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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited April 2011
    Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the genius lawyers who claimed this:
    According to Mario Apuzzo, the attorney who argued the Kerchner vs. Obama case, and the lead plaintiff, retired Navy Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, the documentation reveals that Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan national subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom, was the father when Barack Obama Jr. was born.

    That, they say, would disqualify Obama because of the Founders' requirement in the Constitution that a president be a "natural born Citizen," commonly understood during the era of the beginnings of the United States to mean a citizen offspring of two citizen parents.
    Is entirely inaccurate because that would make NOBODY a citizen since EVERYBODY had an ancestor who was an immigrant at some point. Also, if I recall my high school social studies correctly, all you need to be born an American citizen is to be born on American soil. Your parents don't matter.
    Hell, that's why they keep complaining about 'anchor babies'. This is a perfect example of right wing crazies trying to have it both ways.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Is entirely inaccurate because that would make NOBODY a citizen since EVERYBODY had an ancestor who was an immigrant at some point.
    Not true. Native Americans would be considered natural-born citizens.

    Personally, I would find it hilarious if rich white men managed to make it so that the people they subjugated became their rulers. Delicious payback. And I'm not even Native American.
  • Is entirely inaccurate because that would make NOBODY a citizen since EVERYBODY had an ancestor who was an immigrant at some point.
    Not true. Native Americans would be considered natural-born citizens.

    Personally, I would find it hilarious if rich white men managed to make it so that the people they subjugated became their rulers. Delicious payback. And I'm not even Native American.

  • It was only a matter of time...
  • No shit, your values were set up to lose. They lose to time! Because that's what society does, it progresses. I guess if you are horrified by what is in Glee, your values deserve to lose.
    Why am I arguing with Glen Beck? That's silly.
  • edited April 2011
    I really like the way he's watching Glee on an old-timey TV. Beautiful juxtaposition. Tug at the heartstrings of old conservatives everywhere and keep harping on that fear of change. It just asks: "Is this what we want? Is this for the best? Remember when things were different? Weren't those times better?"

    A magnificent act of trolling. 11/10.

    Now kindly die in a fire and stop ruining my country.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Now kindly die in a fire and stop ruining my country.
    Symptom, not cause. ;^)
  • edited April 2011
    I would still be okay with watching Glenn Beck be on fire.

    Highest ratings ever.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • THROW YOUR TVS OUT THE WINDOW....! ...but make sure you drag it back inside every day at 5:00 and watch me.


    A little butthurt over getting canned from that evil TV, hm?
  • Symptom, not cause. ;^)
    Get rid of enough symptoms and it's good enough. One step at a time.
  • edited April 2011
    If Glenn Beck caught fire tommorow, there would be a replacement far-right idiots spewing garbage on television by Tuesday, because the market exists for paranoid far-right idiots spewing garbage on television.

    What's more, Beck would be spun into a martyr for his cause by his supporters, even if he caught fire due to friction while having poorly lubricated anal sex, while pissing on a picture of Reagan and authenticating Obama's birth certificate. They would just say it's satire or something, like when he killed a frog in boiling water on television to make a point.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • If Glenn Beck caught fire tommorow, there would be a replacement idiot by Tuesday, because the market exists for paranoid far-right idiots spewing garbage on television.

    What's more, Beck would be spun into a martyr for his cause by his supporters, even if he caught fire due to friction while having poorly lubricated anal sex, while pissing on a picture of Reagan and authenticating Obama's birth certificate. They would just say it's satire or something, like when he killed a frog in boiling water on television to make a point.
    To be fair, he didn't actually kill a frog. He just thought that pretending to kill an animal on live television would be funny. This is also why there are no right-wing comedians who are actually funny.
  • Wasn't that just a case of covering his ass? Sure, he reassured everyone it was a rubber frog, after dropping the frog in, noticing it was quite dead, and cutting to commercial suddenly.
  • Wasn't that just a case of covering his ass? Sure, he reassured everyone it was a rubber frog, after dropping the frog in, noticing it was quite dead, and cutting to commercial suddenly.
    I remember reading some non-biased and left-leaning news sources that said that, while they'd love to castrate Beck for killing a frog, it was actually a fake frog he threw in, and the camera footage of him picking up a fake frog was taken earlier.
  • edited April 2011
    Does anyone else find it odd that the show Beck was botching about is shown by FOX? That way, FOX plays both sides of the fence.

    FOX: Watch us for our "subversive" dramedies or our "balanced" news. We still laugh all the way to the bank.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Suck it Trump!
  • Suck it Trump!
    You can't use that intro music unless you tear your shirt off and cup your hand around your ear to amplify the sound of the crowd screaming.
  • I watched that this morning, soooo hilarious. The whole thing.
  • edited May 2011
    Holy shit.. he did it. (Well the military did it by dropping the bomb)
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited May 2011
    The president ought to spend his time getting serious about repairing our economy. Unfortunately his campaign politics and talk about killing bin Laden is distracting him from our number one priority — our economy.

    [Predicted Tea Party response]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Obama: Great president or greatest president?
  • Peter King (R) says we got the information from waterboarding. Also starts giving credit to Bush for authorizing waterboarding which gave information leading to Osama's location. Specifically, he said that Khalid Sheik Mohammud, who was waterboarded over a hundred and fifty times, was the one who gave up the information.
    Except, as expected, it's entirely untrue.
  • You know it's bullshit when it involves Orly Taitz.
  • You know it's bullshit when it involves Orly Taitz.
    O rly?
  • The force that got Osama Bin Laden was a special task force called section 6. I listened to the NHK report, which called them "Tokushuu butai dairokka" which sounds almost identical to the term for Section Nine in Ghost in the Shell. I have been picturing Batou and the Major shooting Bin Laden ever since.
  • edited May 2011
    DEVGRU are some bad dudes... Probably more similar to the military outfit the Major ran during WWIV Batou's old unit, the JGSDF Rangers.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • The force that got Osama Bin Laden was a special task force called section 6. I listened to the NHK report, which called them "Tokushuu butai dairokka" which sounds almost identical to the term for Section Nine in Ghost in the Shell. I have been picturing Batou and the Major shooting Bin Laden ever since.
    Technically, it's Navy SEAL Team 6, although that's just the old/unofficial name of the group (the name was retired back in 1987). Their current/official name is the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group or "DEVGRU" for short.
  • DEVGRU are some bad dudes... Probably more similar to the military outfit the Major ran during WWIV
    They are bad enough dudes to rescue the President from ninjas!
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