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Personal Weaknesses and Strengths



  • Scott, why did you quote me? Rym isn't emotionally vacant. He is, however, quite sexy.
    It's because Scott wouldn't want an emotionally vacant boyfriend.
  • Scott, why did you quote me? Rym isn't emotionally vacant. He is, however, quite sexy.
    He tried to put an image there as a response, but it didn't show up. Amazon did not cooperate. Instead, he made it look like he was QFTing, providing us with fodder for the ScrymGay thread.
  • Scott, why did you quote me? Rym isn't emotionally vacant. He is, however, quite sexy.
    I had a funny picture of Duke Togo saying ...

    It was funny because Duke Togo is emotionally vacant and also has tons of sex.
  • I had a funny picture of Duke Togo saying ...
    I saw the picture. Scott must have hotlinked, for it is now gone.
  • Scott, why did you quote me? Rym isn't emotionally vacant. He is, however, quite sexy.
    It's because Scott wouldn't want an emotionally vacant boyfriend.
    Damn, you beat me to it.
  • edited July 2009
    Knows the effect of each different color of Kryptonite
    Prove it.
    Green Kryptonite - Most common, makes Kryptonians ill, and can cause death. Risk of cancer to Humans. Can strengthen Bizarro and Ultra Man.
    Red Kryptonite - Unpredictable physical alterations.

    Gold Kryptonite - Permanently removes powers, can cause death.

    Purple Kryptonite- Gives Kryptonians mental/psychic powers.

    Orange Kryptonite - Grants permanent superpowers.

    Jewel Kryptonite - Increases psychic powers.

    Black Kryptonite - Causes split personality/actual physcial split in extreme cases. Has been known to turn Superman evil.

    White Kryptonite - Kills plants.

    Anti-Kryptonite - Harms non-superpowered Kryptonians.

    Pink Kryptonite - Makes Superman sexually attracted to men.

    Blue Kryptonite - Harms Bizarro, can heal effects of Red K.

    Slow Kryptonite - Harms Humans.

    X-Kryptonite - Grants temporary superpowers.

    Magno-Kryptonite - Attracted to all other substances from Krypton.

    Magic Kryptonite - Makes Superman high.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited July 2009
    I just died a little inside. I thought shounen fighting shows were bad..
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Strengths:
    So, chopped off any heads lately?
  • Pink Kryptonite - Makes Superman sexually attracted to men.
    Seriously? Fanfiction Kryptonite?
  • edited July 2009
    Pink Kryptonite - Makes Superman sexually attracted to men.
    Seriously? Fanfiction Kryptonite?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I think I need to update this due to recent events. Updates in Bold.

    High MacGuyver quotient
    Mechanically inclined
    Technologically inclined
    Able to easily spot flaws in another's logic
    can sleep just about anywhere
    Perfect-ish Pitch
    Is content alone
    Able to keep calm
    Tend to look at situations and see how to reverse-engineer them.
    Finds it easy to play the "Devils Advocate" (Able to see and understand the opposing point of view and it's merits)
    A Super Conversationalist (Aquired through brown kryptonite)
    Can make a girl "wow" with a single kiss. (Aquired through lime kryptonite)

    Charisma -20
    Is uncontent alone
    Math Skills -5
    Socially inadequate
    playing the devils advocate often causes trouble
    Thinks too much when not thinking too little.
    Needs to re-evaluate who to trust
    Actively seeks to break down others illusions of life and logically defeat their false beliefs. (EX: Statement: Michael Jacksons death is suspect because financial gains family poisoned him blah blah blah. Answer: Achams Razor; he's old, celebs have lower life expectancies, stressed before tour, on stress relievers/anti-depressants, had a stressful life, heart attack at his age not uncommon....)
  • Scott, why did you quote me? Rym isn't emotionally vacant. He is, however, quite sexy.
    It's because Scott wouldn't want an emotionally vacant boyfriend.
    No No, Rym has been emotionally vacant to him and he still puts up with him because of the looks :-p
  • (Aquired through lime kryptonite)
    So...tequila? Liquid courage is always a plus.
  • Needs to re-evaluate who to trust
    Does this have to do with what your sis did?
  • Needs to re-evaluate who to trust
    Does this have to do with what your sis did?
    Nah, it's a new issue. I had a client who is usually okay but told me to piss off last night when I called about the money he owed me for fixing his computer.
  • edited July 2009
    - Active imagination
    - Musical ability
    - Moderate artistic and writing ability
    - Good reflexes
    - Understanding/Accepting of people
    - Ability to be friendly with almost anyone
    - Somewhat computer-savvy
    - Relatively smart

    - Easily discouraged
    - Often dodges conflict rather than facing it
    - Often shy around strangers
    - Slightly paranoid and defensive
    - Sometimes feels others' pains (emotional, not physical :P)
    - Somewhat unaware of surroundings at times.
    - Periodically rants about things nobody cares about
    - Is slightly obsessive at times
    - Has a face that always looks angry
    - Can't tell a joke without sounding serious

    I'm working on the weaknesses though. :P
    Post edited by -left- on
  • Strengths:
    - Creativity in spades
    - Logical thought
    - Easy going
    - I know I know nothing about nothing
    - Lateral thinker

    - Can hold a grudge
    - Am petty and vindictive
    - Laziness
    - Apathy
    - Hypocrite
  • I'm using Otakon to work on my shyness when talking with people I admire or think is awesome. If it backfires and I suck well then to the fail thread I go.

    What things do you do to solve your weaknesses?
  • Pretty much the same as you: confront them head on. By the by, Toastmasters is a great way to overcome shyness. I was an unofficial member (not old enough at the time) of the Providence chapter for 2 years. It really helped me with my speaking ability and shyness!

    At any rate, I don't really see you as shy, Viga. You are quite loud and funny once you loosen up.
  • once you loosen up.
    That's the tricky part, with shyness. :)
  • once you loosen up.
    That's the tricky part, with shyness. :)
    But she loosens up pretty quick.
  • edited July 2009
    But she loosens up pretty quick.
    That's good. Though I'll bet that has a lot to do with the people she's talking to. I used to be painfully shy, and even then, there would always be certain people I would meet who I would immediately feel comfortable around.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • You did toastmasters too! That was fun when I was young! But that got me over performance anxiety when I was a kid. That and many performances.

    Yeah, it's the people I'm talking to mostly. I do have to loosen up more. Tee hee, at clubs after a few I'm too loosened up. :P
  • You did toastmasters too! That was fun when I was young! But that got me over performance anxiety when I was a kid. That and many performances.

    Yeah, it's the people I'm talking to mostly. I do have to loosen up more. Tee hee, at clubs after a few I'm too loosened up. :P
    I have got to return to the east coast at some point and go clubbing with you. I imagine it would be awesome. Similarly, you should come over here sometime. The clubs here are fun, there are tons of karaoke places, and Sail is a pretty cool dude. I also have my own posse, which, while harder to get together as a unit, are pretty awesome dude/ettes.

    As for getting nervous about who you are talking to, just be cool. Be cool. Remember that its likely that those people have people they are nervous about talking to as well.
  • I'm using Otakon to work on my shyness when talking with people I admire or think is awesome. If it backfires and I suck well then to the fail thread I go.

    What things do you do to solve your weaknesses?
    You seemed to be very open when we hung out at last year's Otakon, not shy at all. Does this mean that you don't admire me or think I'm awesome?

    -Cries in corner.-
  • edited July 2009
    I'm using Otakon to work on my shyness when talking with people I admire or think is awesome. If it backfires and I suck well then to the fail thread I go.

    What things do you do to solve your weaknesses?
    You seemed to be very open when we hung out at last year's Otakon, not shy at all. Does this mean that you don't admire me or think I'm awesome?

    -Cries in corner.-
    No crying in corners! *blows up all corners* Of course I think you're awesome dude!
    I have got to return to the east coast at some point and go clubbing with you. I imagine it would be awesome. Similarly, you should come over here sometime. The clubs here are fun, there are tons of karaoke places, and Sail is a pretty cool dude. I also have my own posse, which, while harder to get together as a unit, are pretty awesome dude/ettes.
    There's some cool places in D.C. as long you don't mind the goth scene. Those are my usual hang outs. Plus, some clubs to catch different bands. I found a lot of cool that way and a lot of crap.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • When typing fast I put question marks on the end of statements?
  • edited July 2009
    No crying in corners! *blows up all corners* Of course I think you're awesome dude!
    *Walks in.* Viga, why is the room completely spherical?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • No crying in corners! *blows up all corners* Of course I think you're awesome dude!
    *Walks in.* Viga, why is the room completely spherical?
    We'll be rolling into each other! Well, at least that's better than the room rolling.
  • Na Naaaaa na na na na na na Katamari Damacy....
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