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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Debate summary: Romney now agrees with Obama on foreign policy.
    Until tomorrow.
    Romney believes in having constantly rotating shield frequencies.
  • Romney believes in doing everything Obama has done, except be Obama.
  • ""I will do everything Obama does, but with a more palatable skin tone" -- Mitt Romney" -- Travon Free.
  • @Greg pretty much.
  • That's pretty much what Bill Maher said, too. "Everything this guy says, except from a white person."
  • The usual screaming on all the local news channels' facebook feeds that Romney won. People dumb enough to vote Republican are dumb enough to hear whatever they want to hear at all times.
  • I actually thought it was kinda meh myself. I would have LOVED to hear either man's stance on foreign policy...
  • edited October 2012
    Polls are pointing to Obummer.

    PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
    Swing state voters say Obama won the debate 53-42, and are planning to vote for him 51-45

    CNN poll of debate viewers. Who won? 48% Obama, 40% Romney

    BREAKING: CBS NEWS INSTANT POLL Who won the #Debate? OBAMA: 53%; ROMNEY: 23%, TIE: 24% (Margin of Error: 4%; Sample Size: 521)

    It's funny because I thought Obama was stronger in the second debate but the analyses seems to be stronger for him in the third...

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • image

    @Cremlian I don't know, Romney seemed a lot more nervous than the second debate. He decided to just try and survive without messing up.
  • edited October 2012
    The M16 has a bayonet, btw. We may not use them much anymore, or horse cavalry for that matter, but there is still a place for the bayonet in the modern army.

    I'll give that point to Obama though.

    Edit: Though a local radio personality gave me a great idea: Put the bayonet on the drones!
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • The M16 has a bayonet, btw. We may not use them much anymore, or horse cavalry for that matter, but there is still a place for the bayonet in the modern army.

    I'll give that point to Obama though.

    Edit: Though a local radio personality gave me a great idea: Put the bayonet on the drones!
    He said that we use them less, not that we don't use them. Don't fall into the pundit trap of omitting inconvenient words when ridiculing someone's statement, that's just dishonest and therefore weak.
  • The M16 has a bayonet, btw. We may not use them much anymore, or horse cavalry for that matter, but there is still a place for the bayonet in the modern army.

    I'll give that point to Obama though.

    Edit: Though a local radio personality gave me a great idea: Put the bayonet on the drones!
    He said that we use them less, not that we don't use them. Don't fall into the pundit trap of omitting inconvenient words when ridiculing someone's statement, that's just dishonest and therefore weak.
    I don't see any horse cavalry, do you?
  • edited October 2012
    Show me some modern horse cavalry in the US Army.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • there are a few armies that still have Horse cavalries actually :-p (sadly.)
  • edited October 2012

    Many special forces teams use horses to maneuver in the Afghanistan countryside.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Okay, Andrew wins.

    I am not sure what to think of this so far I am skeptical.
  • It's a flat out conflict of interest no matter how you spin it and it should not be allowed to continue. The machines should be replaced under federal mandate.
  • Obama takes out Romney with mid-debate drone attack
    Thank you good sir, this gave me the very first laugh of the day, 20 minutes after I got out of bed.
  • OH wait this is a different issue. Shit, I didn't read it.

    Time to finish this cocktail and go to bed. Wooooo.
  • Horse + Bayonet = Unicorn
  • I didn't watch the debates, but I know this is relevant.
  • edited October 2012

    I am not sure what to think of this so far I am skeptical.
    Because only a loon would suspect rich people of wanting to rig elections in their favour.

    In other, other news, Republicans are happy that you probably feel like poor people will steal the election if they can and that you will probably accept massive disenfranchisement of voters to prevent it.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited October 2012
    This is going to be a long two weeks.

    This might help: Right America: Feeling Wronged

    The tears of racists are so incredibly sweet.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes can land on them. We have ships that go underwater called nuclear submarines. Oh God.
  • We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes can land on them. We have ships that go underwater called nuclear submarines. Oh God.
    I was expecting the follow on to be "We have things that go bang and make bad people go away". It seemed very much like talking to a child.

  • Looks like Romneykins is making up ground steadily. Obama's predictions are dropping like a rock on Intrade, and most of the major polls still show him losing ground (although the latest numbers are from yesterday, not taking into account the debate). I doubt Obummer will see much of a bump in the polls from last night, though.

    It's gonna be a close election, coming down to GOTV. I think Obummer's got a better GOTV effort, although Rombles has a strong showing as well.
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