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GeekNights 090625 - Celebrity Deaths



  • Well, the video game was anticipated by many fans as the unofficial 3rd sequel. Never played it though and I have no clue whether that held up (I don't think it did since I didn't hear much hype after its release).
  • chaosof99 said:

    Well, the video game was anticipated by many fans as the unofficial 3rd sequel. Never played it though and I have no clue whether that held up (I don't think it did since I didn't hear much hype after its release).

    From people who I know they said it is in their "all time greatest games" I would not go that far since I heard the game play is boring. I was told if I were to play it set it on the easiest difficulty and play to unlock everything in the story.
  • There a rules in place to stop not-the-original-actor being portrayed by someone else in makeup already. This is from Crispin Glover not appearing but actually appearing in Back to the Future 2:
    Glover and the producers did not agree on terms for him to appear in the sequels, so the role of the character was greatly reduced and recast. Zemeckis used footage of Glover filmed for the first movie in Back to the Future Part II (Glover being billed as "George McFly in footage from Back to the Future" in the closing credits) combined with new footage of Jeffrey Weissman wearing a false chin, nose and cheekbones, and various obfuscating methods – in the background, wearing sunglasses, rear shot, upside down – to play the role of George McFly. Because these methods suggested that Glover himself had performed for the film, he sued the producers on the grounds that they did not own his likeness. Subsequently, there are now clauses in the Screen Actors Guild collective bargaining agreements to the effect that this is no longer permitted.
    So there is more holding back remakes and sequels and prequels than just technology.
  • But what about recasting a character, like what happened between Iron Man and Iron Man 2 with War Machine?
  • But what about recasting a character, like what happened between Iron Man and Iron Man 2 with War Machine?

    That's generally kosher(though I don't doubt there are specific cases that are otherwise) because it's a different person playing the character, rather than playing the person playing the character, if that makes sense. The issue wasn't that they re-cast George McFly, but that they had someone else pretending to be Crispin Glover.

  • Churba said:

    But what about recasting a character, like what happened between Iron Man and Iron Man 2 with War Machine?

    That's generally kosher(though I don't doubt there are specific cases that are otherwise) because it's a different person playing the character, rather than playing the person playing the character, if that makes sense. The issue wasn't that they re-cast George McFly, but that they had someone else pretending to be Crispin Glover.

    That makes sense. It's the difference between having, say, Hulk Hogan in a movie as opposed to putting someone in a yellow shirt and saying it's Hulk Hogan, right?
  • edited February 2014

    Churba said:

    But what about recasting a character, like what happened between Iron Man and Iron Man 2 with War Machine?

    That's generally kosher(though I don't doubt there are specific cases that are otherwise) because it's a different person playing the character, rather than playing the person playing the character, if that makes sense. The issue wasn't that they re-cast George McFly, but that they had someone else pretending to be Crispin Glover.
    That makes sense. It's the difference between having, say, Hulk Hogan in a movie as opposed to putting someone in a yellow shirt and saying it's Hulk Hogan, right?
    In the most basic sense, yes. You can get away with parody, of course, and a few other things, but that's the basic idea.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • image

    Art by Ash Vickers, whom you might know as a frequent guest on Feed Dump on the Escapist.
  • Coldguy said:

    chaosof99 said:

    Well, the video game was anticipated by many fans as the unofficial 3rd sequel. Never played it though and I have no clue whether that held up (I don't think it did since I didn't hear much hype after its release).

    From people who I know they said it is in their "all time greatest games" I would not go that far since I heard the game play is boring. I was told if I were to play it set it on the easiest difficulty and play to unlock everything in the story.
    I played through the Ghostbuster game, it was not a great game, but a good Ghostbuster story and the voice acting was top notch.
  • edited March 2014
    Remember when legendary trailer narrator Don LaFontaine passed away in 2008?

    Well, we just lost another movie trailer voice over.

    R.I.P. Hal Douglas

    Post edited by Daikun on
  • On January 7 Run Run Shaw died at 106.
  • Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.
  • Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    Apparently his family asked very nicely that nobody do just that.
  • Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    They're gonna have to have the same kind of signs, tho. It's got to be that tacky rainbow-ish background with just three words on it.
  • Neito said:

    Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    Apparently his family asked very nicely that nobody do just that.
    The angel on my right shoulder says, "Let's respect their wishes to show just how much better we are than he and his ilk." The devil on my left shoulder says, "Fuck 'em. He deserves what he gets."

    The devil's speaking much more loudly than the angel right now.
  • Neito said:

    Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    Apparently his family asked very nicely that nobody do just that.
    The angel on my right shoulder says, "Let's respect their wishes to show just how much better we are than he and his ilk." The devil on my left shoulder says, "Fuck 'em. He deserves what he gets."

    The devil's speaking much more loudly than the angel right now.
    Pretty much my feelings right now. I WANT to be the bigger person, but it's not like they've done a lot to engender sympathy.
  • Well, George Takei apparently has apparently asked that we all be the bigger person, and he's actually got something of a more personal stake in Phelps's BS than I do.
  • I respect GT, but Phelps hated on a lot more then just homosexuality.
    I'm sure the offended friends and families of fallen soldiers will take a less passive route.
  • I'm not abstaining from protesting Fred Phelps because I "want to be a better person," I'm abstaining because his life and death mean nothing. His works will be forgotten within a generation, and he won't even be a footnote in a hundred years' time. All the energy he expended and all the time he spent that he can never get back was for naught.
  • Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    What's the opposite of celebrity again?
  • chaosof99 said:

    Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    What's the opposite of celebrity again?
    Hmm..celebrities, contemnities?
  • chaosof99 said:

    Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    What's the opposite of celebrity again?
    Paris Hilton.
  • edited March 2014

    chaosof99 said:

    Jason said:

    Fred Phelps. Can't wait for people to protest his funeral.

    What's the opposite of celebrity again?
    Paris Hilton.
    No, she is a celebrity, but only for being a celebrity.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • James Rebhorn. Just Gaggle it.
  • Apreche said:
    That sucks. He was a bit younger than I thought he was.
  • edited March 2014
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Los Angeles Bills

    Too soon?
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