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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited April 2011
    That graphic is a little misleading. It doesn't take into effect that a huge number of programs that contribute to the larger sphere of spending are self-supporting or otherwise subsidized through specifically appropriated taxes or fee schedules.

    For instance, Social Security is a HUGE spending output. It's by far the largest program/line item in the federal budget, but it's specifically funded by the SS tax. That's 19.63 percent of the budget that's not really in question.
    The same is true of Medicare. It's 12.79 percent of spending that's (in large part) supported by Medicare pay-ins.

    What is in question as part of that $35 billion are the fringe elements of the programs that are subsidized by special Congressional consideration. We're talking about riders more or less here -- things like Planned Parenthood or climate change research that are tacked on. Another part of that $35 million is wasteful spending -- exactly how many missiles and what kind of research into sonic puke-inducing guns does the military (18.74 percent of the budget) need?

    Another example is the post office. It almost pays for itself every year. Part of that dickering over $35 billion is finding whether nearly self-supporting programs need to be slashed and hacked.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • I think the Republican party just genuinely hates women. That's the only reason I can think of to explain their desire to de-fund PP.

    I can't wait for all the old people to just up and die already.
  • It really want to see Weiner and Boehner get in a sweaty fist-fight. Does that make me gay?
  • edited April 2011
    I think the Republican party just genuinely hates women. That's the only reason I can think of to explain their desire to de-fund PP.
    I know, right? And they also hate nature. Why do they hate the trees and animals and only like the industry that lobbies them? Why can't we have a good balance between capitalism and socialism, innovative industry and nature? Why is it that they only care about one part? Why can't we weigh the pros and cons and say, well, we can have a little coal power, but it must be put in scrubbers so it doesn't damage the environment, or we need chemicals to make our technology, but let's not dump them in the water because it gives people cancer. Sheesh.
    I love nature, but I know there must be compromises made in order for civilization to exist. However, if we are not careful, the damage we do will end up hurting civilization. People should be more concerned with long term progress and survival of the human race than with maximizing profits, and that's why it drives me nuts when I see them canceling EPA funding for greenhouse gas monitoring. Sure, it will make stuff cheaper for industry in the short term, but what about sustainability?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I can't wait for all the old people to just up and die already.
    All? That makes me very sad. So, I'll just go in the corner and shoot myself, shall I? I hope the mess won't inconvenience you as much as I have. *sob*
  • It really want to see Weiner and Boehner get in a sweaty fist-fight. Does that make me gay?
    I've so got the political hots for Anthony Weiner. He's such a wonderful abrasive NY asshole who isn't afraid to call people out on their bullshit. It fills me with great joy, seeing him on the floor being a mensch in a sea of liars and hypocrites.
  • I can't wait for all the old people to just up and die already.
    Michelle Bachman is not old, nor is Palin. There are plenty of jerky political people our age. It's conservatism, the fear of change that is the problem.
  • I can't wait for all the old people to just up and die already.
    All? That makes me very sad. So, I'll just go in the corner and shoot myself, shall I? I hope the mess won't inconvenience you as much as I have. *sob*
    Suicide is not the answer, Joe. You can buy your way out by sending me three easy-to-pay installations of $49.99 via check (made out to cash, please) at P.O. Box....

    I don't think age plays into it that much. The problem with conservatism is the same as the problem with religion: Childhood indoctrination. These are deeply-seated prejudices that are being pounded into young minds. They stick. The right is using fear-mongering and anti-intellectualism just as effectively as any church ever did. They're using it for control.
  • Just had a conference call about what we're doing in the event of gov't shut down. This is looking ever more real.
    Were congressmen just booing at Bass?
  • I think the Republican party just genuinely hates women. That's the only reason I can think of to explain their desire to de-fund PP.
    To be fair, they might just hate children and poor people, women being collateral damage.

    Consider this. They want to prevent funding for abortions. What kind of life is a child going to have who was:

    1. Unwanted.
    2. Parent would have aborted, but could not afford to.
  • Suicide is not the answer, Joe. You can buy your way out by sending me three easy-to-pay installations of $49.99 via check (made out to cash, please) at P.O. Box....
    What's that address again? I couldn't hear it because I'm so old and conservative.
  • 2. Parent would have aborted, but could not afford to. who couldn't afford condoms.
  • I think the Republican party just genuinely hates women. That's the only reason I can think of to explain their desire to de-fund PP.
    To be fair, they might just hate children and poor people, women being collateral damage.

    Consider this. They want to prevent funding for abortions. What kind of life is a child going to have who was:

    1. Unwanted.
    2. Parent would have aborted, but could not afford to.
    Don't have time to look it up, but didn't Freakonomics say that the lack of this sort of thing contributed to declining crime rates?
  • Don't have time to look it up, but didn't Freakonomics say that the lack of this sort of thing contributed to declining crime rates?
    Yea. It's a great chapter in Freakonomics (which how has a movie on-demand on Netflix if you want a taste of the book).
  • Yea. It's a great chapter in Freakonomics (which how has a movie on-demand on Netflix if you want a taste of the book).
    And a podcast, too.
  • I think the Republican party just genuinely hates women. That's the only reason I can think of to explain their desire to de-fund PP.
    To be fair, they might just hate children and poor people, women being collateral damage.

    Consider this. They want to prevent funding for abortions. What kind of life is a child going to have who was:

    1. Unwanted.
    2. Parent would have aborted, but could not afford to.
    I hear bullets are pretty cheap. So is a sack you can tie off and throw in a river.
    Just sayin'.
  • Adam, shame on you.
    I think that Republicans hate the whole world, and that's why the fascination with religion and unlimited money, because they see them as two ways of escaping.
  • Adam, shame on you.
    I think that Republicans hate the whole world, and that's why the fascination with religion and unlimited money, because they see them as two ways of escaping.
    I doubt that.
  • Boehner spokesman Michael Steel would only say Friday that nothing's finalized yet.

    "While nothing will be decided until everything is decided, the largest issue is still spending cuts," he said. "The American people want to cut spending to help the private sector create jobs – and the Democrats that run Washington don't."
    Last I knew, the Republicans have a majority in the House, and barely a majority in the Senate. I don't really think that's "running Washington."

    So...who wants to move to Norway with me?
  • Last I knew, the Republicans have a majority in the House, and barely a majority in the Senate. I don't really think that's "running Washington."
    The Democrats have a Senate Majority (51 to 47 + 2 independents)
  • The Democrats have a Senate Majority (51 to 47 + 2 independents)
    Err. Yeah. That's what I meant. Don't know how I fucked that up. I'll blame the Republicans just to be safe.
  • Also, a friend of mine in Afghanistan right now is saying that someone forgot to tell the Taliban that the government is shut down.
  • The Democrats have a Senate Majority (51 to 47 + 2 independents)
    Yea, too bad to do anything in the senate these days you actually need 60 votes.
  • edited April 2011
    don't forget that conservatives have effective control of the judiciary.
    Post edited by hektor_rah on
  • News says the shutdown is being averted.
  • News says the shutdown is being averted.
    Until next Thursday.
  • edited April 2011
    Why not MSF?

    No, seriously. MSF is something you do after buoying yourself after several years of savings from steady practice and the elimination of your loans. Not even a doctor with years of experience and mad fucking skills can make anywhere near the wages necessary to pay off med school loans in MSF. Don't get me wrong, I plan on doing it someday, but if I work a practice while traveling, it'll be for full six-figure pay, not the ~$12k per annum base salary MSF offers.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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