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Personal Weaknesses and Strengths



  • Strengths:
    • N/A
    • Self proclaimed lack of self-knowledge
    • Shy (regular)
    • Shy (piss)
    • N/A
  • N/A? You have no strengths?
    • Shy (regular)
    • Shy (piss)
    • <</ul>
    What's the difference? Shy to piss in front of people?
  • It's known as having a shy bladder.
  • It's known as having a shy bladder.
    Also known as shy kidneys, bashful bladder, stage fright, urophobia, psychogenic urinary retention, and Paruresis. I have a mild case of it myself, can't use urinals if someone is using one on the same wall as me.
  • Also known as shy kidneys, bashful bladder, stage fright, urophobia, psychogenic urinary retention, and Paruresis. I have a mild case of it myself, can't use urinals if someone is using one on the same wall as me.
    I was the same, but I got over it. Now I really enjoy getting my wang out in public.
  • edited June 2009

    Bullshit! Based on talking with ya I think you have charisma oozing out of ya!
    Seriously. You are a great conversationalist.
    Like, I'm highly skilled in the art of sticking my foot in my mouth, particularly when talking to females.
    That must taste bad. It's also highly unsanitary if you have shoes on. However, it is a skill, because you must be incredibly flexible to pull that off.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Strengths:
    Ability to hear information and remember it when necessary.
    Good listener (kinda ties in with the above strength).
    General logic (In regular, average situations, not talking about Religion or Politics or anything).

    Low Self-Confidence
    Isolationist/introvert (not necessarily a weakness, but has caused me a lot of grief in my life)
  • Like, I'm highly skilled in the art of sticking my foot in my mouth, particularly when talking to females.
    That must taste bad. It's also highly unsanitary if you have shoes on. However, it is a skill, because you must be incredibly flexible to pull that off.
    Ohohoho! It's funny because he used a figure of speech and you are taking it literally!
  • edited June 2009

    Bullshit! Based on talking with ya I think you have charisma oozing out of ya!
    Seriously. You are a great conversationalist.
    Weakness: I'm never sure if people are being sarcastic or not. Online or off. :P
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I dunno, Sonic cracks me up.
  • Strengths:
    Very aware my own flaws, personality wise and creative wise
    Empathizes with everyone; even if I pass by a crying person, BOOM I start crying too...or at least start feeling sad
    Loves cats...too much
    Listens and condenses a persons lengthy explanation into one sentence for the sake of time
    Very patient and tolerable; really, you'd be hard pressed to offend me
    Super positive
    Laid back

    Laid back
    Super positive
    Very patient and tolerable
    Listens and condenses a person's lengthy explanation into one sentence for the sake of time
    Loves cats...too much
    Empathizes with everyone
    Very aware of my own flaws

    Lol, I just went in one big circle.
  • I dunno, Sonic cracks me up.
    OH! That was directed to Sonic. Heh. I thought you were talking about my comment to him. :P
  • Strengths:
    • Charismatic in large groups
    • Funny
    • Able to take in large amounts of information easily
    • Shy person-on-person
    • Lazy
    • Lacking in confidence
  • Strenghts:
    -Smart, I have to help almost everyone at my school with stuff

    -Don't really know how to socialize, I always ask questions or I'm just quiet
  • -Competitive
    I would hardly call that a weakness.
  • -Competitive
    I would hardly call that a weakness.
    I think it can only be called a weakness if it you have a large amount of it, like more than you should.
  • -Competitive
    I would hardly call that a weakness.
    I think it can only be called a weakness if it you have a large amount of it, like more than you should.
    A little competition is great! Things are a bit boring without it!
  • -Competitive
    I would hardly call that a weakness.
    I think it can only be called a weakness if it you have a large amount of it, like more than you should.
    Well, there are people for whom everything is a competition. Those people are prone to extreme one-upsmanship. That would definitely be a weakness.
  • I just took a test for this at work. For the most part I agreed with the assessment.

    I'm interested in what you all do with the list of weaknesses. What if I don't want to fix any of them or don't feel the need to? What's the best way to go about changing something vague like 'not detail oriented?
  • What's the best way to go about changing something vague like 'not detail oriented?
    Create a process that forces you to focus on details when you approach tasks. It will compensate for your natural tendencies.
  • I just took a test for this at work. For the most part I agreed with the assessment.

    I'm interested in what you all do with the list of weaknesses. What if I don't want to fix any of them or don't feel the need to? What's the best way to go about changing something vague like 'not detail oriented?
    Get a job where you don't have to worry about all the fine details :-p Good luck with that!

    I have the same problem, I'm in a extremely detailed oriented job and I tend to miss small details... You just have to concentrate more and if it helps checklists to remind you of the small details you miss.
  • Get a job where you don't have to worry about all the fine details :-p Good luck with that!
    I kinda have that. I'm an IT Project Manager which means I get to big-picture everything and delegate the details to other team members.

    The analogy I was thinking of is if I had to write use cases for a specific piece of functionality . . . I'd think I was done before I'd even identified half of them. I could probably help this situation by building matrices to help me identify the use cases I'll need to design. This would help me look at it in a big-picture kind of way. It's interesting to think about.
  • Strengths:
    • Able to kick ass
    • Sexy
    • Funny
    • Handsome
    • Intelligent
    • Fast learner
    • Gosh darn it, people like me
    • Lazy
    • Fat
    • Can't multitask
    • Can't commit to stuff (ie. get bored easily)
    • Emotionally vacant
  • I'm happy that you feel both handsome and fat. Many people would feel self-conscious for being chubby and not see their own true cuteness.

    I don't know if I'd like an emotionally vacant boyfriend, though, even if he was sexy.
  • I don't know if I'd like an emotionally vacant boyfriend, though, even if he was sexy.
    I haven't quite resolved this one yet in my quest for superior manhood. Perhaps I'll get there one day. Constant progress and all that.
  • edited July 2009
    I don't know if I'd like an emotionally vacant boyfriend, though, even if he was sexy.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited July 2009
    Snappy Dresser
    Good Public Speaker
    Musky, Victor Mature-like scent
    Too cynical and jaded to be fooled by much
    Possesses own library card
    Knows grammar rules
    Can play the Theremin
    Knows the effect of each different color of Kryptonite
    High caffeine/nicotine/alcohol tolerance
    Can wish people I don't like into the cornfield
    Proportionate strength of a boll weevil

    Can be a bit abrasive
    Can be too loose with speech
    Can be too trusting
    Sarcastic, Sardonic
    Experiences night terrors
    When I close my eyes, the faces of those I've wronged float before me in a cruel dance of shame.
    Can be a bit obsessive
    Easily riled, holds a grudge
    Questionable postule on butt
    Extra bones in right foot cause some balance problems
    I can't stop thinking about death, man, DEATH!
    Knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men
    Sometimes can be slightly moody and/or bitter
    Can see dead people
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Knows the effect of each different color of Kryptonite
    Prove it.
  • Scott, why did you quote me? Rym isn't emotionally vacant. He is, however, quite sexy.
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