one of my favorite dungeon crawler/rogue-like games in a while. There's a whole lot of great systems set up in this game, with encounters, great RPG-Equipment systems, the chain-spell mechanics, and the multitude of potions and abilities one can set up. I appreciate how it isn't as punishing or luck-based as other games like this, but at the same time it can be very difficult because of how it requires you to think on your feet. It's only 1 dollar too, so buy it right now.
  • I just had a nerd-gasim a moment ago when I found out that Shin Megami Tensei is coming out with another game, which we can deduce to be Persona 5! I am going to get that once it comes out, even if it costs me an arm and a leg!

    Other than that, I've been attempting to play Dwarf Fortress, attempting to finish Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, survive in Fallout 3, and I am finishing up Persona 3 and starting Persona 4.
  • I just had a nerd-gasim a moment ago when I found out that Shin Megami Tensei is coming out with another game, which we can deduce to be Persona 5! I am going to get that once it comes out, even if it costs me an arm and a leg!
    I had missed those news so thanks. However I still have work to do with the Persona 3 Portable and I'm more excited about Catherine, witch is at least coming soonish rather than "in the future".
  • Giving Goldeneye: Source a whirl. Not expecting a whole lot but might fill a few hours.
  • I've been playing Gran Turismo 5 on B-spec mode (A.I. driver does everything for you) while playing Starcraft II online.

    I'm hanging out on the Geek Nights Counter Strike: Source server, but nobody is here.
  • edited December 2010
    I'll join you.
    Edit: You are not here :(
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited December 2010
    Amnesia's take on elevator repair is interesting.
    Edit: I just imagined the cast of The Big Bang Theory trying to fix their elevator like this.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Sonic Colors is a good game. Finally.
  • I think the Wii version of World Adventure was a better game.
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn features much yarn that also happens to be epic.
  • Kirby's Yarn features much yarn that also happens to be yarn-y and thus not epic at all. I will add though, that it's the cutest game I've probably ever played.
  • Kirby's Yarn features much yarn that also happens to be yarn-y and thus not epic at all. I will add though, that it's the cutest game I've probably ever played.
    What's the cutest yarn kirby transformation?

    I vote for submarine kirby.
  • What's the cutest yarn kirby transformation?

    I vote for submarine kirby.
    Submarine is cute, however I'm partial to car and 2-ton versions.
  • They're all cute =3 (sept for the surfer) But I'll have to go with car too.
  • Bad Company 2 Vietnam is the greatest multiplayer FPS on the market right now.
  • But is it the cutest!?
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