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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • "I'm getting that old feeling again. That 2008 feeling."
    Don't worry, it will go away when the election's over.
  • edited October 2011
    Don't worry, it will go away when the election's over.
    Considering obama's drop in popularity over the period he's been president, I think it's pretty safe to call that part of the 2008 feeling.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Oh snap son. I do believe they got told.
    [] Told
    [] Untold
    [X] Grand Told Party
    "I'm getting that old feeling again. That 2008 feeling."
    Don't worry, it will go away when the election's over.
    I don't know how we're going to continue this endless political madness when Obama is a lame duck. Maybe the dems will put up a Jewish Mexican lesbian as a candidate and the entire country will implode.
  • edited October 2011
    [] Told
    [] Untold
    [X] Grand Told Party
    The Aperture Enrichment Center staff would like to remind you that the internet is not a competition, but if it was, you would be winning.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Oh snap son. I do believe they got told.
    [] Told
    [] Untold
    [X] Grand Told Party

    "I'm getting that old feeling again. That 2008 feeling."
    Don't worry, it will go away when the election's over.I don't know how we're going to continue this endless political madness when Obama is a lame duck. Maybe the dems will put up a Jewish Mexican lesbian as a candidate and the entire country will implode.
    Oh snap son. I do believe they got told.
    [] Told
    [] Untold
    [X] Grand Told Party

    "I'm getting that old feeling again. That 2008 feeling."
    Don't worry, it will go away when the election's over.I don't know how we're going to continue this endless political madness when Obama is a lame duck. Maybe the dems will put up a Jewish Mexican lesbian as a candidate and the entire country will implode.

    You're so bad ass you are a a practicing Jew while simultaneously being a Mexican and a lesbian.
  • You're so bad ass you are a a practicing Jew while simultaneously being a Mexican and a lesbian.
    There's nothing mutually exclusive about any of them - in fact, I've seen every permutation of two of those three things (just not all of them at the same time).

    The Democratic candidates in 2016 will probably be the usual mix of up-and-coming hotshots and end-of-career final bids. Watch the convention: it's where folks who are going to make a bid tend to try and gain momentum.
  • Hank Williams Jr. compares Obama to Hitler, and promptly has his song pulled from ESPN for good. Derp it up there, genius.
    When will entertainers learn that mixing politics into their shows can often have disastrous results for their career?
  • Hank Williams Jr. compares Obama to Hitler, and promptly has his song pulled from ESPN for good. Derp it up there, genius.
    When will entertainers learn that mixing politics into their shows can often have disastrous results for their career?
    Foo Fighters?
  • edited October 2011
    Hank Williams Jr. compares Obama to Hitler, and promptly has his song pulled from ESPN for good. Derp it up there, genius.
    When will entertainers learn that mixing politics into their shows can often have disastrous results for their career?
    Unless that career includes running for US Senator in Tennessee. Then it all makes perfect sense.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Hank Williams Jr. compares Obama to Hitler, and promptly has his song pulled from ESPN for good. Derp it up there, genius.
    When will entertainers learn that mixing politics into their shows can often have disastrous results for their career?
    Unless that career includes running for US Senator in Tennessee. Then it all makes perfect sense.
    Wow... I just watched the FOX clip. I have no words for the idiocy on display in that clip. At first I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt and see if we was going to go all George Carlin but he didn't. He went all out anti-Obama and his analogy no longer made even a shred of sense.

    Dixie Chicks went through a lot of shit when they spoke out against Bush a few years back. Foo Fighters? Can't say I follow them but wikipeida mentions some HIV stuff and the WBC impromptu show thing.
  • edited October 2011
    I'm trying to figure the logic out behind the argument that, since the drone attack on Al-Awlaki was successful, Obama should apologize for criticizing Bush's derpy anti-terror methods.
    The parallel they are drawing is that in both cases, rights that we would typically give to people were suspended. In Bush's case, human rights of freedom from torture and indefinite imprisonment. In Obama's case, the right of due process. It is a logical point, though the scale of the rights in question are somewhat disparate.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I'm trying to figure the logic out behind the argument that, since the drone attack on Al-Awlaki was successful, Obama should apologize for criticizing Bush's derpy anti-terror methods.
    The parallel they are drawing is that in both cases, rights that we would typically give to people were suspended. In Bush's case, human rights of freedom from torture and indefinite imprisonment. In Obama's case, the right of due process. It is a logical point, though the scale of the rights in question are somewhat disparate.
    As long as I'm not the only one squinting, shaking his head, and saying "huh"?
  • Things are not looking so good at the Justice Department. More docs have come out about Fast and Furious and it looks like Attorney General Eric Holder may have perjured himself in front of Congress.
  • dsfdsf
    edited October 2011
    I'm trying to figure the logic out behind the argument that, since the drone attack on Al-Awlaki was successful, Obama should apologize for criticizing Bush's derpy anti-terror methods.
    The parallel they are drawing is that in both cases, rights that we would typically give to people were suspended. In Bush's case, human rights of freedom from torture and indefinite imprisonment. In Obama's case, the right of due process. It is a logical point, though the scale of the rights in question are somewhat disparate.
    Is your right to due process violated if you are killed while committing a crime? What if you are killed in a battle where you are the enemy of the United States?
    What about all the US Citizens in WW2 that where of German decent that joined the Nazis and died in battle against the US?
    Post edited by dsf on
  • edited October 2011
    As far as I can tell, that only happened about a dozen times...


    I am so tired of this bullshit War on Terror. I used to be a proponent of interventionalism and a supporter of the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, but I'm increasingly realizing how stupid it all was. The "war" was won the moment security was tightened in the public transit infastructure of the United States. There was no need to invade any country or kill even a single person over it. Every person, innocent or guilty, killed overseas just gives more people motivation to work against the US, because each time they kill anyone, no matter how much of a scumbag they were, their entire family and all their friends are now forever enemies of the United States.

    If the US really wanted to ensure the safety of their citizens, then President Bush should have stood up on September 12th and pledged not revenge, but to try and rebuild the reputation of the US on the world stage; used it as a wake-up call not to new enemies but to the very real reputation the US had built as an evil colonial empire. Instead, he got up and promised an eternal war against an abstract concept represented with racist caricature, because they US government has no interest in defending it's citizens, just it's modern day empire of corperate colonies and the vast systems of political repression it built up during the Cold War which continues to effect millions across the world.

    You know why we are still fighting this war a decade later? Because in the desperate attempt to take an eye for an eye, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were butchered by American air power and American guns, and all their relatives are now super pissed. If you had just waited a decade or so, Osama would have dropped dead of kidney failure right about now.

    And in the meantime, this war has been used as a boogeyman to destroy not only individual rights but to shout down anyone opposed to political radicalization or corperate deregulation. The irony is, in the ten years since 9/11, the US has become exactly the evil empire that deluded terrorists originally set out to destroy. Great fucking job guys.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited October 2011
    Is your right to due process violated if you are killed while committing a crime? What if you are killed in a battle where you are the enemy of the United States?
    What about all the US Citizens in WW2 that where of German decent that joined the Nazis and died in battle against the US?
    While committing a crime: No if you are killed as a protective measure. Yes if you are killed uneccesarily. This is why it's such a big deal when a cop kills someone during a confrontation; they always have to investigate to see if the cop reasonably could have believed he/she or a bystander was in danger.

    Killed in battle: We have treaties that define the rules of war (Geneva Convention). If you are fighting the armed forces of the US and die in battle, you are a combatant. If you are not directly engaged in combat, the rules are different. For instance, if opposition soldiers are not presenting an imminent threat to the US forces, they are supposed to take PoWs instead lining them up against a wall and shooting them in the head.

    If this guy wasn't actively engaged in an attack on US forces, then he was an American citizen who was committing crimes against the US, but he was not presenting an imminent threat to anyone. THAT is why killing him with a drone strike is seen as a violation of due process; when punishment without a hearing is not a necessity, it is supposed to be avoided.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • What would the difficulty be of trying him for treason (hypothetically if he was still alive)?
  • A conviction could never actually be made, because what he was doing (making propaganda) is essentially no different from people who do rant videos on youtube. You could no more convict him of treason for what he was doing than you could convict me of treason for my rant above.
  • What would the difficulty be of trying him for treason (hypothetically if he was still alive)?
    I would bet there are at least two obstacles: 1) getting him in custody without further loss of American life from the operation; 2) presenting the evidence against him without revealing classified information pertinent to national security.
  • 1) getting him in custody without further loss of American life from the operation
    Could there be a case made for a trial in absentia?
  • and 3) his "treason" consisted of making badly assembled magazines for a group aligned against the US, who the US can't be at war with because it's not a soverign state. It flies in the face of freedom of association.
  • and 3) his "treason" consisted of making badly assembled magazines for a group aligned against the US, who the US can't be at war with because it's not a soverign state. It flies in the face of freedom of association.
    Barbary pirates were not a sovereign state.

    There's even a song about that... "...To the shores of Tripoli..."
  • image
    This comic is currently making its way around the Facebook and is causing me to rage so damn hard since it is perpetuating a basic untruth.
  • Complete inability of any conservative to do anything intentionally or remotely funny + Comic Sans + Bullshit = Everyone on Facebook is an assbag.
  • Complete inability of any conservative to do anything intentionally or remotely funny
    It is telling that "liberal" comedy tends to work much more readily than "conservative" comedy.

    I guess it's hard to make fun of the poor, sick, black, female, or homosexual people without appearing/being racist/sexist/heartless/closeted.
  • The untruths are what bug me. It assumes that Democrats are all rich, and want to just throw benefits at lazy people. It also assumes that any person needing assistance is lazy. God I hate people sometimes.
  • I guess it's hard to make fun of the poor, sick, black, female, or homosexual people without appearing/being racist/sexist/heartless/closeted.
    Well to be honest, it's hard to not look racist/sexist/heartless/closeted when you are deeply racist/sexist/heartless/closeted.
  • I guess it's hard to make fun of the poor, sick, black, female, or homosexual people without appearing/being racist/sexist/heartless/closeted.
    Well to be honest, it's hard to not look racist/sexist/heartless/closeted when you are deeply racist/sexist/heartless/closeted.
    There is that too.
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