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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I'm getting a kick of people making a big deal about petitions on from citizens that want their state to leave the union and they are actually talking about it seriously :-p Soooooooooo Naive.
  • Check the white house petition site.
    Hmm... was hoping for more gnashing of teeth than quotes from the Declaration of Independence. Kinda disappointing (at least from a trying to find humor value standpoint), although there are more there from blue states than I would've expected.
  • Maybe instead of seceding, what we really need is to find an acceptable backwards country that these people could live in (as opposed to countries they claim they want to live in, but are actually a dreamland for dirty liberals like me). And then help get them out of the US into this acceptable country and say good-bye, good riddance. If only -_-
  • It's all just a bluff, though.
  • Maybe instead of seceding, what we really need is to find an acceptable backwards country that these people could live in (as opposed to countries they claim they want to live in, but are actually a dreamland for dirty liberals like me). And then help get them out of the US into this acceptable country and say good-bye, good riddance. If only -_-
    Somalia. :)
  • I'm all for the creation of Dumbfuckistan.
  • Maybe instead of seceding, what we really need is to find an acceptable backwards country that these people could live in (as opposed to countries they claim they want to live in, but are actually a dreamland for dirty liberals like me). And then help get them out of the US into this acceptable country and say good-bye, good riddance. If only -_-
    Somalia. :)
    The Somalians don't want them either. Maybe canada can spare some territory we could use.

    Hey Canadians! Can we use some of your north country to keep some of crazies? They should freeze to death by midwinter!

  • I hear Dumbfuckistanis have 47 words for legitimate rape.
  • The Somalians don't want them either. Maybe canada can spare some territory we could use.

    Hey Canadians! Can we use some of your north country to keep some of crazies? They should freeze to death by midwinter!
    We *do* have Alaska... but they seem to thrive up there.
  • We'll need to fill positions left vacant by the mass emigration of Dumbfuckistanis. I propose we open our border with Mexico...
  • Right. All racist homophobic pricks are pricks not matter who they pray or don't pray to.
    Why are you so bigoted against homophobes?
  • there is a lot of *facepalm*
    Wow. Maybe it's because I ain't American, but i'm getting way too much enjoyment from that tumblr. I'll be sharing this with friends :D

  • Yeah when I saw that, I was surprised to find myself actually laughing. As idiotic as they were though, I kinda feel bad though because if it had been the other way around, there would be tons of people from the other side legitimately crying over their cancer kids losing their insurance, women forced to keep their rape babies, etc etc. :-/
  • Right, but since they're mostly crying over the fact that they're utterly deluded and their vision for the country is insane and unsupported by a majority (however tight) of Americans, it's hilarious. I only feel bad for the children of these people who may never be unbrainwashed.
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah the thing that disturbs me is that there are a large amount of young people as well...

    Also as a foreigner, can someone here explain to me why there is such a focus on Obama being "socialist" and such taglines like "Socialist America". There are so many different views of Socialism as a whole anyway, so what are they latching on to and denouncing as "evil"? When had Obama ever shown such tendencies?
    Post edited by lifecircle on
  • To these people Obamacare = socialism. There is also fear that Obama will use treaties to backdoor change.
  • Is there an actual website out there that can teach people what socialism is and how it's so ingrained into our system? I would link that to my Facebook to educate some of my friends that spout out about how socialism is bad and blah blah blah.
  • Even in the presence of the most eloquent explanation for socialism and how the US has saved itself at least once by the moderate introduction of socialist policies and how Obamacare has really very little to do with socialism whatsoever... you'd get nowhere. People on the "right" aren't motivated or moved or swayed by facts. They demonstrated this in the most recent election in an extremely dramatic way.
  • So it is once again misunderstanding and manipulation by the media then for the demonizing of socialism in this aspect. Truly, I had to read and do plenty of research to even begin understanding what socialism truly means and even then there are so many different view points and new thoughts on the matter. Which is why I find it disturbing that people, even young people are latching onto a tagline withought trying to find out what it truly meant, something which I am still educating myself upon.
  • The electoral process in the United States, at the state and national level, has less to do with facts every year. It is increasingly a battle between the people who understand reality and understand what due diligence and research are, and the people who are REALLY angry about their lives and are willing and ready to latch onto any guy who screams loudly enough that everything is somebody else's fault.
  • edited November 2012

    I've only gotten as far as "only those who pay taxes should be permitted to vote" so far, and WOW.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Brown student wrote this... facepalm
    So he supports illegal aliens voting? Guess he forgot about tobacco and gas taxes?
  • WOW.

    I've only gotten as far as "only those who pay taxes should be permitted to vote" so far, and WOW.
    It gets better. He advocates "one dollar, one vote."
  • WOW.

    I've only gotten as far as "only those who pay taxes should be permitted to vote" so far, and WOW.
    It gets better. He advocates "one dollar, one vote."
    Ugh. Then again, knowing some of the people who have written opinion pieces for my alma mater's newspaper in the past, this may just be a form of trolling. It's hard to tell, though.
  • Its ridiculous how so many people don't understand that EVERYONE* pays taxes in some way. If you ever spend any money in this country, no matter where you're from, whether you are a citizen or not, you're paying taxes. Also sales tax doesn't just go to your state like this idiot says. Its actually split up- part goes to the big guys, part goes to the state you bought the item in, and part goes to the county you bought the item in. (At least that's how it is in Georgia, I could be completely wrong.)

    *Ok, babies, kids with no allowance money, etc. don't pay taxes because they don't have money of their own to spend... but you get the point. :-P
  • Ugh. Then again, knowing some of the people who have written opinion pieces for my alma mater's newspaper in the past, this may just be a form of trolling. It's hard to tell, though.
    Nope. He runs the conservative/libertarian paper.
  • edited November 2012
    Brown student wrote this... facepalm
    He sounds like a pseudo-intellectual libertarian neckbeard.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • What's really disturbing to me lately about Romney voters, in all of the butthurt and anguish and angst being expressed online, they mirror the commentary of the Left almost perfectly:

    "This is why we need an IQ requirement to vote."

    "This is what happens when people don't understand the facts."

    "America is circling the drain when a guy like Obama can get half the votes in this country."

    On and on and on. It almost makes me nervous that the Left is just as deluded as the Right. What if both sides are just being fed complementary, opposite propaganda that suits their mode of thought and both are swallowing it?

    I like to think that the Right is more deluded, and I think that this is almost certainly the case, and I think that mirroring the criticism of the Left back at them is a tried and true strategy of right-wind pundits and that it's really not valid at all, but looking at things from a high level it is a little concerning and really makes me want to evaluate my positions to make sure I'm as objective as I think I am...
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