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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Hay guyz, I think Rym should buy us all new computers, right? Everybody vote for it, and he has to do it. And he bears all of the risk in this special election, while we bear none! TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY, HOOOOOOOOO!
    I'm the only one with money, so only my vote counts. I vote to keep all of my money, and end any taxation on myself. WooHoo!
  • I'm the only one with money, so only my vote counts. I vote to keep all of my money, and end any taxation on myself. WooHoo!
    You are small man. I am large man. I see solution to problem.
  • I think the troll character still hasn't left your RP bloodstream, eh?
  • I think the troll character still hasn't left your RP bloodstream, eh?
  • You are small man. I am large man. I see solution to problem.
    Answer #1: Kenshiro was a small man.
    Answer #2: Money buys more large men than you.
    Answer #3: Money makes you go away: only the rich and the large are happy.
  • Answer #3: Money makes you go away: only the rich and the large are happy.
    This. This deal is...acceptable.
  • You are small man. I am large man. I see solution to problem.
    Answer #1: Kenshiro was a small man.
    Answer #2: Money buys more large men than you.
    Answer #3: Money makes you go away: only the rich and the large are happy.
    What's the point of having the money is you have to spend all of it to keep others from taking it?
  • What's the point of having the money is you have to spend all of it to keep others from taking it?
    History has shown that no one ever has to spend all of it to keep others from taking it if they start with enough. It's good to be the king.

    Louis XVI would have probably been OK if he'd had more money to placate the masses or bribe the military.
  • You are small man. I am large man. I see solution to problem.
    Answer #1: Kenshiro was a small man.
    Answer #2: Money buys more large men than you.
    Answer #3: Money makes you go away: only the rich and the large are happy.
    Answer #4: I have received payment for sixteen men. Eight are dead, but eight Iga ninja are at your service!
  • Q-If God created the world 6,000 years ago or so, why are stars millions of light years away?

    A-Brendon, what a question! Yes, we know from the dates God gives us in the Bible that He did create the whole universe about 6,000 years ago. When we hear the term light-year, we need to realize it is not a measure of time but a measure of distance, telling us how far away something is. Distant stars and galaxies might be millions of light-years away, but that doesn’t mean that it took millions of years for the light to get here, it just means it is really far away!
    The stupid, it burns.
    It's funny what you can learn from video games sometime.
  • It's funny what you can learn from video games sometime.
    I am so glad I am not the only one who immediately thought of that.
  • edited October 2010
    They claim it was a cyber attack but it might have just been a server overload from the sudden publicity on the radio.

    What's up with this?

    Why aren't any of the big civil rights players standing up for Juan Williams?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Why aren't any of the big civil rights players standing up for Juan Williams?
    Because he is a bigot
  • Why aren't any of the big civil rights players standing up for Juan Williams?
    Because he is a bigot
    I actually agree with what some of the NPR commentators were saying about it. He was paid to do editorials and give his opinion. He gave his opinion on Fox. I see no issue with that. Besides, now he is a hired gun for Fox to the tune of two million dollars, so if anything he's crying all the way to the bank.
  • Why aren't any of the big civil rights players standing up for Juan Williams?
    Because he is a bigot
    I actually agree with what some of the NPR commentators were saying about it. He was paid to do editorials and give his opinion. He gave his opinion on Fox. I see no issue with that. Besides, now he is a hired gun for Fox to the tune of two million dollars, so if anything he's crying all the way to the bank.
    So money makes it OK?
  • Why aren't any of the big civil rights players standing up for Juan Williams?
    Because he is a bigot
    I actually agree with what some of the NPR commentators were saying about it. He was paid to do editorials and give his opinion. He gave his opinion on Fox. I see no issue with that. Besides, now he is a hired gun for Fox to the tune of two million dollars, so if anything he's crying all the way to the bank.
    So money makes it OK?
    No. But he also wasn't fired because he was Hispanic. He was fired because he espoused some mildly racist views on a propaganda show when he works for one of the most respected journalistic entities in the country.
  • edited October 2010
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Don't Tread on me, eh? Those poopheads. How could they act like that?!
    The move on chick was calmer about it than I would have been. "I got my head stomped on. Now I have a bit of a headache."
  • We are still waiting for the SEIU guys who beat up a man at a health care town hall to go to jail link. I would expect both of these incidents to result in jail time for the violent offenders.
  • We are still waiting for the SEIU guys who beat up a man at a health care town hall to go to jaillink.
    Completely disregarding that case. Breitbart is pretty much the lowest of activist scum. The guy as literally said he'll cut video and make up shit just to try and score points. While that's nice of him to come out and admit it. It pretty much means that any of his commentary/articles can not be trusted on any political topic.
  • edited October 2010
    TPers get all stompy
    The most miserable and infurating part is that there are people both in the article comments and in the blogosphere who are insinuating that the whole thing was staged by liberal plants.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • We are still waiting for the SEIU guys who beat up a man at a health care town hall to go to jaillink.
    Completely disregarding that case. Breitbart is pretty much the lowest of activist scum. The guy as literally said he'll cut video and make up shit just to try and score points. While that's nice of him to come out and admit it. It pretty much means that any of his commentary/articles can not be trusted on any political topic.
    I linked that article because it included the police report.
  • I linked that article because it included the police report.
    I know... I just felt the need to express my extreme dislike for that man and his organization:-p
  • I feel your pain. It helps if you read the article while ignoring most of the adjectives and adverbs. If the sentence makes sense without those words it may be truthful, if not it is probably just an opinion.

    That system works for all "news" sources.
  • Stampy the wonder thug is claiming he put his foot on that woman's head because of his back pain. I think the guy doesn't understand how video works. It's so outrageous that I'll post a snippet here:
    "[Tim] Profitt explained that he used his foot to try and keep her down because he can't bend over because of back problems. He also says police were alerted to watch her before Paul arrived because people in the crown recognized her as someone who may try and pull a stunt."
    No no, officer, you don't understand, I would have dog-piled on her with the other guys, but I have a bad back, so stepping on her face was my only recourse. After all, she was going to attempt to do something that someone might have found funny at the expense of my candidate. And we certainly can't have that.
    I swear to FSM I'm kicking him in the face if he ever is at the same rally as me.
  • I swear to FSM I'm kicking him in the face if he ever is at the same rally as me.
    But then you'll have a bad back.
  • I swear to FSM I'm kicking him in the face if he ever is at the same rally as me.
    But then you'll have a bad back.
    He already has a bad back. He's got the perfect excuse!
  • I wonder if those cowardly fuckers would have dared to try to stomp someone if they lived in their happy ideal world where everyone packed heat.
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