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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I just read up on it. What the hell, America?
    Note that these aren't part of any official government election and is essentially a private corporation taking a vote.
  • I just read up on it. What the hell, America?
    This is no more complicated than NFL playoffs, really.

    Also, consider that we're holding an election that represents the interests of essentially 50 nations under the umbrella of a big shell government. Imagine how complicated it would be to elect a president of Europe.
  • image

    What is wrong with this picture? So many things! First, the scales are all wrong. Second, the Hedge Fund Managers pay income tax, not just capital gains tax. Third, while 15% is lower than 28%, it's disingenuous to say that 15% of millions is less than 28% of hundreds of thousands. Fourth, "as low as"? Really? Fifth, I just noticed the 15% isn't about capital gains, but the "marginal rate on the last dollar earned". We're not all like Scott. We know what this means.

    Oh wait, this thread is about Republicans lying. Sorry.
  • Third, while 15% is lower than 28%, it's disingenuous to say that 15% of millions is less than 28% of hundreds of thousands.
    While the ad is in many ways disingenuous, I do not see the point of your objection I quoted. The ad attempts to compare tax rates, not total amount of taxes paid. And it is in fact bullshit that people who earn a whole lot more money pay less percent in taxes, and people in a lower tax bracket are left with less percent of their salary.
  • The ad attempts to compare tax rates, not total amount of taxes paid.
    It attempts to confuse people.
  • It also leaves off the "as low as" from the other examples.
  • I hope the protesters get the message.
    By the gods yes! I was just over there. They look like dirty hippies hanging out. Shirtless guys banging drums, jugglers, incense everywhere, pathetic looking brown cardboard signs with ragged edges and poorly scrawled slogans in sharpie: it's a joke.
  • edited September 2011
    Follow the Zappa.

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • It also leaves off the "as low as" from the other examples.
    See my fourth objection.

    Okay, here's another problem with another bit of propaganda.

    This is obviously trying to look like one of the RSA Animate videos. An example:

    My problem? One of these videos show someone drawing a big picture. The other one is a badly animated copy of the same thing. What the hell? If you are going to make an infographic, make the info right and the graphic correct. If you are going to make a video of someone drawing a picture to illustrate a point, make a video of someone drawing a picture.
  • Okay, here's another problem with another bit of propaganda.
    This is obviously trying to look like one of the RSA Animate videos. An example:
    [other video]
    My problem? One of these videos show someone drawing a big picture. The other one is a badly animated copy of the same thing. What the hell? If you are going to make an infographic, make the info right and the graphic correct. If you are going to make a video of someone drawing a picture to illustrate a point, make a video of someone drawing a picture.
    While the beginning of the moveon video was largely propaganda, their info towards the end was spot on. There is a larger income disparity now than in recent memory, it was precipitated by a lot of deregulation which did almost lead to economic collapse, those at the top have more wealth proportionally and pay lower marginal tax rates on it, and the United States is hurting because of it. It's one thing to disagree with the style of the video, it's another to disregard the entire argument because of it.
  • While the beginning of the moveon video was largely propaganda, their info towards the end was spot on.
    I didn't watch to the end of the video. Why? Because I couldn't watch a fake hand fake drawing for more than a few seconds. At one point they even shade someone's face with a different colour... using the SAME PEN!
  • While the beginning of the moveon video was largely propaganda, their info towards the end was spot on.
    I didn't watch to the end of the video. Why? Because I couldn't watch a fake hand fake drawing for more than a few seconds. At one point they even shade someone's face with a different colour... using the SAME PEN!
    My point was that they weren't wrong. They're just doing it in a way that you find irritating.
  • I hope the protesters get the message.
    That's so true! I was saying some similar things. Also, I like that the poster is named "HotKarlMarx" which just makes me think of Karl in a tube top.
  • which just makes me think of Karl in a tube top.
    I can't not see that in my mind now.
  • I tried to tell one of my friends (who really big on takeonwallstreet right now) that they're not really doing themselves any favors by looking like a group of poor hippies. He just continued to whine about the media not paying attention to it. If the media tried to cover everything that hippies did, they'd never actually get to any "real" news.
  • edited September 2011
    What I said is that there needs to be more organization, more performance art. The idea I said last week was that they all dress uniformly in black, preferably suits, and stand silently with small white signs affixed to them and arms crossed. Something really photogenic, something iconic. If they need to shout, they should all shout at once or murmur so it sounds like a roar.
    But that's just me.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Interesting idea, but I think the best idea is what the redditor was putting forth: just show that they are normal people, protesting what's going on. That would attract more people, which in turn would make it more photogenic. As an aside, the 700 pilots that joined the protest was pretty cool. And Rym, do you think the protest is getting bigger, smaller, what? I heard rumors of unions joining the protest too.
  • And Rym, do you think the protest is getting bigger, smaller, what?
    It's tiny. RIT had more protesters at random things on campus. The numbers swell around rush hour and lunch, but most of the time it's a small group.

    I'll walk past and take a picture when I leave the office.
  • edited September 2011
    Interesting idea, but I think the best idea is what the redditor was putting forth: just show that they are normal people, protesting what's going on. That would attract more people, which in turn would make it more photogenic.
    Yes, all-in-all, I think this is a pretty good idea.

    @Rym, aren't you too far north?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • RymRym
    edited September 2011
    @Rym, aren't you too far north?
    The protests are five blocks south of me. I'm right at WTC on Broadway.

    There are other protesters down on Wall Street itself, but they keep being chased away. Most of them are sleeping/shouting further north by me, and most of the videos I've seen of them getting sprayed or yelling or whatever are from this area.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited October 2011

    Not pictured: Police presence, fire protection presence, constitutional freedoms.

    EDIT: Also, I feel like if you're sitting in anything other than a wheelchair (and only for a medical reason), your opinion doesn't matter to me. If you're able but can't be assed to stand on your feet for your beliefs, I don't need to acknowledge their validity.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm not sure but this #Occupy thing is starting to spread, I joined a #Occupy Philly group to check out what they are doing and it looks like they are starting their own protest.

    I'm debating how to tell them to dress as nicely as possible to be effective.
  • Cop lights, flashlights, spotlights, strobe lights, street lights, all of the lights, all of the lights.
  • edited October 2011
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • image
    Full Article
    Seems like kettling growing in popularity.
  • The internets doesn't forget.
  • edited October 2011
    Looks like some folks don't know what journalism means. Just because it looks like they're shifting the blame doesn't make it so.
    Post edited by speckospock on
  • Did you watch the police videos on that page?
  • Obama Calls Out Republicans over Booing Gay Soldier

    Oh snap son. I do believe they got told.

    To quote a Fark commenter, "I'm getting that old feeling again. That 2008 feeling."
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