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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • All I have to say is that I have never once referred to another man as being "sexy". That is just wheird. To each his own, I guess.
    To say that someone is sexy is not to say that you are attracted to them. It sounds like you are overly insecure with being perceived as gay. That preoccupation just seems sad and small.
  • To say that someone is sexy is not to say that you are attracted to them. It sounds like you are overly insecure with being perceived as gay. That preoccupation just seems sad and small.
    This post seems really presumptive. Can you really not fathom a straight man not finding other men attractive? This is a concept that a lot of women seem to have trouble with.
  • edited May 2008
    All I have to say is that I have never once referred to another man as being "sexy". That is just wheird. To each his own, I guess.
    To say that someone is sexy is not to say that you are attracted to them. It sounds like you are overly insecure with being perceived as gay. That preoccupation just seems sad and small.
    Well when I say that Brooke Burke is sexy, I say it because she is appealing to me in a sensual, or "sexy" way. Like I said, to each his/her own. I just tend not to look at men that way and I'm sorry, I guess. It just doesn't seem like a very good descriptive word, in my opinion, unless it is in description of someone that you feel is sexually attractive. I do understand though that Rym, when he said it, was joking. I just thought it was funny. Its all a matter of opinion, and your opinion seems a little too venomous for my liking.

    This post seems really presumptive. Can you really not fathom a straight man not finding other men attractive? This is a concept that a lot of women seem to have trouble with.
    I don't understand it either.
    Post edited by tranceotaku on
  • To say that someone is sexy is not to say that you are attracted to them. It sounds like you are overly insecure with being perceived as gay. That preoccupation just seems sad and small.
    This post seems really presumptive. Can you really not fathom a straight man not finding other men attractive? This is a concept that a lot of women seem to have trouble with.
    I'm unsure, but can't anyone look at anyone else and go, "hey, s/he's attractive"? I can do that with guys, my girl friends can do it with other girls, and my guy friends with guys. It's just a comment, like "Nice hair".

  • I'm unsure, but can't anyone look at anyone else and go, "hey, s/he's attractive"? I can do that with guys, my girl friends can do it with other girls, and my guy friends with guys. It's just a comment, like "Nice hair".
    They absolutely can say that anyone is attractive and/or sexy. It was a joke by Rym, and this thread is a joke in my opinion as well. Rym has a girlfriend! With surgical technology, sexuality is being blurred incredibly anyway. In my opinion, being a man and calling another man sexy is kinda gay, but its funny, so who cares.
  • Rym and Scott are gay to some extent but not any more than the average modern man.
  • edited May 2008

    This post seems really presumptive. Can you really not fathom a straight man not finding other men attractive? This is a concept that a lot of women seem to have trouble with.
    I dunno, although I am pretty straight, I notice if both girls and guys are good looking. It's not in a "OMG I want to make out with them" sort of way, but in the way an artist notices things. Thus, if a woman who looks beautiful as the dawn walks by, of course I'll notice and I'll look at her and think "Wow, she's gorgeous." As an artist, funfetus, you must have some sort of opinion on what makes a guy look good. When you want to draw a guy who is attractive, you must be conscious of what makes him so. Like when I draw women, there are certain kinds of beauty that I choose for them. I do not go by the stereotype, but by what I think is aesthetically pleasing. What is aesthetically pleasing to you as far as male people are concerned? That's all they are really saying.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • jccjcc
    edited May 2008
    Beautiful, ok. Gorgeous, fine. Attractive, sure. Sexy... if you don't want to bone them, you might want to consider a different term. Sort of like how most people wouldn't say, "Your grandpa is very erotic." when what they were trying to suggest was that he's very pleasant to be around. :)
    Post edited by jcc on
  • edited May 2008
    Isn't it just semantics? Isn't "Sexy" essentially a type of "Attractive?" Although I definitely see what you are saying, what funfetus and Mr. Trance there seemed to be getting at is "I don't notice at all if a guy looks good or not. Because I am not gay. Hah." For example, Jessica Rabbit could definitely be described as sexy. Does that mean I want to get it on with Jessica Rabbit? Nope. It's just a very good descriptive word for the type of character she is.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Well, trance's original post was specifically about the word "sexy", and he elaborated by saying
    Well when I say that Brooke Burke is sexy, I say it because she is appealing to me in a sensual, or "sexy" way.[...]I just tend not to look at men that way and I'm sorry, I guess. It just doesn't seem like a very good descriptive word, in my opinion, unless it is in description of someone that you feel is sexually attractive.
    So it was sort of about semantics from the first place. ^^;
  • Semantics can be taken too far. For instance, if you asked your average gay person to choose between having their advocates spend all their time trying to get equal civil union status and the ability to check the "married" box on government forms, or trying to get the most popular euphemism for homosexual switched from "gay" to "queer", most would probably say to put down the dictionary. :)

    However, that doesn't mean that care shouldn't be put into words. In Real Life, there's environment, body language, tone, etc. to back up whatever you say. You can in fact speak in complete gibberish and have people mostly understand you if the rest of your cues are consistent. (Try asking for directions this way sometime. It's a lot of fun. :D) In text, you don't have any of that. All you have are the words themselves, and the way you arrange them. So if you say "erotic" when you mean "pleasant", there will be confusion. :)
  • Why oh why is this thread still active!?
  • As an artist, funfetus, you must have some sort of opinion on what makes a guy look good. When you want to draw a guy who is attractive, you must be conscious of what makes him so. Like when I draw women, there are certain kinds of beauty that I choose for them. I do not go by the stereotype, but by what I think is aesthetically pleasing. What is aesthetically pleasing to you as far as male people are concerned? That's all they are really saying.
    It's absolutely true that I know the typical features to use if I want to draw an attractive man. The science of human beauty is a subject that's really interesting to me, and I've studied it informally for a long time. That does not mean, however, that I would find that man attractive, or describe him as "sexy". I probably wouldn't ever describe a man as sexy, because when I use that word, I'm using it to refer to what I think is sexy. I do recognize an attractive man sometimes. Not attractive to me, but I realize that he's probably attractive to people who are attracted to men. On the other hand, I'm continuously surprised by which men a lot of women seem to find attractive. Clive Owen? I don't get it at all. Johnny Depp, I do get.

    You mention your ability to notice attractive women. In my experience, that's something almost all women possess. It's just not something all men possess. Dan Savage has repeatedly stated that female sexuality is more fluid than male sexuality -- maybe that's at work here. I think it's presumptive to assume that it's just a case of male homophobia. Certainly, that may be the issue sometimes. But not all the time.
    what funfetus and Mr. Trance there seemed to be getting at is "I don't notice at all if a guy looks good or not. Because I am not gay. Hah."
    You're jumping to conclusions there. I didn't say anything about my feelings on the subject -- you'd be hard-pressed to find a more gay-friendly straight guy than I am, and if I felt any attraction to men, I'd be glad to say so. I only meant to defend TranceOtaku when he was, in my opinion, unjustifiably attacked by someone who read a lot more into his post than was there.
  • Isn't it just semantics? Isn't "Sexy" essentially a type of "Attractive?"
    It is yes. The majority of people see sexy as "(s)he's really attractive, I'd like to get in his/her pants". Your example of Jessica Rabbit is a good one for another definition of 'sexy'. Though I have to add that I do not find Jessica Rabbit sexy.
  • I can look at men and women and recognize them to be sexy, but not find them personally attractive. For instance, I can see that Angelina Jolie is sexy, but I find the idea of sleeping with her repugnant (not because I wouldn't have sex with other women, I just find her gross).
  • edited May 2008
    Why oh why is this thread still active!?
    Because it's endlessly amusing. This "can you find other people of your gender 'sexy' and still be straight" debate is about as serious as this thread has gotten in some time. And frankly, I think it needs to stop, because the whole reason this thread is still alive is because it's all good tongue-in-cheek fun. Too much serious debate will kill it.

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • When I'm 80, I want to be an erotic grandpa.
  • *blink* That.. Came out of nowhere. Um. I'm happy for you, Thaed?

    :D Hey, maybe you and Scrym and others, when they all get old, can all be gay erotic grandpas!

  • :D Hey, maybe you and Scrym and others, when they all get old, can all be gay erotic grandpas!
    No no no no no no no no no!
  • *blink* That.. Came out of nowhere. Um. I'm happy for you, Thaed?
    :D Hey, maybe you and Scrym and others, when they all get old, can all be gay erotic grandpas!
    Please read jcc's comment above on semantics. His turn of the phrase was very clever. The Erotic Grandpa's sounds like a band.

    And Viga, where have you been?
  • *blink* That.. Came out of nowhere. Um. I'm happy for you, Thaed?
    :D Hey, maybe you and Scrym and others, when they all get old, can all be gay erotic grandpas!
    Please read jcc's comment above on semantics. His turn of the phrase was very clever. The Erotic Grandpa's sounds like a band.

    And Viga, where have you been?
    In the Matrix getting milk.

    Seriously though I've been around. :P
  • *blink* That.. Came out of nowhere. Um. I'm happy for you, Thaed?
    :D Hey, maybe you and Scrym and others, when they all get old, can all be gay erotic grandpas!
    Please read jcc's comment above on semantics. His turn of the phrase was very clever. The Erotic Grandpa's sounds like a band.

    Oh mans.

    I'll take it.

  • Please read jcc's comment above on semantics. His turn of the phrase was very clever. The Erotic Grandpa's sounds like a band.

    And I actually started to skim over everything pretty quickly into that argument. I do that a lot, actually.. So I didn't actually read-read it.
  • I apologize for my blatant use of the return key. Have fun with your argument! :)
  • Rym: "His (Rym's) member is just so gigantic... It staggers the mind. Journal articles have been written about it."
    I cringed and felt sorry for Scott upon hearing this.
  • edited May 2008
    Rym: "His (Rym's) member is just so gigantic... It staggers the mind. Journal articles have been written about it."
    I cringed and felt sorry for Scott upon hearing this.
    I dunno. Apparently, Scott's staggers the mind plus 1cm.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Rym: "His (Rym's) member is just so gigantic... It staggers the mind. Journal articles have been written about it."
    But then Scott said, "I know!"
  • [The game]'s the ultimate fan experience short of I guess having sex with the two of them.
    So he thinks having possibly gay sex surpasses playing a game for any PA fan?
  • I wish the house looked like that. We still don't have a much needed wall clock.
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