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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I wonder if those cowardly fuckers would have dared to try to stomp someone if they lived in their happy ideal world where everyone packed heat.
    Nah, they would have just shot her.
  • I wonder if those cowardly fuckers would have dared to try to stomp someone if they lived in their happy ideal world where everyone packed heat.
    Nah, they would have just shot her.
    And then been shot themselves.

    Given two groups of armed people, the use of a gun becomes like a small scale nuclear weapon. Once one side uses it, everyone loses.
  • Issue women pink handguns. Men can have melee weapons.

    It's not a perfect solution.
  • Why pink?
  • Why pink?
    Because they're girls. That's the only color they like.
  • Do the guns have sparkles too?
  • edited October 2010
    Do the guns have sparkles too?
    Please...we don't want to spend too much money on them. Besides, having sparkles on the guns will only entice men improperly as well as distract them from more important activities, such as cleaning and cooking. We wouldn't want that, now would we?
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Do the guns have sparkles too?
    They better.
  • If any one of us ever makes an FPS, sparkley guns and other effects (Such as having tits and being on fire.) would make awesome DLC.
  • If any one of us ever makes an FPS, sparkley guns and other effects (Such as having tits and being on fire.) would make awesome DLC.
    Wait, guns with tits on them? Do the guns shoot milk?
  • Do the guns have sparkles too?
    And unicorns.
  • Do the guns have sparkles too?
    And unicorns.
    And under-barrel grenade launchers. That shoot rainbows.
  • The guns are pink so swaggering manly men are too ashamed to steal them and use them. Let pride be their downfall.
  • If any one of us ever makes an FPS, sparkley guns and other effects (Such as having tits and being on fire.) would make awesome DLC.
    Wait, guns with tits on them? Do the guns shoot milk?
    Of course not, the tits are for holding and shock absorbance, the guns shoot shurikens and lighting.
  • Gun tits are the new horse armor.
  • edited October 2010
    Gun tits are the new black armor.
    Behold! Rocket Knockers.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I was going to chastise y'all about not recognizing the pink handguns thing as part of a classic stand-up routine, but now I can't remember who it was and I can't find it on the google because every search result goes to an LGBT group called "Pink Pistols" that advocate arming oneself against gay-bashing.
  • Ah well, the thread became so much more entertaining because we did not know it. Now the world has been granted lightning gun tits!
  • edited October 2010
    Apparently they found a gene linked to Liberalism. Now we can finally fix all the conservatives. Apparently this gene and having a wide social network growing up makes you liberal....

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • That would be social liberal gene, right? Being socially liberal is all good. Being fiscally liberal (with other people's money) is not so good.
  • It basically boils down to: People who are open minded and intellectually curious tend to be liberal. (That is no great revelation.)
    In other news: Personality Gene' Makes Songbirds Curious: Exploratory Behavior In Great Tits
  • It basically boils down to: People who are open minded and intellectually curious tend to be liberal. (That is no great revelation.)
    In other news: Personality Gene' Makes Songbirds Curious: Exploratory Behavior In Great Tits
    So how does one go from being liberal in a local social sense to wanting the govt to do everything and acting like a nanny for the world?
  • So how does one go from being liberal in a local social sense to wanting the govt to do everything and acting like a nanny for the world?
    They're completely unrelated ideas.
  • That would be social liberal gene, right? Being socially liberal is all good. Being fiscally liberal (with other people's money) is not so good.

    Are you trollin' or do you really need this explained?
  • So how does one go from being liberal in a local social sense to wanting the govt to do everything and acting like a nanny for the world?
    They're completely unrelated ideas.
    Lately it seems like the right wants to do a lot more nannying than the left anyway.
  • I'm serious. How does one go from being open and accepting (socially liberal) to intollerant of opposing viewpoints.

    Every political group has their die hard intollerant members but why do the intollerant folks now run both major parties?

    What happens to turn an openminded person into an intollerant person?

    A very clear example is Obama. He ran saying he would reach across the aisle to get things done but his version of reaching out is asking the Repubs if they want a pickle with their shit sandwhich! He never asks for any input on what goes into the sandwhich. Instead he just serves it up and acts surprised when they all vote no. His intollerance of the views of the Repubs runs to counter to his claim of being tollerant and open minded.

    Both liberal and conservative philosophies deserve a place in our govt. We need a balance in order to make things work.
  • Wasn't someone here who is otherwise famous for despising government recently asking in another thread how he could go about getting a federal home loan?
  • edited October 2010
    What happens to turn an openminded person into an intolerant person?
    Too many stomps on the head? For starters, most liberals are mostly intolerant of the social conservatism that people are trying to force on us. It's kind of like telling someone to be tolerant of someone else kicking a puppy. I don't want to compromise on gay rights, for example. My friends should be equal to me! It's hard to compromise on something like that. Seriously, the only thing I am intolerant is the bigotry inherent in a lot of conservative policies. Also, Obama wants to get something done, so of course he will push for what he wants. You think he is not compromising? What about the Marijuana thing, and the bajillion other things that he keeps solidly centrist on? He is not exactly pushing the hardline liberal argument, here.
    So how does one go from being liberal in a local social sense to wanting the govt to do everything and acting like a nanny for the world?
    Isn't the one who wants to go around nannying the right wing? They want to control my reproductive rights, they want to control who I can marry. They want to invade other countries if they don't like their government.
    Basically, as of now both parties are spending lots of money:
    Democrats: Give them health care and fund job development!
    Republicans: WOR! And Tax Cuts!!

    I just choose the spendthrift who I agree with more.

    edit: You seem to think that financial liberals just want to spend all sorts of money. I want to save money, but rather than cutting all social programs, I would rather increase efficiency! The problem is, just like I don't like sharing my stuff with people who misuse it, I get frustrated with being taxed when I see lots of the money getting lost in the great bureaucratic mess. I want the government to run more like an agile dev team than this big, lumbering behemoth who takes my money and doesn't even give me ezfile for my taxes. I think both liberals and conservatives like to save money, the difference is that liberals don't mind sharing if they feel that their what they are sharing it for is worthwhile. Conservatives just don't like to share at all.
    Post edited by gomidog on
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