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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • "So I went to the bank, and got one of those lollipops they have for the kids... they call in a dum-dum. I went to the teller, and said, 'I didn't know they named lollipops after my wife!' and the teller said, 'Your wife's name is Root Beer?'"
    Sanctity of Marriage, guys. Don't question it.

  • ...almost anytime I meet a reprehensible piece of human excrement, it turns out that they vote Republican.
    This has been my experience by and large. The reverse isn't really true, but it's rare I meet someone who seems extremely racist/bigoted/spiteful/hypocritical ended up being anything other than a Republican.

  • ...almost anytime I meet a reprehensible piece of human excrement, it turns out that they vote Republican.
    This has been my experience by and large. The reverse isn't really true, but it's rare I meet someone who seems extremely racist/bigoted/spiteful/hypocritical ended up being anything other than a Republican.
    Yeah, that's what I was getting at even though my thoughts were meandering. Thanks for restating in an actually readable way. Any ideas as to why this is? The best I can figure is that the Republican party's social stance is more fitting for the racists and self-confident assholes.

  • edited October 2012
    Oh there are some extremely Racist Democrats, they just also happen to be Union members/skilled trade workers, who go for the economics message of the D's.

    //PA is filled with them
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Oh there are some extremely Racist Democrats, they just also happen to be Union members/skilled trade workers, who go for the economics message of the D's.

    //PA is filled with them
    Yeah? Also, why do you keep doing //? Is it to be cool?

  • Yeah? Also, why do you keep doing //? Is it to be cool?

    Are we that old, or are you that young?

    /guessing both
    //get off my lawn
  • edited October 2012
    I'm the same age as you, Rym. I just haven't seen anyone use that for a long, long time and so I am curious as to why he is using it now.

    /me slaps Rym around with a bit of trout.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on

  • Yeah? Also, why do you keep doing //? Is it to be cool?

    Are we that old, or are you that young?

    /guessing both
    //get off my lawn
    /You're that old, since I don't know what this means
    //am I doing it right?
  • /* you're just old */
  • %% MATLAB is cool, right?
  • #Why don't we go even more modern #And just hashtag #All of our statements #Expressing pretenses of emotion #In an attempt to be humorous #But failing at all things except being #Annoying
  • Back to racism, because that's fun.

    Where could I move to where there would be very few overt horrible racists, or where they would be appropriately shamed as the regressive fucks they are? Could it be somewhere in the US, or do I have to go to a different country? What country?
  • +++

  • REM I prefer to do things old-school.
  • Slashies didn't start out as comment syntax. It started out as an HTML end tag, then was shortened to just a slash, then people started using multiple slashes as subsequent postscripts.
  • --- .-.. -.. ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. -.-- --- ..- ... .- -.-- ..--..
  • --- .-.. -.. ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. -.-- --- ..- ... .- -.-- ..--..
    I've sent you a telegram but it won't be there for at least a week.
  • Actually I do it because the people on still do it.
  • I thought it started on Fark.
  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • --- .-.. -.. ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. -.-- --- ..- ... .- -.-- ..--..
    I've sent you a telegram but it won't be there for at least a week.
    My runner left a few minutes ago with the cipher. He should arrive in a few weeks' time.

  • -. .- -.-- --..-- -- . .-. . .-.. -.-- --- .-.. -.. .-.-.-
  • edited October 2012
    --- .-.. -.. ... -.-. .... --- --- .-.. -.-- --- ..- ... .- -.-- ..--..
    I've sent you a telegram but it won't be there for at least a week.
    My runner left a few minutes ago with the cipher. He should arrive in a few weeks' time.

    ? Why not just use the Internet? It's faster. Also, the telegraph machine is mostly a relic.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • >? Why not just use the Internet? It's faster. Also, the telegraph machine is mostly a relic.

  • edited October 2012
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • //-----------------------------------------------------
    //Hey guys! Am I late to the party?

    Well this is disturbing if it is true.
    Turns out it was a mistake with a test graphic (if you take the studio's word for it). Granted, I don't know what kind of graphic system they have there and what the turnaround would be for putting a graphic on the air, but I can certainly view it as a possibility that they have pre-made graphics for either candidate floating around on their hard drives to pop up when the actual results are known. It's kind of like how they make merchandise for both teams in the Super Bowl/World Series/Stanley Cup Finals/etc. beforehand and only sell the correct winning team's stuff while sending the losing team's stuff as a charitable donation to a third world country.

    Well this is disturbing if it is true.
    Turns out it was a mistake with a test graphic (if you take the studio's word for it). Granted, I don't know what kind of graphic system they have there and what the turnaround would be for putting a graphic on the air, but I can certainly view it as a possibility that they have pre-made graphics for either candidate floating around on their hard drives to pop up when the actual results are known. It's kind of like how they make merchandise for both teams in the Super Bowl/World Series/Stanley Cup Finals/etc. beforehand and only sell the correct winning team's stuff while sending the losing team's stuff as a charitable donation to a third world country.
    I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt though. 17% seems a lot to give to all other candidates when the polling numbers are floating around the high 40's.
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