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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I hate my state sometimes.
    Don't take this the wrong way, but between this and the Westbro Baptist Church, I sometimes hate your state too.
  • I hate my state sometimes.
    Don't take this the wrong way, but between this and the Westbro Baptist Church, I sometimes hate your state too.
    Don't take the current news too badly. I've always hated your state. ;^)
  • edited June 2011
    I hate my state sometimes.
    Time to scratch another state off the list of places I consider states.

    I mean, if you just going to annihilate the rights of people guaranteed under federal law, why should I consider you a part of the union?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I mean, if you just going to annihilate the rights of people guaranteed under federal law, why should I consider you a part of the union?
    Well, Texas has REALLY good barbecue.
  • I mean, if you just going to annihilate the rights of people guaranteed under federal law, why should I consider you a part of the union?
    Well, Texas has REALLY good barbecue.
    Really good BBQ can still be made by morally bankrupt incompetent racist religious fanatics. Besides, we have Dinosaur BBQ here in NY. Nothing else matters.
  • Really good BBQ can still be made by morally bankrupt incompetent racist religious fanatics. Besides, we have Dinosaur BBQ here in NY. Nothing else matters.
    Says the man who has never stood on the beach as the sun is setting, on christmas day, with meat roasting on a spit over a firepit nearby, with music and dancing and such all around. Now THAT is good barbecue.
  • edited June 2011
    Hey alaska has a lot going for it and they've at least been smart enough to not elect that joe Miller dude.

    On top of that, Kansas should have been on your list a LONG time ago.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Says the man who has never stood on the beach as the sun is setting, on christmas day, with meat roasting on a spit over a firepit nearby, with music and dancing and such all around. Now THAT is good barbecue.
    Listening to Cat Empire and reading these sentences combined, I have a fierce desire to be in Australia at the moment. ;^)
  • Elections in America are won and lost based on charisma and rhetoric, not policy and reality.
    Could someone frame this statement to explain how George Bush Jr was elected? Twice?

    I'm not trying to make the argument that Bush's policies or realities were any better than his charisma or rhetoric. I'm just a touch confused at how the chosen dichotomy represents the full space of election wins.
  • edited June 2011
    Could someone frame this statement to explain how George Bush Jr was elected? Twice?
    Well, its pretty well established that he DIDN'T win the first election and that it pays to have family appointing the people arbitrating your recount.

    It also helps that he was the guy that the people who owned the Media wanted to win and so bent over backwards to portray him in as positive a light as possible, like the photo ops where people said they'd "want to have a beer with Bush over Gore" or times when Bush knew to order a cheesesteak "wiz wit" and people acted like it was a moment to rival "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall".
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Listen, if a motherfucker orders a cheesesteak with SWISS CHEESE then he's not my fucking president and that's that.
  • Well, its pretty well established that he DIDN'T win the first election and that it pays to have family appointing the people arbitrating your recount.

    It also helps that he was the guy who would the people who owned the Media wanted to win and so bent over backwards to portray him in as positive a light as possible, like there were tons of photo ops where people said they'd "want to have a beer with Bush over Gore" or times when Bush knew to order a cheesesteak "wiz wit" and people acted like it was a moment to rival "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall".
    Elections in America are won and lost based on charisma and rhetoric or cheating or money and media, not policy and reality.
  • With respect to all politics, ultimately I must say:

    I'm 12 years old and what is this?
  • edited June 2011
    Well, its pretty well established that he DIDN'T win the first election and that it pays to have family appointing the people arbitrating your recount.
    Yeah, and Ralph Nader could have made it an easy win if he'd have just listened to Michael Moore, Right?

    Face it. A Gore win was impossible without a recount of the Overvotes, which Gore didn't ask for and wasn't going to be done, because they're null votes, informal, spoilt, invalid, whatever you want to call them. On all of the recounts that Gore DID ask for, Bush wins, unless they used only a single strict standard of counting, where only a fully punched hole counts, Gore wins by a staggering estimated...Three votes, which is considered within the margin or error, and I'd think would simply cause another recount - though I can't remember if it would be a recount under the same standard or a loser standard, but if it went to a loser standard, it'd produce a Bush victory.
    At the very least, it was the Florida supreme court that ordered the recount, and the US supreme court that halted it.

    Ain't all that a shock? It seems that some fucker - propably a rich film maker - forgot to mention that in the undervotes, there would be votes for Bush, too. In fact, More votes for bush were thrown out than votes for Gore. In fact, if the US supreme court hadn't stopped the recount, It seems that bush would have won - under the standards called for by the Florida Supreme court - by about 500 votes.

    By the way - here's a pretty comprehensive and definitive study by the American Statistical Association. (PDF link)

    So...That's a lot of corruption to have managed to subvert the voting system across four counties within a state, the supreme court of that state, the recount staff, and the supreme court of the US. So, With the amount of time we've had after that election, surely you'd think that evidence would have arisen that provided enough for a successful legal challenge of the election result? Surely some investigation would have shown if the machines responsible for the recount had been tampered with to give a bush result in that time? Surely, if he was that hated, he would have been voted out in 2004?

    And surely, with the amount of people that hated bush, and how unpopular he was, and how many people wanted him out of office someone, somewhere, should have been able to bring together at least enough evidence to cause a hassle.

    I dislike the guy as much as the next man - provide the next man dislikes him for things he actually did, not Michael Moore conspiracy theory Fantasies. Though, everyone is going to accuse me of the exact opposite position anyway, but I'm at peace with that.

    Just remember - telling lies is equally unacceptable, no matter if you go for the Republicans like Fox does, or for the Democrats like Moore Does.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just remember - telling lies is equally unacceptable, no matter if you go for the Republicans like Fox does, or for the Democrats like Moore Does.
    Unless your goal is to win an election and you don't get caught in time to prevent that win.

    I'm not talking about right and wrong, I'm talking about power games, which is all politics is. To paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz "Politics is the continuation of war by other means."
  • edited June 2011
    Unless your goal is to win an election and you don't get caught in time to prevent that win.
    Unless you live in a system where a president can be impeached for doing nothing more than having an affair, an entirely legal if somewhat frowned upon past-time, and certainly one that many Americans engage in daily. Face it - If you were able to Impeach Clinton for doing something entirely legal, namely, sticking his dick in an intern, if the evidence was there, you should have been able to fuck off Bush for stealing an election - something highly illegal - so don't try to piss in my glass and tell me it's chardonnay.

    Well, bad way to put it, I'm sorry - first, while it arose from fucking interns, he was actually impeached for Perjury resulting from that and obstruction of justice, from the investigation of something entirely legal(namely consensual sex), and was later acquitted, but you get my point. However, the point stands - if he had stolen that election, which would be illegal, if there was proof, no matter if he was the president or not, he could be impeached.

    Yet, he was not, and nobody notable even tried, to the best of my knowledge. Why, if the evidence is so apparent that Millions of americans can figure it out, and Michael Moore - the one person you'd think you'd want to keep the evidence away from - did nobody significant even attempt it? If it's as open and shut as many believe, then it would have been a dead certainty to get him out.

    Why Did it not happen, if this is the case?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have heard it argued that because the president is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces that he should technically fall under the military code of justice. As such his affair would be illegal.

    I myself am unsure how valid this line of thought is. Given that he is still considered a civilian I wouldn't think so.
  • Listen, if a motherfucker orders a cheesesteak with SWISS CHEESE then he's not my fucking president and that's that.
    I understand that provalone is the preferred cheese there, but can't I get some melted colby jack love?
  • I myself am unsure how valid this line of thought is. Given that he is still considered a civilian I wouldn't think so.
    It's not. The UCMJ only applies to members of the Uniformed Services of the united states, which the president is not, despite being commander-in-chief of the US armed forces. The US, interestingly, holds a strong tradition of Civilian control of the Military.
  • edited June 2011
    Why Did it not happen, if this is the case?
    There is no law that states "any Congress that does not pursue Impeachment of a President who may have conceivably broken the rules is subject to arrest and/or fines". As a result, impeachment is just another piece in the game of politics, a piece which only the GOP of the 90's has had the clout and the party discipline to use.

    There were people calling foul but in 2000 the GOP was in control of Congress, the Senate and the White House and they all framed the debate as "The Democrats are sore losers who are preventing the US Government from doing its job". Since the Dems relented and there was no popular pressure that couldn't be marginalized and ignored, it didn't matter.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • There is no law that states "any Congress that does not pursue Impeachment of a President who may have conceivably broken the rules is subject to arrest and/or fines". As a result, impeachment is just another piece in the game of politics, a piece which only the GOP of the 90's has had the clout and the party discipline to use.
    If you had actual evidence, then it'd be pretty hard to play politic games without pretty much inciting open revolt. Saying "Oh, the GOP controlled the government" is one (correct) thing, but "The GOP controlled the government, which means they could prevent the president being impeached for committing possibly the greatest crime against democracy ever seen" is an entirely different thing. There is only so much they can do, after all.

    On top of that - the evidence is still against the "Bush stole the election" conclusion.
  • We need more senators like this.
    “You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing,” McDonald, 64, told reporters. “You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. “I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this.”
  • We need more senators like this.

    “You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing,” McDonald, 64, told reporters. “You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. “I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this.”
    He'll just get caught in a sex scandal as all the awesome NY politicians do.
  • edited June 2011
    Also, considering 95% of his campaign funding seems to come from the GOP, he probably wasn't just playing the blue collar bad ass when he said "They can take the job and shove it".
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Dear Tea-Partiers,
    Stop pretending you're not a bunch of ignorant racist fear-mongering thugs.
    Everybody else.
    Future reference: The Associated Press says the tea party is not a recognized organization, only a grass roots movement, and is not an official party of any sort. Lowercase the fucker unless it's part of a proper noun (i.e., New York Tea Party Local 115).

    I don't bring this up to nitpick; I bring it up because it really pisses off tea partiers, and I like that.
  • Dear Tea-Partiers,
    Stop pretending you're not a bunch of ignorant racist fear-mongering thugs.
    Everybody else.
    Oh holy shit, how do you deal with that level of derp?
  • Oh holy shit, how do you deal with that level of derp?
    Convince them that voter registration is a government scam to get their personal information so that they can be rounded up into FEMA concentration camps once the New World Order Euro Liberal Government takes power.
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