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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • So, Obama's long form birth certificate was released.
  • So, Obama's long form birth certificate was released.
    You mean the forged great Illuminati created birth certificate of the Kenyan usurper.
  • edited April 2011
    Did you know that liberal women are getting abortions just to be on a level playing field with lesbians? I know it's true because Pat Robertson said it.
    Someone needs to write an alternate history novel about what would have happened if Pat Robertson had been elected president in 1988. He campaigned for the Republican nomination, you know.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • So, Obama's long form birth certificate was released.
    I'm sure this will put all controversy about his place of birth to bed forever.
  • edited April 2011
    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called the issue a distraction — and yet blamed Obama for playing campaign politics by addressing it.

    “The president ought to spend his time getting serious about repairing our economy,” Priebus said. “Unfortunately his campaign politics and talk about birth certificates is distracting him from our number one priority — our economy.”
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Step one: distract idiots with baseless and irrelevant attacks.
    Step two: blame victim for refuting baseless and irrelevant attacks.
    Step three: destroy America.
  • edited April 2011
    If the whole birth certificate thing was a distraction, and Obama's response was a distraction, then isn't calling the response a distraction an even bigger distraction?

    In any case, I doubt Obama will spend any more time on this issue.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • And I still laugh at the irony that the nation of immigrants requires birth citizenship to become president.
  • And I still laugh at the irony that the nation of immigrants requires birth citizenship to become president.
    I laugh at the irony that the nation of immigrants has immigration laws.
  • In any case, I doubt Obama will spend any more time on this issue.
    I wish he had just continued ignoring it. This gives the issue more credibility than it ever deserved. The only way to win is not to play.
  • In any case, I doubt Obama will spend any more time on this issue.
    I wish he had just continued ignoring it. This gives the issue more credibility than it ever deserved. The only way to win is not to play.
    I don't think so. Considering the recent poll results suggesting roughly half of Republicans already believed Obama was born outside the U.S., I think the certificate should do more good than it does harm.

    With this, anyone who continues to deny Obama's citizenship is just going to look even more crazy in the eyes of sane people, including the saner Republicans.
  • edited April 2011
    That's already the case, though. Sane people already look down on birthers. It doesn't matter.

    Facts mean nothing in the face of doctrine. People don't want accurate information, they want validation for the views they already hold. If a piece of information doesn't line up to the worldview, it is discarded. A logical fallacy or obvious lie that supports your position will be accepted at face value because it is essentially a metaphorical pat on the head for holding the "correct" view. It pushes the button in your brain that makes you feel smarter than everyone, which is a huge ego boost. An idea that disagrees with your beliefs is a personal attack, and similarly triggers an anger response that smothers rational analysis of the information. The Republican Party has become very good at using this basic structure of the human psyche; they hook them early with their constant blitz on the airwaves and community, reinforce it through patriotic, religious and emotional appeals, and as a result they have a base that will, essentially, self-regulate thoughtcrime.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited April 2011
    Considering the recent poll results suggesting roughly half of Republicans already believed Obama is an uppity east coast Yankee n****r who hates America.
    You just can't say that anymore (since the lame stream media is run by politically correct Jews who want to abort the baby Jesus) so you have to find something else. /sarcasm
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited April 2011
    That's already the case, though. Sane people already look down on birthers.
    I didn't say this wasn't the case. However, the question is how many, and how much? How many people are on the edge?
    Facts mean nothing in the face of doctrine.
    Every additional fact serves to widen the gap between the people who will ignore it, and those who will not. The more this gulf grows, the less the sane people can associate with the crazy ones in any way at all, and the less people can remain sitting on the edge.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited April 2011
    Absolutely hands-down the BIGGEST BELL-END IN THE WORLD:
    Dude sure knows how to charlatan.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • If you guessed that it would take seconds for birthers to move the goal posts after Obama released his birth certificate, you'd be right. More hilarious is that Trump is taking credit.
  • If you guessed that it would take seconds for birthers to move the goal posts after Obama released his birth certificate, you'd be right. More hilarious is that Trump is taking credit.
    Yea, it didn't convince any of the few birthers in my circle.. :-p Hopefully it convinced people who were leaning and not true believers.
  • Hopefully it convinced people who were leaning and not true believers.
    I don't think it affected any single person's opinion on anything.
  • edited April 2011
    I don't think it affected any single person's opinion on anything.
    You'd be surprised how many disengaged people that hear stuff and start thinking "that might be true" and then when someone presents something like this they kinda just drop the subject. We just know a lot of really engaged people...

    but you are right, anyone who was making noise before is still making noise they just like even dumber now., which is great.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
    The daily show was awesome last night!
  • edited April 2011
    The daily show was awesome last night!
    I have it DVR'ed from tonight - we get it day after - but if Stewart is running a bit on this, I'll have to watch it now, instead of later, make sure I don't repeat any more jokes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Brilliant GOP plan!

    Step 1: Act like farking morons for two years
    Step 2: Get shut down by President
    Step 3: Complain that he didn't shut you down soon enough

    That is farking brilliant right there. And people say the Republican Party is anti-intellectual?
  • I don't think it affected any single person's opinion on anything.
    Nope. The derp is still going strong.
  • I don't think it affected any single person's opinion on anything.
    Nope. The derp is still going strong.
    Well, if it isn't another trivially disproved point where they'll move the goalposts yet again if it is.
  • They keep complaining about the goalposts being moved. Real problem, you have no control over the location of the goalposts.
  • Let's be honest. This issue isn't about where he was born or the such, it's just racism.
  • Let's be honest. This issue isn't about where he was born or the such, it's just racism.
    *gasp* a shocking revelation!
  • Let's be honest. This issue isn't about where he was born or the such, it's just racism.
    I wouldn't call it entirely racism. A lot of it could be hyper-partisanship where they're grasping on whatever straws they can find to bash Obama because he's a Democrat. That said, I'm sure at the very least a substantial number of the birthers are in fact racist.
  • I wouldn't call it entirely racism. A lot of it could be hyper-partisanship where they're grasping on whatever straws they can find to bash Obama because he's a Democrat. That said, I'm sure at the very least a substantial number of the birthers are in fact racist.
    Sorry but when even Michelle Bachmann says to drop the issue of where he was born, it's no longer even a hyper-partisanship issue.
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