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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I remember arguments in the elementary school playground that had more substance than this.
    You just fixed it, though.

  • Actually my favorite part was when Obama saids "please go on" because nobody has ever said "please go on" except in situations where a person is about to drop the hammer on themselves.
    Yeah, that comment almost made Romney trip and fall down, totally derailed Romney.
  • This Wikipedia article is blocked by my employer's firewall:

    I work in a hospital.
    Should we ask why you were looking that up? ;)

  • WUB wanted to talk about something interesting.
  • Romney said he wants to "grow the Pell Grant," when Ryan's budget would take the Pell away from over one million students.

    He literally launched out of the gate with a lie. Christ.
  • Romney said he wants to "grow the Pell Grant," when Ryan's budget would take the Pell away from over one million students.

    He literally launched out of the gate with a lie. Christ.
    Do you have a link to back this claim up? From what I have read this claim is based on a flat across the board implementation of a cut that was proposed by Ryan/Romney. They have not provided any specifics so Democrats have assumed the Pell grant cut.

  • Since he refuses to provide a detailed plan, assuming the worst is the only logical move both on the part of the Obama campaign and the voters.
  • i take minor issue with that video's use of masculine pronouns, but otherwise agree that we really need to upgrade USA-OS

  • Cause an assault weapon ban worked so well the first time. I think Obama was just paying his base a bit of lip service. The Democrats learned hard that the last assault weapons ban was utter political suicide.
  • Yanked from another site like a Republican yanking food stamps from a black baby:

    Fox News transcript posted:
    CROWLEY: Governor Romney, the question is about assault weapons, AK-47s.

    ROMNEY: Yeah, I'm not in favor of new pieces of legislation on -- on guns and taking guns away or making certain guns illegal. We have


    OBAMA: because I do believe that if our young people have opportunity, then they're less likely to engage in these kind of violent acts.

    New York Times transcript posted:
    MS. CROWLEY: Governor Romney, the question is about assault weapons, AK-47s.

    MR. ROMNEY: Yeah, I — I’m not in favor of new pieces of legislation on — on guns and — and taking guns away or — or making certain guns illegal. We of course don’t want to have automatic weapons, and that’s already illegal in this country to have automatic weapons.

    What I believe is we have to do as the president mentioned towards the end of his remarks there, which is to make enormous efforts to enforce the gun laws that we have and to change the culture of violence we have. And you ask, how are we going to do that? And there are a number of things.

    He mentioned good schools. I totally agree. We were able to drive our schools to be number one in the nation in my state, and I believe if we do a better job in education, we’ll — we’ll give people the — the hope and opportunity they deserve, and perhaps less violence from that.

    But let me mention another thing, and that is parents. We need moms and dads helping raise kids. Wherever possible, the — the benefit of having two parents in the home — and that’s not always possible. A lot of great single moms, single dads. But gosh, to tell our kids that before they have babies, they ought to think about getting married to someone — that’s a great idea because if there’s a two-parent family, the prospect of living in poverty goes down dramatically. The opportunities that the child will — will be able to achieve increase dramatically.

    So we can make changes in the way our culture works to help bring people away from violence and give them opportunity and bring them in the American system.

    The — the greatest failure we’ve had with regards to gun violence, in some respects, is what is known as Fast and Furious, which was a program under this administration — and how it worked exactly, I think we don’t know precisely — but where thousands of automatic and — and AK-47-type weapons were — were given to people that ultimately gave them to — to drug lords. They used those weapons against — against their own citizens and killed Americans with them.

    And this was a — this was a program of the government. For what purpose it was put in place, I can’t imagine. But it’s one of the great tragedies related to violence in our society which has occurred during this administration which I think the American people would like to understand fully. It’s been investigated to a degree, but the administration has — has carried out executive privilege to prevent all the information from coming out. I’d like to understand who it was that did this, what the idea was behind it, why it led to the violence — thousands of guns going to Mexican drug lords.


    MS. CROWLEY: Governor, Governor, if I could, the question was about these assault weapons that once were banned and are no longer banned. I know that you signed an assault weapons ban when you were in Massachusetts. Obviously with this question, you no longer do support that. Why is that? Given the kind of violence that we see sometimes with these mass killings, why is it that you’ve changed your mind?

    MR. ROMNEY: Well, Candy, actually, in my state, the pro-gun folks and the anti-gun folks came together and put together a piece of legislation, and it’s referred to as a — as an assault weapon ban, but it had at the signing of the bill both the pro-gun and the anti- gun people came together, because it provided opportunities for both that both wanted. There were hunting opportunities, for instance, that hadn’t previously been available and so forth. So it was a mutually agreed upon piece of legislation.

    That’s what we need more of, Candy. What we have right now in Washington is a place that’s — that’s gridlocked. We haven’t had — we haven’t — we haven’t — we haven’t had the leadership in Washington to work on a bipartisan basis.

    MS. CROWLEY: So if I could, if you could get people to agree to it, you’d be for it.


    MR. ROMNEY: I was able to do that in my state and bring these two together.


    MS. CROWLEY: Quickly, Mr. President.

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: The — first of all, I think Governor Romney was for an assault weapons ban before he was against it. And he said that the reason he changed his mind was in part because he was seeking the endorsement of the National Rifle Association.

    So that’s on the record. But I think that one area we agree on is the importance of parents and the importance of schools,
    because I do believe that if our young people have opportunity, then they’re less likely to engage in these kinds of violent acts. We’re not going to eliminate everybody who is mentally disturbed, and we’ve got to make sure that they don’t get weapons. But we can make a difference in terms of ensuring that every young person in America, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, have a chance to succeed.

    I bolded the audio gap.
  • Well, masculin pronouns are the "technically correct" generic pronouns in English as well according to most style guides.
  • Well, masculin pronouns are the "technically correct" generic pronouns in English as well according to most style guides.
    Was going to post this, decided to not paint a bullseye on my forehead for once.
  • Well, masculin pronouns are the "technically correct" generic pronouns in English as well according to most style guides.
    Technically correct, sure, but the singular "they" is correct as well, and much less shitty.

  • "They" bothers me and feel sloppy.

    One way around it is arbitrarily choosing feminine or masculine pronouns for any given work, and using whichever consistently throughout.
  • Honestly at this point gendered pronouns for generic examples just feel sort of weird and presumptuous to me. I've gotten used enough to using the singular they that I have to go out of my way to do anything else.
  • edited October 2012
    Well, masculin pronouns are the "technically correct" generic pronouns in English as well according to most style guides.
    Technically correct, sure, but the singular "they" is correct as well, and much less shitty.
    ^ also, more clear considering there are and have been female candidates. could use he/she
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • Audio gap?
  • Neither men scored points with me on the "assault weapons" point because I can take my semi-automatic .22 rifle and modify it in an "assault weapon" under the legal definition. Crowley did mention AK's, but Romney DID refer to the previous legislation.
  • Claiming that the audio recording was of poor quality and they couldn't transcribe what was said. Conveniently, what was missed was a bunch of stuff said by Romney that would cast him in a bad light with the FOX News viewership.

    They're hoping that by the time they issue a correction, it will be old news and no one will care. Only some vanishingly tiny portion of their audience would ever bother to read a transcript anyway.
  • Obama scored points with me on the assault weapons question because he (correctly) asserted that you have to address the root cause of violence rather than trying to regulate the tools. Also, he likes to strengthen the enforcement of the current legislation rather than add more.

    Also, Romney said that automatic weapons are illegal in the US. This is a hilarity.
  • One hour into the debate. Mitt has produced an endless stream of bullshit from his mouth like it's some sort of malevolently gaping anus. I didn't even know smiling while lying like that was possible.

    Also, this immigration shit. My blood is simmering.

    OBAMA: Governor Romney


    OBAMA: Su


    OBAMA: ck


    OBAMA: my d


    OBAMA: ick.

  • One hour into the debate. Mitt has produced an endless stream of bullshit from his mouth like it's some sort of malevolently gaping anus. I didn't even know smiling while lying like that was possible.

    Also, this immigration shit. My blood is simmering.
    I couldn't watch more than about 5 minutes of it. I was getting WAY too pissed off.
  • edited October 2012
    Romney on women's issues was similar for me. I had to leave the room.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited October 2012
    It's just kind of sad more than infuriating at this point. It's like, this man is lying to all of America for 1.5hrs straight, grinning like a cacodemon, and his supporters will still vote for him. It's miserable.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It's just kind of sad more than infuriating at this point. It's like, this man is lying to all of America for 1.5hrs straight, grinning like a cacodemon, and his supporters will still vote for him. It's miserable.
    I'm still at infuriated.
  • edited October 2012
    Also, Romney said that automatic weapons are illegal in the US. This is a hilarity.
    Highly regulated yes, illegal no.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited October 2012
    Aren't there simple modifications you can make to certain semi-automatic assault rifles to make them fully automatic?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yes, like getting a proper license and buying one from a licensed dealer. Simple, really. And legal. More legal that running a red light.
  • Aren't there simple modifications you can make to certain semi-automatic assault rifles to make them fully automatic?
    Yeah a bump stock, which isn't illegal I don't think
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