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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • Me thinking about WiP:

  • edited October 2007
    Joe resting while under command of General Grant during the War of the States.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited October 2007
    WiP trying not to be late for class again:

    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • You guys are all freaks.
  • Oh my god, those made me laugh so hard XD
  • edited October 2007
    Joe working in the coal mines. He quit soon after this picture was taken when he developed the black lung:
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • WIP develops the black lung:
  • edited October 2007
    Jason working his job at the newspaper, as a newsie:
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • This is Carole after she heard I had the black lung:
  • edited October 2007
    The story of Joad's Joe's life:
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Haha! FRC entertaining.
  • This could go on forever.
  • I also imagine Nineless as a catgirl...with power!
    But I'm not a cat D: Or a girl D:!
    I think it would be quite interesting to see artists draw picture of forumgoers based on their personalities. Just not porn though.
    And yes. That'd be awesome.
  • Ahh, the gay thread, no longer so gay.
  • Ahh, the gay thread, no longer so gay.
    I'm still one podcast behind... there is still time to drag this thread kicking and screaming back on topic ;)
  • Yeah, let's get back to the topic at hand...

  • To get on topic I was going to ask this slighty extreme question.

    Who you think would be the seme and uke?

    I could type a whole paragraph as an answer to that, but I'd get the weird looks. Plus I might get magic missiled by someone. *runs away*
  • lolololol. We should have picture wars more often. This thread makes me lol so hard, even if it is pretty... odd.
  • edited October 2007
    This thread makes me so hard, even if it is pretty... odd.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Also, WiP + Joe =

  • This thread makes me so hard, even if it is pretty... odd.
    You're evil. Pure evil.
  • This thread makes me so hard, even if it is pretty... odd.
    You're evil. Pure evil.
    *can't stop laughing* I took me a moment to get this but...*cont. laughing*
  • Editing post to make it seem as though I enjoy seeing Scrym slash = EVIL.

    Artboy: Does that mean Willy Wonka represents Scrym?
  • Editing post to make it seem as though I enjoy seeing Scrym slash = EVIL.

    Artboy: Does that mean Willy Wonka represents Scrym?
    Aahh, I had to do a double take, I read the quoted message before the real one :P Sorry!
  • To get on topic I was going to ask this slighty extreme question.

    Who you think would be the seme and uke?

    I could type a whole paragraph as an answer to that, but I'd get the weird looks. Plus I might get magic missiled by someone. *runs away*
    Hmm, I dunno. *Considers this* ... Rym is all hyperactive, eh? Like, even though he accidentally deleted one podcast, he was perfectly happy while doing the second one, versus Scott who sounded ready to die. So, going by the assumption that semes get annoyed and to-the-point, then Scott's seme. Rym, though, seems to be the one to always pull the first move... Damn, I should start doing some yaoi reading again. So distracted by shojo though...!

    At this point, I'm sure angry forumgoers (is that a step up from angry villagers?) are figuring out the best way to attack me.
  • Aahh, I had to do a double take, I read the quoted message before the real one :P Sorry!
    Same here. I was shocked bunnikun said something like that... then read his post and laughed. Then again, this thread does make people lol! At least it makes me lol XD
  • To get on topic I was going to ask this slighty extreme question.

    Who you think would be the seme and uke?

    I could type a whole paragraph as an answer to that, but I'd get the weird looks. Plus I might get magic missiled by someone. *runs away*
    Hmm, I dunno. *Considers this* ... Rym is all hyperactive, eh? Like, even though he accidentally deleted one podcast, he was perfectly happy while doing the second one, versus Scott who sounded ready to die. So, going by the assumption that semes get annoyed and to-the-point, then Scott's seme. Rym, though, seems to be the one to always pull the first move... Damn, I should start doing some yaoi reading again. So distracted by shojo though...!

    At this point, I'm sure angry forumgoers (is that a step up from angry villagers?) are figuring out the best way to attack me.
    I agree with Scott being seme but my reasons are much different than yours.
  • jccjcc
    edited October 2007
    Scott as seme seems likely.

    Scott is more often on the giving end of a dicking than the receiving end.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • Scott as seme seems likely.
    Scott is more often on the giving end of a dicking than the receiving end.
    Oh noes, looks like Rym's the poor uke by popular vote. Hahah!
  • Scott as seme seems likely.
    Scott is more often on the giving end of a dicking than the receiving end.
    Oh noes, looks like Rym's the poor uke by popular vote. Hahah!
    Glasses is a popular uke item.
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