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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • Yesterday at the dinner table.

    Scott: "I had a fantasy about being in prison the other day, but it was really fun"
    Oh dear.
  • Fantasies, you say? Now I need a prison to test this.
  • It came out that he was talking about the Filipino Prisoners dancing in a Youtube video he saw. I was like "You don't wanna be in a prison in the Philippines."
  • As a Filipino myself, I'd have to agree. Completely.
  • If there were a hell, this discussion would make it pale by comparison. Nineteen pages of gay jokes would make hellfire seem comfortable.
  • edited April 2008
    Going back to Rym's vacuum/hair comment...

    How the hell do you explain the tribble-sized hairballs in your shower?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • How the hell do you explain the tribble-sized hairballs in your shower?
    Rym. Sheds. Like. A. MoFo.
    ...and they are both somewhat woolly.
  • If there were a hell, this discussion would make it pale by comparison. Nineteen pages of gay jokes would make hellfire seem comfortable.
    Awww, come on, be happy. We love the gay! We are comfy with the gay! Gay is Okay! The Scrym jokes are all in good fun.
  • We love the gay!
    We know you love Rym.

    So I herd u liek Kirbies.
  • So if Rym were to have a Smash Brothers threesome with Neil Gaiman playing Kirby and Barack Obama playing Luigi what character would he choose? :)
  • If it were Melee, Dr. Mario. He's not in Brawl tho.
  • So if Rym were to have a Smash Brothers threesome with Neil Gaiman playing Kirby and Barack Obama playing Luigi what character would he choose? :)
  • ...I should really start listening to the podcasts again. *sigh* I haven't had time as of late.
  • ...I should really start listening to the podcasts again. *sigh* I haven't had time as of late.
    Then do so! *kicks you into libsyn files*
  • I don't know what's weirder: That a seemingly innocently started thread is now 19 pages, or that Rym's girlfriend is a regular poster in said thread....
  • "Pillow talk with Rym and Scott"
  • Rym's girlfriend is a regular poster in said thread.
    Hehe. It's normal for a fujoshi to imagine her boyfriend doing gay things. At least that's what Ogiue from Genshiken has taught me.
  • I don't fantasize about the scrym yaoi. However, it's fun to make double entendres. Picking on Scott in this manner was a hobby of mine long before the gay thread.
  • Picking on Scott in this manner was a hobby of mine long before the gay thread.
    Picking on Scott is a hobby of the entire Front Row Crew.
  • Rym's girlfriend is a regular poster in said thread.
    Hehe. It's normal for a fujoshi to imagine her boyfriend doing gay things. At least that's what Ogiue from Genshiken has taught me.
    In my crew of friends my ex Steve and our friend Matt we're the main couple.

    It's not normal but it's fun as hell.
  • Rym may be straight, but Scott isn' he's gay.
  • Blasphemy!
  • From what I can tell, Rym seems more likely to be comfortable around men. As for Scott, he loves Rym and Rym just happens to be a man. ; )
  • I think it's more that Scott is asexual.
  • I think it's more that Scott is asexual.
    I'm pretty sure that Scott participated in the masturbation episode... so really the question is simply what his area of focus is. :)
  • Scott: Rym, I'm coming before you.

    Rym: I don't know... I don't think you've come before me yet.

    Scott: Haha, that's actually what I want you to think!
  • For once, jcc isn't stretching it there. I noticed that too. XD Good show, Scrym. Good show.
  • All I have to say is that I have never once referred to another man as being "sexy". That is just wheird. To each his own, I guess.
  • All I have to say is that I have never once referred to another man as being "sexy". That is just wheird. To each his own, I guess.
    Well, you aren't fun at all. Or maybe tons of fun. >=3

    BTW: haha, typo.
  • Rym: "I'll be your sugar daddy".

    Case closed.
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