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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • "The US budget is like a 1st grader playing Oregon Trail. Spend all the money on ammunition so you can shoot at stuff, then wonder why your wagon is falling apart and everyone is dying of dysentery."
  • "The US budget is like a 1st grader playing Oregon Trail. Spend all the money on ammunition so you can shoot at stuff, then wonder why your wagon is falling apart and everyone is dying of dysentery."
    Does that mean that the oxen being used to carry the wagon are a representation of illegal immigrants?
  • At Thursday nights county Republican meeting (which I should add is run by some pretty cool Republicans) where I live, I heard a pretty good joke. One night President Obama was staying up late when the ghost of Ronald Regan appeared by the desk. Obama hastily got up and offered the seat. Regan politely declined and said "I'm just passing through seeing how others are doing." Obama nodded and said "Job's harder than one realizes." Regan smiled and said "Well, at least you've got a balanced budget, right?" Obama shook his head. "Not really. The Republicans are obstructing and when I try to work from the middle I get flack from my own party." Regan nodded before speaking. "This is true. But look on the bright side, at least you aren't having to deal with Libya."
  • At Thursday nights county Republican meeting (which I should add is run by some pretty cool Republicans) where I live, I heard a pretty good joke. One night President Obama was staying up late when the ghost of Ronald Regan appeared by the desk. Obama hastily got up and offered the seat. Regan politely declined and said "I'm just passing through seeing how others are doing." Obama nodded and said "Job's harder than one realizes." Regan smiled and said "Well, at least you've got a balanced budget, right?" Obama shook his head. "Not really. The Republicans are obstructing and when I try to work from the middle I get flack from my own party." Regan nodded before speaking. "This is true. But look on the bright side, at least you aren't having to deal with Libya."
    Yea, see that's a classy political joke. So rare in this day in age (especially from republicans).
  • edited April 2011
    I feel that joke should properly end with Reagan forgetting what he was doing there in the first place, leaving the room, and then repeating that joke several times in later speeches to dodge hard questions.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Yea, see that's a classy political joke. So rare in this day in age (especially from republicans).
    I gotta give credit that it's at least more thoughtful and well constructed than the usual "HURR DURR BUSH IS STUPID AND EVIL AND SUFF" that we put up with for about eight years under the guise of jokes.
  • I gotta give credit that it's at least more thoughtful and well constructed than the usual "HURR DURR BUSH IS STUPID AND EVIL AND SUFF" that we put up with for about eight years under the guise of jokes.
    You don't have to tell me.. I had a bushism calender and usually ended up defending him because I kept saying "If you spoke to a camera 4 hours or so a day, you would have a bigger set up gaffs". I laugh at the stupid statements but I don't really hold bush responsible for the funny stuff that he ended up saying. However I do hold him responsible for a whole bunch of substantial issues.
  • edited April 2011
    First Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) says this:
    "...abortion is well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.”
    and then when the meda points out that in reality it's 3% his office says this:
    "...his remark was not intended to be a factual statement, but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood, a organization that receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funding, does subsidize abortions."
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
    Republican strategy:

    Step 1: Lie to constituents.
    Step 2: Constituents neither notice nor care.
    Step 3: Get re-elected because of the lies.
  • "...his remark was not intended to be a factual statement, but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood, a organization that receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funding, does subsidize abortions."
    Even that is not entirely factual. Under the Hyde Amendment, it's illegal for organizations to use Federal funds to subsidize abortions.
  • It amazes me that the right gets away with a network designed to smear the left using fabrication and terrible reporting, while the left refuses to use the truth if it will offend the right. While I sort of know why the culture of the US supports such a thing, it still boggles my mind that it's progressed to the point where one side holds the other in a virtual stranglehold.
  • it still boggles my mind that it's progressed to the point where one side holds the other in a virtual stranglehold.
    The Democratic party would be lucky if, between the lot of them, they could muster a single testicle, sad and bald.
  • edited April 2011
    You don't have to tell me.. I had a bushism calender and usually ended up defending him because I kept saying "If you spoke to a camera 4 hours or so a day, you would have a bigger set up gaffs". I laugh at the stupid statements but I don't really hold bush responsible for the funny stuff that he ended up saying. However I do hold him responsible for a whole bunch of substantial issues.
    I agree absolutely. Who gives a fuck if he mispronounced nuclear, you've got bigger things to worry about.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • it still boggles my mind that it's progressed to the point where one side holds the other in a virtual stranglehold.
    The Democratic party would be lucky if, between the lot of them, they could muster a single testicle, sad and bald.
    We need some fucking Hojo and Asami up in this shit.
  • edited April 2011
    That probably wouldn't work, given the size of America, a criminal gang with that much influence would probably be a major problem in and of itself.

    It's going to take a lot of slow and tiresome work to get out of a river of shit this deep.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • That probably wouldn't work, given the size of America, a criminal gang with that much influence would probably be a major problem in and of itself.
    The Republicans are indeed a problem, and we're not sure what to do about it.
  • That probably wouldn't work, given the size of America, a criminal gang with that much influence would probably be a major problem in and of itself.
    The Republicans are indeed a problem, and we're not sure what to do about it.
    I wouldn't compare the Republicans to the Yakuza.

    The Yakuza have standards.
  • Ba dum tish! Well played.

    It's not just a case of testicles, though. The deck definately has to be stacked in the right's favour if people are willing to just straight-up overlook their blatently illegal activities but call the left out on regular, everyday political tactics.
  • The Republicans are indeed a problem, and we're not sure what to do about it.
    Their constituency is also a problem.

    Solution: enlightened despotism. Nobody gets to vote.
  • Solution: enlightened despotism. Nobody gets to vote.
    Problem: One smart leader revolutionizes a society overnight, advancing it leaps and bounds. One bad leader destroys everything.

    The best the Romans were ever able to manage were the so-called "five great Emperors." Most enlightened despots last but a single ruler's lifespan. Once installed, how to you ensure that one's work is not undone? More importantly, how do you install the first despot?

    I do feel that, by and large, the American people are ill equipped for their current form of Democracy. But I see no safe way to displace it, nor any reasonable way to equip them properly, the power to do so being held by the system itself.
  • it still boggles my mind that it's progressed to the point where one side holds the other in a virtual stranglehold.
    The Democratic party would be lucky if, between the lot of them, they could muster a single testicle, sad and bald.
    Anthony Weiner says hello.
  • Anthony Weiner says hello.
    So two golden testicles, and a tiny collective one, sad and bald. Sum total: 2.1 testicles.
  • Sum total: 2.1 testicles.
    Whoa whoa whoa. Giving the Democratic party 0.1 testicles is totally unfair.

    You could do a hell of a lot more with 0.1 testicle.

    No, I think they have precisely 0.05 Shinji of spine.
  • I would've thought that the Shinji would be a unit wherein the more you have, the worse it is.
  • Sum total: 2.1 testicles.
    Whoa whoa whoa. Giving the Democratic party 0.1 testicles is totally unfair.

    You could do a hell of a lot more with 0.1 testicle.

    No, I think they have precisely 0.05 Shinji of spine.
    Shinji is a sex obsessed, self-loathing adolescent, and therefore a republican. :D
  • I would've thought that the Shinji would be a unit wherein the more you have, the worse it is.
    No, no, because Shinji himself only starts with 0.5 Shinji of spine. By the end of the show, he grows to 1 full Shinji.

    1 Shinji is about 1/1000th of a Roger Smith.
  • I'm sure you all will be shocked, SHOCKED I say to find out that Scott Walker (R) of Wisconsin was lying out his ass when he said the state was broke. Then he used the fake brokeness of the state to attack unions.
    Do republicans not realize we can do things like check facts and look back at what they said?
  • Do republicans not realize we can do things like check facts and look back at what they said?
    No, they're fully aware. Their base, however, isn't, so the point is moot.
  • edited April 2011
    Do republicans not realize we can do things like check facts and look back at what they said?
    Yeah, I agree with Rym that they probably do realize this, but they also know that no one cares. It's so very frustrating.

    Watergate was big, big news. People were outraged and they talked about it constantly. However, I truly believe that, if it happened now, no one would care.

    Is it our new toys? Is it because we've grown tolerant of corruption and mendacity from our elected officials? Something else? As I said, it's just very frustrating. We have this system of government that could and should work pretty well if we'd just use it right, but we don't seem to be interested in doing that.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Is it our new toys? Is it because we've grown tolerant of corruption and mendacity from our elected officials? Something else? As I said, it's just very frustrating. We have this system of government that could and should work pretty well if we'd just use it right, but we don't seem to be interested in doing that.
    No, it's because during Watergate there were only three TV networks. Modern society is suffering from information overload. They are bombarded, so they retreat to the safety of "ignorance is bliss."
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