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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited October 2012

    Well this is disturbing if it is true.
    No, like the memo went out to all the leftwing media...and all they have to do is repeat it. Oops...out too soon! You KNOW the Dems cheat...this would just be cheating on a spectacular scale, by including the vote counters. Deciding in advance who is going to win. There is no WAY Obama can win legitimately.
    Comment has 389 votes up, 7 down. Sounds like a fun site.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Yeah, clearly the election has already been fixed, and CNN accidentally leaked the data too early.

    Well this is disturbing if it is true.
    Really? Disturbing? It was obvious immediately to anyone who saw it that it was a test. Even considering another possibility was a ridiculous proposition.
  • edited October 2012
    Yeah, clearly the election has already been fixed, and CNN accidentally leaked the data too early.
    Because if you're going to rig an election, you definitely should tell the press.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Yeah, clearly the election has already been fixed, and CNN accidentally leaked the data too early.
    Because if you're going to rig an election, you definitely should tell the press.
    Well, clearly the press is controlled by the government. You know how inept governments are, the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.
  • edited October 2012
    On that note, it's time for jokes about vote rigging! Here's one I heard in Russian; I couldn't find it in English, so I wrote up my own version (a bit long, I admit) in English:
    Obama is getting worried about Mitt Romney making inroads in various states for the election. Having finally realised that Romney is a genuine threat, despite how much of an idiot he seemed to be after the national conventions and his foreign policy gaffes, Obama decides it's time to do something about it - some insurance, so to speak. It's not an easy decision, but after thinking about just how badly the Republicans would fuck up the country, he decides it needs to be done, for the good of the American people. All in all, such a move is pretty much fair game when you think about the Republicans' voter suppression tactics. Of course, in contrast to the Republicans' transparent and bumbling attempts to suppress voters, Obama, being a level-headed man, calls in an expert on the matter - Vladimir Putin.

    So, Putin works his magic on the election, and assures Obama that everything will go as planned - for the good of the American people. Obama is relieved, but of course he continues a serious campaign, which frankly he was pretty likely to win anyway.

    Finally, election day comes and the votes get counted. It's a landslide! The American people have chosen Vladimir Putin as the 45th U.S. president!
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Don't you mean the left hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Whether or not it believes in the existence of a right hand is open to debate as long as three fingers put fourth a motion to debate it.
  • edited October 2012

    Well this is disturbing if it is true.
    Really? Disturbing? It was obvious immediately to anyone who saw it that it was a test. Even considering another possibility was a ridiculous proposition.
    Wake up, sheeple!
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Well, at least I don't have to go vote now that I know it's rigged.

    Well this is disturbing if it is true.
    Really? Disturbing? It was obvious immediately to anyone who saw it that it was a test. Even considering another possibility was a ridiculous proposition.
    Wake up sheeple
    Some more gems from the comment thread:
    Mike why don't you SHUT THAT BIG MOUTH OF YOURS the Country is in dangeor and here you are talking about ron paul. we don't give a flying flipp about ron paul.
    Jim Jones • 5 hours ago • parent
    matador527: I won't im voting for the lesser evil, Obama in '12!

    Michele Archer • 5 hours ago • parent −
    Jim Jones: A guy who has the numbers decided for him 2 weeks in advance? THAT'S the 'lesser evil"? How stupid are you?
    Oh BULL with all the fake pity for the elderly voter. That is a lie and always has been. But DEAD and ILLEGAL votes DO happen and the ALL seem to go to Democrats don't they Malcolm. Save your BS to pump up your own mindlessly stupid voters. We are not all so easily fooled. Some of us pay attention. TD01
  • Guys, when will you learn to never read the comments on any website except maybe Slashdot.
  • Guys, when will you learn to never read the comments on any website except maybe Slashdot.
    Reddit's down, forum doesn't update quickly enough. Gotta get my entertainment where I can.

  • edited October 2012
    It's probably not quite right, but here's another:
    Vladimir Putin is on a flight with Gennady Zyuganov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky (two of the main opposition leaders in Russia) are on a private flight together, on the way to an important meeting.

    Then, in mid-flight, disaster strikes! The engines fail spectacularly, and it's clear that the crash will be nothing short of deadly. Fortunately, there's a parachute on the plane, but here's the thing - there's only one of them. The three of them argue for a while, but in the end they decide to put it to a vote.

    So, the vote ends, and Putin wins. He gets the parachute, and jumps to safety, while the other two are left in the plane. "Well, fair's fair," says Zyuganov. "We put it to a vote, and
    he won; that's how it is. There's just one thing I don't get - how did he beat us by 1,320 votes?"
    Q: Why does Putin always have two or more bodyguards?
    A: Because all of the bodyguards don't feel safe on their own with Putin.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Oh, and I checked up and apparently it was supposed to be Grigory Yavlinsky instead of Zhirinovsky; sorry about that (I was kinda guessing).
  • Well, I guess it's debate time. Maybe Romney will actually use his allotted time for once.
  • "The eighties called and they want their foreign policy back." - Excellent.
  • "Attacking me is not a policy."
  • edited October 2012
    "Attacking me is not a policy."
    Yes it is, Governor; because you make America sad.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I thought this was supposed to be about foreign policy.
  • Romney cannot stand toe to toe with Obama on FP, so he's running to the economy.
  • Obama isn't taking it back to FP either.
  • The moderator should be taking it back to FP.

    I've been watching Newsroom and one of the last episodes before the season ended had a hypothetical mock debate with real time fact checking and a moderator that actually challenged candidates with tough questions regarding their stances. It was really something. It was AMAZING, in fact. AND it will NEVER happen (but you should watch it.)
  • edited October 2012
    Well I think Romney got destroyed his talking point there about the navy being smaller.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • "I will stand with Israel if it is attacked." But not a moment before it seems.
  • edited October 2012
    Well my family just ruined the debate for me because of fucking brownies...

    Edit: And Obama supported Tunisia before it was cool.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I feel like I got what I expected, lots of rhetoric by both guys and not much else.
  • Mittens and Jimmy had a lively debate.
  • This debate reminded me of how great an orator the President is. It also reminded me of all the points he doesn't make that make me not be an uber fan of him.
  • Debate summary: Romney now agrees with Obama on foreign policy.
  • Debate summary: Romney now agrees with Obama on foreign policy.
    Until tomorrow.
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