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Why People Think Rym & Scott are Gay.



  • Gomidog, that is hilarious.

    Myself, oh we know. ^_~
  • Myself, oh we know. ^_~
    It has to be put in the evidence thread, i.e. this thread! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!

    And I agree, Emily's anecdote is hilarious.
  • jccjcc
    edited April 2008
    Scott not a fan of Rym's thumping. A lovers' quarrel? D: Maybe it's just Rym solo thumping while podcasting that Scott's not a fan of. With his feet, no less. Hooray flexibility! :D I guess I can see how that might be... distracting.

    Perhaps this is why Rym always sounds so cheerful? :)

    Scott: ...hey, stop doing that with your feet over there.

    Rym: Why?

    Scott: 'cause it's thumpin' around.

    Rym: It's not hurting you in any way.

    Scott: It's thumping the whole room.

    Rym: Okay. I guess you don't like my thumping...

    Scott: No, I don't.
    Also, whenever Rym says, "What a lovely day!" I can't help thinking that he sounds like he's got his, er, mouth full. ^^;
    Post edited by jcc on
  • I paused the show when I heard this one in the RFID episode:
    "He doesn't have to whip it out because it's really powerful"
  • "He doesn't have to whip it out because it's really powerful"
    Well, it is... ^_~
  • jccjcc
    edited April 2008
    Apparently people at comic cons enjoy ramming Rym. :)

    Rym: At this convention, and at Philly Wizard World, and at the previous New York Comic Convention, I was rammed into by people... like, kinda hard... a lot. Constantly. Anytime-

    Scott: No one rammed me that hard, if someone did ram me that hard, I'd probably push them over.
    Scott gets into it too! :D

    Scott: I mean, there was some bumpin' going on, but I guess I didn't notice it as much as you did.

    Rym: You were ramming into me too!
    Why there is never any footage. ;_;
    Scott: I have the same problem with the video camera that I have with the photo camera, in that, you know, I carry it, and I want to video things, but I just- I don't.

    Rym: Well I kept telling you to, and you kept putting the camera away! I'd be like, "Scott, film this!" "Oh I put the camera away" By the time he fumbles it out, the thing's over, and then he immediately puts the camera back away.

    Scott: Well, cause carrying it, first of all, is very annoying.

    Rym: You! I had the Marantz, and the microphone, and all that business-

    Scott: That's easier to carry!

    Rym: Not really.

    Scott: Because... yeah it is.

    Rym: It's actually heavier than the camera.

    Scott: It's not about the weight!

    Rym: The microphone itself is heavier than the camera, that big XLR cable, thing was jangling around, hitting me in the thigh, I had to keep fiddling with the radio-

    Scott: The point is that if I'm using the camera, I have to like have my hand in front of my face, and I can't do anything else.
    Post edited by jcc on
  • A short time ago the geek haus vacuum cleaner bit the dust, so to speak. It was always a piece of shit, and Rym's hairs took their toll over the years.
    I think you can guess how large amounts of Rym's hair got in the vacuum cleaner.
  • I think you can guess how large amounts of Rym's hair got in the vacuum cleaner.
    Well, obviously I had sex with it.
  • edited April 2008
    I think you can guess how large amounts of Rym's hair got in the vacuum cleaner.
    I don't get it. He sheds like a MoFo but what's the joke?

    Edit: Le gasp!! Oh no you di'in't!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited April 2008
    I think you can guess how large amounts of Rym's hair got in the vacuum cleaner.
    I don't get it. He, as I always say "Sheds like a MoFo." What's the joke?
    Often things don't make sense when you are used to looking at the real situation.

    Afterthought: Can one of you get a picture of the other when they see this thread float to the top after it's been buried for a while?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'm surprised no one mentioned how cute it is that Rym remembers the first IM with Scott.
    I have chat logs from the very first time I ever messaged Scott. ("Hey, It's Rym, that guy from the gaming club with the long hair. Wanna get Gracies?") I'm starting to be like jcc and make gay out of nothing. :P
  • I believe that last night, Rym said TMR was pretty. Does that count?
  • No. It's the damn truth. If you were there you would have seen TMR = pretty.
  • Yeah, I won't deny that. I'm just saying it doesn't help the case against the gay. I think I might even be a little gay now.
  • TMR = pretty.
    Yes he is. I find that a lot of male Japanese celebrities are extremely pretty. For a good few months I thought Gackt was a woman. It was from a picture of him that a friend used as an LJ icon. Everytime I saw it I thought to myself, "Damn that's a really pretty asian woman. If I was a guy, I'd do her." >.>
  • I think I might even be a little gay now.
    *wiggly fingers* Come and join us! Come and joooiiiin ussss!

    >>; I haven't heard of anything gayish from Scrym lately because I haven't been able to keep up with podcasts.
  • *wiggly fingers* Come and join us! Come and joooiiiin ussss!
    Maybe just gay enough to admit that some extremely feminine men are pretty -- not gay enough to do anything with that. :)
  • Is there any word to distinguish, gay (attracted to the same sex regardless of behaviour) from gay (behaviour stereotypically associated with gay people)?
  • TMR = pretty.
    Very much so. He also has a big mouth....
  • I have a big mouth. What is so significant about that?
  • Is there any word to distinguish, gay (attracted to the same sex regardless of behaviour) from gay (behaviour stereotypically associated with gay people)?
    Yes. Homosexual and Metrosexual, respectively.

    However, sodomy usually is actual gay behavior. Usually.
    I have a big mouth. What is so significant about that?
    You'd make many boys happy.
  • I think you can guess how large amounts of Rym's hair got in the vacuum cleaner.
    Months of trying to shave the GeekNights logo into his pubes while sitting in front of the computer?
  • You'd make many boys happy.
    All things considered, I could probably fit a decent sized boob in here.
  • You'd make many boys happy.
    All things considered, I could probably fit a decent sized boob in here.
    BAD Omnutia! Very BAD! No biscuit for YOU! *smacks*
  • You'd make many boys happy.
    All things considered, I could probably fit a decent sized boob in here.
    BAD Omnutia! Very BAD! No biscuit for YOU! *smacks*
    Hey, hey! Let's not punish him. A big mouth makes girls happy just as much as it would guys. <3!
  • hahaha. I like where this conversation is going. Alright.
  • Hey, hey! Let's not punish him. A big mouth makes girls happy just as much as it would guys. <3!</p>
    Yeah, but it's more about the tongue than the size of mouth.
  • edited April 2008
    Hey, hey! Let's not punish him. A big mouth makes girls happy just as much as it would guys. <3!</p>
    Yeah, but it's more about the tongue than the size of mouth.
    True but censored((I like certain techniques that a big mouth can do ^_~) /censored
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I am curious about these techniques. =3 For scientific reasons, of course.
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