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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I guess the buck stops at Hillary's desk?
    Well obviously. I mean who did you think was running the country, Obama?
  • New campaign idea: Universal Healthcare as a strategy in the war against drugs.

    Go for it. Legalize weed. I'd love it.
  • I guess the buck stops at Hillary's desk?
    Well obviously. I mean who did you think was running the country, Obama?
    Not poor set-upon Barry!
  • So, that moment where even the moderator was all "actually, [Obama] did say that" to Mr. Romney was classic.
  • Obama's closing statement could have been from a movie. It was baller as all hell.
  • So, that moment where even the moderator was all "actually, [Obama] did say that" to Mr. Romney was classic.
    Can you say that again Candy.
  • edited October 2012
    Romney kept saying, "I know how to do x", but never actually said how he would do it.

    If he knows so much secret knowledge, maybe he should just write a book.

    Also, at the end, Obama talked to actual people. Romney was comforted by his frat-boy looking sons.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • My fist fight sense was tingling there for a bit during the debate.
  • I only caught the last 20 minutes but Romney got seriously owned by the moderator on the Libyan question.
  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by Alan on
  • They both annoyed me with the whole assault weapons ban talk. What does it matter if it was used by the military or not? So if there was a similar gun that isn't used by the military it would be fine? They were right about fixing other issues that lead to gun violence instead of mainly focusing on the guns, but an "assault weapons" ban only makes sense if you don't know what you're talking about. Oh well, I have a feeling even if an assault weapons ban does get written up it probably won't go through, and it will be a while before that happens anyway.
  • I honestly don't understand what's so funny about the binders full of women thing. It seemed pretty damn obvious what he meant, even if it was a bit of an odd colloquialism.
  • The problem isn't just the odd turn of phrase itself, it's the whole assertion that he had a study done (he didn't, the data was handed to him) and that in all of his years of business and political experience, he had to commission a STUDY to find qualified women... it's just a thick knot of stupidity all around that really just reveals how disingenuous and ignorant he is.
  • edited October 2012
    The Internet likes to latch on to funny things. Welcome to the FUTURE (I.E the internet since 2000)... I mean really. you don't expect the internet to make jokes about a funny statement?
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited October 2012
    Managed to break this one down in a facebook discussion. People are laughing at it because there is already the base assumption that Romney doesn't give a rat's ass about gender equality, therefore, if he make's even the slightest misstep, it's funny in the "guy who is trying to pull a fast one comically fails" sense.

    There's a lot of political leaning required to get in on the joke there, which I why I didn't really get it. My appetite for politics is near zero these days. I really wanted there to be some witty double meaning to his phrase that we could all laugh at, but there's not much there. The best I could come up with is that he may actually be a serial killer who makes paper out of his female victim's skin.

    Also, I'll admit the Clinton angle on the memes are pretty damn funny, because just about anything with Clinton and women is hilarious. He's just a loveable pimp.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Aaaand we've Godwins'd.
  • Aaaand we've Godwins'd.
    No, no we haven't. Brecht did a huge amount of stuff prior to WW2 and afterwards, and even left the country during WW2. Not every German who lived during WW2 was Hitler, I don't think you're that ignorant.

    The quote is actually very fitting and poignant when taken in the context of Matt's comments above. Maybe a bit confrontational, considering Matt seems more burned out than willfully ignorant, but it's a fair point to make anyway.
  • Burn out is just as dangerous as willfully ignorant, unfortunately. Burn out, I can sympathize with, but shit's fucked, and intelligent men and women can't afford to get burned out on advocating for it not to be.
  • I'm not seeing anything wrong with a politician seeking help in finding qualified applicants to fill a political position. This should be commended not made fun of.
  • RymRym
    edited October 2012
    I'm not seeing anything wrong with a politician seeking help in finding qualified applicants to fill a political position. This should be commended not made fun of.
    It was a ridiculous answer. He basically said "I couldn't find any qualified women, so I had to put together this big commission to track any down: it was very difficult to do."

    It didn't help when he later went on about how empowering women in the workforce means things like being flexible with their hours so they can get home early to take care of the kids, implying that this is somehow a domain exclusive to women.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited October 2012
    I just read through that part of the transcript and didn't really see it as a misstep. Not nearly as much of a revealing comment as his "flexible schedules" one. I know what he was trying to say with that, but it kind of reveals that he believes the stereotype that women are gonna need time off to take care of kids and make dinner for the family.

    It doesn't matter that a lot of women would like flexible schedules and what not, he's ignoring the ambitious women and completely ignored the pay gap part of the question.

    EDIT: Oh god. I just read this part. Before I die of laughter, can someone tell me if the woman asking the question was Hispanic?

    ROMNEY: Thank you. Lorraine? Did I get that right? Good. Thank you for your question. And let me step back and tell you what I would like to do with our immigration policy broadly and include an answer to your question.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • My favorite audience was a guy named Kerry or something who Obama thought was a girl, near the end of the debate until it turned out to be a fat, balding guy.
  • Yeah but shouldn't a flexible schedule also be able to support the ambitions of the women who want to climb the ladder?
  • Yeah but shouldn't a flexible schedule also be able to support the ambitions of the women who want to climb the ladder?
    This question doesn't really make sense. A flexible schedule is a good thing, but bringing it up in context of a woman betrays a bit of stereotyping.

    One of the key reasons I took the job I'm in now is because I get a flexible schedule, and I'm a dude.
  • I have a flexible schedule at work. It allows me to get my daughters to doctor's appointments, pick them up from school when they're sick, leave early to attend a concert or a conference... why are flexible schedules somehow the domain of women or specific to women in such a way that the topic of working women should bring it up moreso than any other topic?
  • edited October 2012
    The Binders Speech just painfully objectifies all women in a way that shows that Romney is entirely oblivious to the needs of his female base. Even if he doesn't actually believe it, from an oratorical standpoint he appeared to be saying, "Women are just so many statistics to be cataloged and shelved."

    It doesn't matter what he meant; the thing the majority of audience members take away from a debate is an impression of the candidates, and Romney made an incredibly poor one.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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