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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • This comic is currently making its way around the Facebook and is causing me to rage so damn hard since it is perpetuating a basic untruth.
    Here's an unfunny rebuttal you can post.

  • Well done sir. Well done.
  • Alabama touts it's new anti-illegal immigrant arresting a legal immigrant from Yemen.
    Good game there, morans.
  • Alabama touts it's new anti-illegal immigrant arresting a legal immigrant from Yemen.
    Good game there, morans.
    I hope that someone represents that guy pro bono and sues the state for so much money that we need to kick them out of the union to avoid the liability.
  • edited October 2011
    Obama, I am disappoint.
    Awesome, now my friend's sister will no longer be able to control her incredibly debilitating migraine disorder. Man, guys, pot is such a horrible drug.

    EDIT: Before someone says "lol, Marinol," or some stupid shit like that, I'll point out that the reason marijuana dispensaries exist is that, for reasons we don't understand entirely, the pharmacokinetic interactions from smoking or ingesting cannibis seemingly have some therapeutic effects that no known synthetic compound yet emulates. So "synthetic pot pills, made better by science and big pharma" are actually not a legitimate option here, unlike for something like MAOIs, where such pills are. Furthermore, we're not entirely sure what all the chemicals produced by cannabis actually are, and there's at least 60 that we have identified, all of which have different effect, some synergistic, some independent.

    This plant is complex as fuck, and the government is doing a disservice to its citizens by outlawing it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Honestly, I bet those dispensaries are playing fast and loose with "prescriptions". While I am for legalization, I'm pretty sure some or most of those places are bending the rules they function in. Let the march forward occur but if you break the law you really shouldn't be surprised if it is enforced. Maybe it can be Jury nullified.
  • Honestly, I bet those dispensaries are playing fast and loose with "prescriptions".
    Definitely, but they're more or less assuming guilt before innocence. There's plenty of people (though likely the minority) who use marijuana for legitimate medical reasons in California.
  • While I am for legalization, I'm pretty sure some or most of those places are bending the rules they function in
    They're not. The doctors writing the prescriptions are.
    but they're more or less assuming guilt before innocence.
    No, according to federal law ANY dispensing of marijuana is illegal regardless of any state law or doctor's orders.

    Where are the states-rights Republicans standing up for the right of the State of California to have its own drug laws? Shouldn't the GOP be fighting this massive intrusion of federal law into a states' business?

    Oh wait...
  • edited October 2011
    Honestly, I bet those dispensaries are playing fast and loose with "prescriptions". While I am for legalization, I'm pretty sure some or most of those places are bending the rules they function in. Let the march forward occur but if you break the law you really shouldn't be surprised if it is enforced. Maybe it can be Jury nullified.
    It's too bad that, in most cases, a lawyer can be sanctioned or even held in contempt if he or she even whispers the words "jury nullification." Not to mention that groups standing outside courthouses handing out information brochures about the right to nullify a decision are arrested.

    According to the Supreme Court, juries are allowed to nullify, they just aren't allowed to know they have this right.
    Post edited by jabrams007 on
  • Not to mention that groups standing outside courthouses handing out information brochures about the right to nullify a decision are routinely arrested.
    Isn't this a free speech issue?
  • edited October 2011
    Not to mention that groups standing outside courthouses handing out information brochures about the right to nullify a decision are routinely arrested.
    Isn't this a free speech issue?
    They're being arrests supposedly for 'jury tampering.'

    Here's a NYT article (Sorry, at work, I can't use any of the fancy buttons to just hotlink my text):
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited October 2011
    Not to mention that groups standing outside courthouses handing out information brochures about the right to nullify a decision are routinely arrested.
    Isn't this a free speech issue?
    Yes, it is a free speech issue. However, it's fine because it's not a ban on the speech. It's a ban on the location of the speech. Usually there are restrictions about how close demonstrations can be to a courthouse. Time, place, and manner restrictions on speech are totally fine as long as they apply to all speech and not just speech on one subject.

    If they were handing out those brochures in the middle of Central Park, there would be no problem.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, also, encouraging someone to ignore the law is kind of not covered by free speech rights.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • In other news,Sarah Palin is kind of a bitch.
    That's not news.
  • So, Michele Bachmann is scared of the Soviet Union.

    About 20 years too late on that one, ducky.
  • While I am for legalization, I'm pretty sure some or most of those places are bending the rules they function in
    They're not. The doctors writing the prescriptions are.
    but they're more or less assuming guilt before innocence.
    No, according to federal law ANY dispensing of marijuana is illegal regardless of any state law or doctor's orders.

    Where are the states-rights Republicans standing up for the right of the State of California to have its own drug laws? Shouldn't the GOP be fighting this massive intrusion of federal law into a states' business?

    Oh wait...
    Well, there are exceptions...oddly enough in my state.
  • Well, there are exceptions...oddly enough in my state.
    You don't understand. That bill means nothing if Obama and the Federal government says "uh, fuck no Alabama."
  • Hey look, a thought crime bill.
    What the hell, the public is slowly turning against the drug war and they want to expand it? Also, the fact that the US and other countries want their laws to apply outside their country is a dangerous trend.
  • This is hilarious:
    Jeffress, whose church is a prominent member of the Southern Baptist Convention, began making his point during the introduction: “Do we want a candidate who is a good moral person, or do we want a candidate who is a born-again follower of Jesus Christ? In Rick Perry, we have a candidate who is a committed follower of Christ.”
    That is indeed a very good question.
  • Hey look, a thought crime bill.
    I wish them luck with their unenforcable law. :P
  • In the latest breathless fear-mongering whargarble from the far right:
    Muslim brotherhood 'infiltrates' Boy Scouts.
  • In the latest breathless fear-mongering whargarble from the far right:
    Muslim brotherhood 'infiltrates' Boy Scouts.
    You mean the Mormons just let them in?
  • You mean the Mormons just let them in?
    Nothing pisses me off more then the Hardcore Catholics and Mormon's taking over the National boy scout organization. I really enjoyed the Boy Scouts, and while individual troops are pretty good, the national organization has been hijacked. If only they could be as cool as the Girl Scouts...
  • edited October 2011
    Scouting in America is tied with religion to a disgusting degree. It kind of makes me ashamed to have been a part of an organization ultimately only tangentially related.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • And it begins, the right-wing version of "We are the 99 percent". This makes me sad, and I apologize in advance for the Gawker link:

    We are the 53 percent
  • That shit is just depressing.
  • That shit is just depressing.
    I want to know how the fuck the right-wing managed to convince people that near-poverty and working yourself to death is a good and desirable thing.
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