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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I take exception with the title rename. Note that we've discussed Democrats in this thread as well. Wiener, I'm looking at you.
  • Wiener, I'm looking at you.
    Don't be too hard on him. He was a good and decent politician who didn't do anything exceptionally bad, he just made a poor decision, just like you and I have done many times before. I will say that this is the first time I've thought a sex scandal should be in the news, because the puns practically make themselves.
  • edited June 2011
    I take exception with the title rename. Note that we've discussed Democrats in this thread as well. Wiener, I'm looking at you.
    Andrew what you do in the privacy of your own home...
    Wiener, I'm looking at you.
    Don't be too hard on him.
    *rim shot*
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Wiener, I'm looking at you.
    Don't be too hard on him.
    *rim shot*
    I told you the puns make themselves. I didn't mean to do that or anything, but it snuck itself in there.
  • Don't be too hard on him. He was a good and decent politician who didn't do anything exceptionally bad, he just made a poor decision, just like you and I have done many times before. I will say that this is the first time I've thought a sex scandal should be in the news, because the puns practically make themselves.
    Whether you like it or not, he still lied. Quite egregiously actually. Even though Wiener stood up in front of naked affronts to the political system in the past, this time he came up quite flacid.
  • I can't get worked up about it. I should, because a person who is in control of our country was untruthful, but I am still plagued with indifference.
  • Yes, but my method both gets the job done and is ethical.
    So how would you get people energized for endless wars, the intentional stratifying of society and the total destruction of any social safety nets (that aren't bailouts for billionaires) without lying or hyperbole?
  • I can't get worked up about it. I should, because a person who is in control of our country was untruthful, but I am still plagued with indifference.
    I honestly don't give a shit, but this is my very point with the title, it's not just Republicans who lie.
  • Yes, but my method both gets the job done and is ethical.
    So how would you get people energized for endless wars, the intentional stratifying of society and the total destruction of any social safety nets (that aren't bailouts for billionaires) without lying or hyperbole?
    If your position has no merits, no bright spots, nothing to root for... perhaps it's time to change position, don't you think?
  • it's not just Republicans who lie.
    They all lie. But Republicans have lied systematically in order to push a specific, harmful agenda. At least the Democrats never accomplish enough for their lies to matter in the first place. ;^)
  • They all lie. But Republicans have lied systematically in order to push a specific, harmful agenda. At least the Democrats never accomplish enough for their lies to matter in the first place. ;^)
    I just need a place where I can bitch equally about our government, not just a subset.
  • edited June 2011
    I have to say, if there's one party that's seen a significant partisan slant and rise in general insanity, it's not the democratic one.

    Nope, they're still pussies.
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • If your position has no merits, no bright spots, nothing to root for... perhaps it's time to change position, don't you think?
    If I could live in the magical world of Narnia I would but unfortunately I'm stuck on this mud ball reality.
  • I just need a place where I can bitch equally about our government, not just a subset.
    The Democrats represent inertia. But the Republicans actively oppose nearly every political ideal I have. I have relatively little to thus complain about on the Democratic platform, as the only alternative is active evil.
  • edited June 2011
    I just need a place where I can bitch equally about our government, not just a subset.
    The Democrats represent inertia. But the Republicans actively oppose nearly every political ideal I have. I have relatively little to thus complain about on the Democratic platform, as the only alternative is active evil.
    The Democrats talk about change and inertia, but where is the true change that has actually come about? They passed the Bush tax cuts, their Healthcare plan is fairly paltry, we are STILL engaged on a multi-front war, and very little has changed in terms of the parliamentary bullshit that occurs everyday in the beltway.

    Besides, evil is a relative term. The differences between our two party's platforms are few. The number of true disagreements can probably be counted on a single hand.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Besides, evil is a relative term. The differences between our two party's platforms are few.
    But the Democrats will slowly pass half-assed legislation paid for by lobbyists. The Republicans will do the same while gutting social services and refusing to raise taxes.
  • The differences between our two party's platforms are few. The number of true disagreements can probably be counted on a single hand.
  • The differences between our two party's platforms are few. The number of true disagreements can probably be counted on a single hand.
    unnecessarily long HAHAH
    Name 6 (I'm genuinely interested)
  • Women's rights, support of welfare, gay marriage, military draw-downs, DADT, collective bargaining rights, market controls, environmental protectionism, science versus religion in education, education funding....
  • Name 6 (I'm genuinely interested)
    Interesting hands you've got there.
  • Interesting hands you've got there.
    6 = 5 + 1 = 1 more than a single hand. Sounds like he has normal hands to me.
  • edited June 2011
    Women's rights, support of welfare, gay marriage, military draw-downs, DADT, collective bargaining rights, market controls, environmental protectionism, science versus religion in education, education funding....
    Do we have to continue listing? I got more.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Do we have to continue listing? I got more.
    Yes please. Also, what's this bullshit about women's rights? What have the come up with this time?
  • What have the come up with this time?
    The party is against abortion rights, for one.
  • edited June 2011
    Nuclear Weapons, Role of the UN, Negotiations with enemies, torture, Abortion, Flag burning (Free Speech), Tax policy, Economic policy... I can get real specific if you want and keep going.

    The problem is most people and politicians are not pure conservative and liberal as defined in the US. So when some democrats happen to be conservative on some issues and liberal on others people start saying "What's the difference between democrats and republicans". It depends a lot on the individual politician.

    A good example of this is the Tea Party (conservative neoliberal republicans) are pretty much burning any republican who is not ideologically pure. Thus the republicans are becoming more conservative with less "liberal" policies, while the democrats continue to be a pretty big tent party with various views.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Yes please. Also, what's this bullshit about women's rights? What have the come up with this time?
    There was just a case where a woman found out for 40 years she had been paid less then men for the same job and education. When she brought it to court they said the statue of limitations had run out but she hadn't had access to the information until then. So the democrats put forth a bill that allowed women to fight for equal wages if they found out after the statue of limitation ran out if they think it was gender discrimination (or any discrimination in fact) Republicans were of course against it...
  • The party is against abortion rights, for one.
    Don't forget planned parenthood. Women should wear all STDs as a badge of honor, fuck that medical nonsense.
  • And cervical cancer! It's your own fault for being a filthy woman who has sex. There must be CONSEQUENCES!
  • "Wives, obey your husbands." The Bible says so. And of course, that's relevant in a modern context.
  • edited June 2011
    Another example of Republicans vs. Women's rights:
    It is a somewhat common practice that some big companies have employees sign agreements that sexual assault cases that happen at work must be settled in arbitration and can not be settled in court. In other words, it prevents the company from being sued if their employees get raped at the workplace. Last year, Al Franken brought up an amendment to a defense appropriations bill that would prevent the government from making contracts with companies that engage in this practice. While the amendment passed, it was only 5 male Republicans that voted for it while 30 male republicans voted against it. All female Republicans voted for the amendment of course. However, even something that should be quite easily and universally supported by everybody gets so little support from the Republican party. Quite unbelievable.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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